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1、第一部分 词海拾趣1.Success n . 成功I wish you success.Congratulations to you on your success.Succeed in doing something 成功的做成某件事If he succeeds in passing the university entrance examination, hell travel abroad.分析下面这句话中succeed 的意思:A silence succeeded his words. (随后,接着)他说完话后,紧接着是一阵沉默。Successful adj. 成功的In a way

2、, hes successful.Unsuccessful successfully(前后缀)2. Disagree with 不同意agree 同意agree with I couldnt agree with you more.I agree with what you said.agree to Do you agree to the plan ?agree on Finally they agreed on that point.( 补充dislike , unlike )3.statement 声明,陈述, 财务报表,财务结算表eg: Do you believe his state

3、ment? 你相信他说的话吗?I get a statement from the bank every month. 我每个月从银行收到一份财务结算表。(构词法 state statement , improve improvement )4. guarantee n , v. 保证,担保,保修under guarantee 在保修期The watch is still under guarantee. 这块手表还在保修期。The TV set has a two-year guarantee. 这台电视保修两年。我们还可以说:The TV set is guaranteed for two

4、 years.I guarantee that youll enjoy yourself. 我保证你会玩的愉快。5.Be similar to .与相似6. Inexactincompleteindependent ( differ, different)depend on依靠,取决于It depends.(意思是还没有确定,视情况而定)7. guesser teacher worker actor employer employee employment cooker8. clue 线索,迹象Have any clues been found? 是否找到了什么线索?(非正式用法not hav

5、e a clue ,不懂,一无所知)-do you know what hes talking about? (你知道他在说什么吗?)-I dont have a clue .( 我什么都不知道)l9.Conclusion n. 结论Be careful not to jump to conclusions.不要草率的下结论。In conclusion, Id like to say how much Ive enjoyed staying here.最后,我想说的是,我在这儿过的多么愉快。10.On Purpose 故意的purposefully11.outline 轮廓,概要,大纲an o

6、utline of history 历史大纲v. 划出。轮廓, 提出。纲要, 略述The director outlined his plans for the companys future. 经理概述了公司未来的计划。第二部分:课文语言点剖析1. Learning a language is easy. 这句话中动名词短语learning a language作主语。又如:Seeing is believing .2.Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree with this statement.试找出句子

7、的主干:此句中who are learning a second language 是定语从句,用来修饰most adults.Would 的用法?3.Hundred, thousand, million, billion 表确数时不用复数形式,表概数时加SEg: a hundred , three hundred , four million ,Hundreds ofThousands of Millions ofBillions of4.be different from与.不同be the same as.与.相同5.Conversely, some people who are suc

8、cessful language learners find it difficult to succeed in other fields.Who 引导了一定从,it 为形式宾语,真正宾语是后面不定式。6.Language teachers often offer advice to language learners,注意offer 的用法:offer sb sth 或者 offer sth to sbadvice 是不可数名词,不能说an advice , 同样也没有词形变化,不能加S。听从某人建议,我们说take/follow ones advice7. practice speaki

9、ng the language every day.Practice doing sthEveryday 与every day 的区别Everyday life 日常生活I watch TV every day. 我每天都看电视。8.Learn as a child would learnAs 引导了一方式状语,像孩子那样。9.first of all 首先,第一secondly 其次finally 最后(阅读时要注意文章的topic sentence,一般在句首或者句尾)10.wait for ,look for / find11.such /so 都翻译成如此,区别何在?看下面的短语,用s

10、uch/so 填空。_aman_akindlady_prettythecarpet_kindalady_badweather_beautifulpictures12.make a mistake 犯错误13.be willing to do sth 愿意做某事不愿做某事的表达方法:be unwilling to do sthbe reluctant to do sth14.when communication is difficult, they can accept the information that is inexact or incomplete.That 引导的定从修饰the i

11、nformationInformation 为不可数名词15. Its more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word.16. Learn from向.学习we should learn from each other.17. you have probably been learning independently, 本句用了现在完成进行时:have ( has) been doing表示从过去开始,一直持续现在仍在进行的动作。例如:It has

12、been raining.18.on the one hand, 一方面on the other hand 另一方面19.If your language learning has been less than successful, you might do well to try some of the techniques outlined above.如果你的语言学习一直都不太成功,你不妨试试上面列出的一些技巧。Less than 是一固定格式,译为 不太.Eg:Were less than happy about the coming exam.我们不太高兴参加即将到来的这场考试。O

13、utlined above 分词短语作定语后置20.Might do well to do sth,最好还是做 ,不妨做.可以与might do sth as well 互换使用,例如:you might do well to try some of the techniques outlined above.可以说成you might try some of the techniques outlined above as well.翻译下面的句子:He hasnt worked hard, he might give it up as well.You might do well to s

14、tart early.第三部分 语法讲解(一)词类英语中词实词和虚词两类,其中实词有名词,代词,形容词,副词,动词,数词。虚词有介词,冠词,连词,感叹词。1. 名词n名词是表示事物名称的词。有普通名词和抽象名词两类。参照课本第19页。考查重点在名词的可数性上。名词还有可数和不可数之分。可数名词有单数和复数之分。可数名词复数变化规则:词尾字母情况变化方法例词一般情况加-sbird-birds, desk-desks,hand-handslake-lakes以ch , sh , s, x ,z加-eschurch-churches, dish-dishesclass-classes box-boxes,quiz-quizzes辅音字母+y变y为i在加esfamily-families,baby- babiescountry-countries以o结尾加-estomato-tomatoes,potato-potatoes hero-heroes,volcano-volcanoes以f或fe结尾变f或者fe为v加esThief-thie


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