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1、中学生VOA英语阅读之脱口秀:美国数学题,孩子大人都懵了Colbert Report on Common CoreWelcome back, everybody! Thanks so much, now nation. If you watch this show, and youve been following the news and know whats going on in this nation, it is no secret that Barrack Obama wants to indoctrinate our students with his socialist age

2、nda. Ive even heard the disturbing rumor that kinder gardeners are being forced to share. Thats why Ive long opposed to common core curriculum which says uniform education standard across all 50 states.欢迎大家回来!谢谢大家。 如果你们一直在观看本节目,而且你们一直在关注新闻,知道在这个国家正发生着什么, 那么就一定知道奥巴马想给我们的学生们灌输他的社会主义方案。我甚至听说了一则令人不安的消息,

3、幼儿园的孩子们被要求去和他人分享。这就是我一直反对核心课程计划的原因,核心课程计划的目标是统一所有50个州的教育水平。No way, Mr., different states have different values. I dont want my kid ending up in Colorado drug education course which classifies weeds and condiment, and what are these kids worried about? Just look at this math question from a common co

4、re homework sheet.不可能的, 总统先生, 每个州有每个州的价值观。 我不想让我的小孩去上科罗拉多州的毒品教育课程,去学习给大麻和佐料归类。 而孩子们在担心什么呢? 来看看这道从核心课程计划家庭作业单里选出的数学题。Jack used the number line below to solve 427-316, find his error, then write a letter to Jack telling him what he did right, and what he should do to fix this mistake. Thats a great qu

5、estion, teaches two important work place skills, math and passive aggressive note writing. Its gonna come handy. We all know its gonna come handy when you have to leave proper notes about proper yoghurt adequate in the break room fridge.杰克用下面的数轴去算427减去316,找出他的错误, 然后写一封信给杰克告诉他他做对了哪部分, 哪部分他需要改正。 这是一道非

6、常好的数学题, 教了两个非常重要的工作技能, 数学和消极攻击性的便笺写作。 这非常的有用。我们都知道这非常的有用,尤其是当我们需要给那些在休息室冰箱里拿走我们酸奶的人留纸条的时候。folks that word problem could be easier to solve, all you have to do is to check semi-circle on the two sides of arrow,put the numbers bing bang math. Its same thing I do when I get check in the restaurant, dra

7、w bunches of shapes and tell the waitress to find my error.朋友们, 那道题更容易解决, 你所需要做的是检查箭头两边的半圆, 把数字套进去就可以了。当我在餐厅买单的时候我也是这么做的,画出很多的形状,然后让服务员找出我的错误。And I for one do not see why kids arent nailing, total game is like this next question, “ Mike saw 17 blue cars and 25 green cars at the toy store.How many ca

8、rs did he see? Write a number sentence with a grey box for the missing number, explain how the number sentence shows the problem.” Thats easy, and for some reason you dont know what number sentence is, Im sure you could use word equation or formula paragraph. And there is proof, there is hard proof

9、that common core is already opening our childrens minds to new ways of thinking.我看不出孩子们不够好的原因,让我们看下一道题,“迈克在玩具店看到17辆蓝车和25辆绿车。他一共看见多少辆车?写出一道数字句子,用一个灰盒子代替未知数,解释这道数字句子是如何表明问题的。”这很简单, 但不知为何你却不知道什么是数字句子,我确定你可以用字方程或公式段。 这里有证明,强烈证明了核心课程计划已经为我们的孩子们打开新思路了。Just look at this actual answer to that question givin

10、g by California second grader, 17 plus 25, equals 42, I got the answer by talking in my brain and I agreed of the answer that my brain got. In fact, that is the same answer I agreed of in my brain talk. Folks, this child is a bright future,he is only in second grade, and can already clearly explain

11、what it feels like to think. Now we just need to get him explain what that feels like to whoever wrote the common core questions.We will be right back.就来看一下这个来自加利福尼亚二年级学生的回答,“17加25, 等于42, 我通过思考得到答案, 并且我同意大脑给出的答案。”实际上, 这也是我的大脑得出的答案。朋友们, 这孩子是我们光明的未来, 他只有二年级, 就已经能清晰的表达出思考是一种什么样的感觉。 现在,我们只需要让他阐述下对这些核心课程

12、题目的想法。 我们一会儿见。单词及例句详解1 indoctrinate ndktrnet向灌输(信仰),教导;例句1.The writer wants toindoctrinatethe readers with the idea.作者想把这种想法灌输给读者。2 socialist sulist社会主义者;例句1.China is asocialistcountry, and a developing country as well.中国是一个社会主义国家,也是一个发展中国家。2.Hersocialistbeliefs were born of a hatred of injustice.她的

13、社会主义信念来自她对社会上不公平现象的痛恨。3.This organization espouses thesocialistphilosophy.这个组织支持社会主义哲学。3 agenda dend议事日程;待议诸事项一览表;日常工作事项;议程( agendum的名词复数 );例句1.An item of prominence on the conferenceagendawas infant health care.会议议程上的一项重要议题是婴儿保健。2.Lets go on to the next item on theagenda.我们讨论议程表上的下一项吧。3.Let us go o

14、n to the next item on theagenda.让我们继续讨论议程上的下一个项目。4 disturbing dst:bnsz烦扰的;令人不安的;例句1.Fluorescence fiber temperature sensor may accomplish to measure temperature in different instances, especially under electromagnetism disturbing.荧光光纤测温技术可以应用在不同工作的情况下,尤其是电磁干扰下的温度测量。2.He has had somedisturbingexperien

15、ce.他有过一些使他很不安的经历。3.I wouldnt think ofdisturbingthem at this hour of the night.我不能想象这样深更半夜去打扰他们。5 rumor ru:m(美)传闻;古名誉;咕哝;古喧嚷;例句1.Theres a rumor floating about to that rumor arrived on the train from Milledgeville this morning.已经有这样的谣言在到处流传了,那是在今天早晨从米列奇维尔开来的火车上传出来的。2.Despite persistent denials, therumorcontinued to spread.尽管一再否认,谣言还是不胫而走。3.Arumorwent forth that the price of eggs would be raised soon.谣传近期鸡蛋要涨价。6kinder英 knd(r) 美 kndr adj.较慈祥的; 较体贴的; 较友好的; 较宽容的例句1.The dying ma



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