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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上unit+2-part+b-shawshank+redemption-1My wife used to say Im a hard man to know. Like a closed book. Complained about it all the time. She was beautiful.and I loved her. But I guess I couldnt show it enough. I killed her, Red.我妻子曾说我是个难于理解的人,像一本合着的书,她总在抱怨。她很美,我爱她,但是也许我表示的不够。是我杀了她,瑞德。I didn

2、t pull the trigger. But I drove her away. Thats why she died. Because of me, the way I am.不是我开的枪,但是我把她赶走的,那是她死去的原因。因为我,因为我那样对她。That dont make you a murderer. Bad husband, maybe.那你并不是凶手,顶多是个不好的丈夫。Feel bad about it if you want. But you didnt pull the trigger.你可以为此难过,但不是你开的枪。No. I didnt. Someone else d

3、id, and I wound up here. Bad luck, I guess.是的,不是我开的。别人杀了她,我却在这里受罪。我想是运气不好吧。It floats around. Has to land on somebody. Say a storm comes through. Some folks sit in their living rooms and enjoy the rain. The house next door gets torn out of the ground and smashed flat. It was my turn, thats all. I was

4、 in the path of the tornado. I just expected the storm would go on as long as it has. Think youll ever get out of here?它一旦来临,就一定会降临到某个人的身上。比如一场暴雨来临,有些人在他们的卧室里坐着享受,隔壁却被折磨、摧毁。这次轮上了我,就这样。我碰到了这场龙卷风,只是没想到时间会这么长。你想过离开这儿吗?Me?Yeah,one day,When I got a long white beard and about three marbles left rolling ar

5、ound upstairs.我?当然。有一天,等到我长着长长的白胡子的时候,等到我老糊涂的时候。Tell you where Id go. Zihuatanejo.“ ”告诉你我会去哪儿,泽华塔尼。Zihuatanejo? 泽华塔尼?Mexico. Little place right on the Pacific. You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific? 墨西哥,地处太平洋的一个小地方。你知道墨西哥人是怎样谈论太平洋的吗?No.不知道。They say it has no memory. A warm place with no m

6、emory. Open a little hotel right on the beach. Buy some worthless old boat and fix it up like new. Take my guests out charter fishing. You know, a place like that, Id need a man who can get things.他们说那里没有回忆。在海滩上开一个小旅馆,买些不值钱的旧船翻新,让客人们包船钓鱼。要知道,像这样的地方,我需要一个能找到东西的人。I couldnt hack it on the outside,Andy.

7、 I Been in here most my life. Im an institutional man now. Like Brooks Hatlen was.天!安迪,我外面是混不下去的,在这儿呆得时间太长啦,我现在是一个被制度化了的人,就像老布鲁克斯。You underestimate yourself. 你小看自己了。I dont think so. In here Im the guy who can get it for you. Out there, all you need are Yellow Pages. I wouldnt know where to begin. Pa

8、cific Ocean? Hell. Like to scare me to death, somethin that big.我不这么认为。我在这里是能提供东西的人,在外面,你只需要电话黄页就够了,我可不知道该怎么开始。太平洋?见鬼。那么大的地方,还不把我吓的要死!Not me. I didnt shoot my wife and I didnt shoot her lover, and whatever mistakes I made Ive paid for and then some. That hotel and that boat.I dont think its too much

9、 to want. 不应该这样。我没杀死我的妻子,也没杀死她的情夫,而且无论什么样的错误我已经受到惩罚。旅馆和船,我不认为这有什么难以得到。Goddamn it, Andy, stop! Dont do that to yourself! Talking shitty pipedreams! Mexicos down there, and youre in here, and thats the way it is!天杀的!安迪,停止!别那样想!也别说那些狗屁的白日梦!墨西哥远在天边,而你却在这儿,情况就是这样。Youre right. Its down there, and Im in here. Easy comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living or get busy dying.你说的对,它在那儿,我在这儿。我想是该做选择的时候了,该做了。要么忙着活,要么忙着死。专心-专注-专业


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