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1、模块九Unit 4 Grammar 单词扩充buffalo n.动(印度,非洲等的)水牛 动美洲野牛 pl buffaloesvt.压迫, 威吓;哄骗, 愚弄;使神秘化He tried to buffalo me at first meeting but I soon caught on to his tricks.初次见面时他企图欺骗我, 但是我很快就明白了他耍的花招。burden n.担子, 负担 v.负担A donkey can carry a heavy burden. 驴子能负重载。Too much praise is a burden. 太多的赞扬是一种负担。burden a ho

2、rse with a load让马驮东西A burden of ones own choice is not felt. 自愿挑担不嫌重; 自己的孩子背着不嫌沉。bear the burden and heat of the day 吃苦耐劳;完成责任Can I ease you of your burden? 我能减轻你的负担吗?We decided not to burden him with the news. 我们决定不拿这个消息去烦他priest n.牧师He confessed his sin to the priest. 他向神父坦陈了自己的罪孽.The priest prono

3、unced a blessing. 教士念祷文,祈神赐福.proverb n.谚语;尽人皆知的事物, 笑柄Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. ( proverb ) 往最好处着想, 作最坏的打算 ( 谚 ).His punctuality is a proverb. (=He is a proverb for punctuality.)他严守时间是有名的。His ignorance is a proverb.他的无知已成笑柄。As the proverb goes, time is money. 俗语说, 时间就是金钱. A proverb is

4、 the wisdom of men and the wit of one. 谚语是众人的智慧,也体现个人的机智.be a proverb for .是尽人皆知的 pass into a proverb成为谚语;成为话柄to a proverb到人人皆知的程度worm n.虫, 蠕虫, 蚯蚓, 蜗杆, 螺纹, 小人物 vi.蠕行, 慢慢前进vt.使蠕行, 慢慢地走, 给(烟草作物)除虫Running water is never stale and a door - hinge never gets worm - eaten. 流水不腐,户枢不蠹. (as)naked as a worm一丝不

5、挂; 裸体 (Even) a worm will turn. 谚蠕虫被踩, 也会翻腾(意为被逼太甚, 最温顺者也会反抗)。The early bird catches the worm. 谚捷足先登. He felt a worm of unease. 他感到一阵忐忑不安. have a worm in ones tongue爱找喳儿, 爱吵架I am a worm today.我今天一点精神也没有。worm oneself into口慢慢地爬入, 钻进, 混入worm out钻出, 爬出;设法从.脱身;套出frequently adv.常常, 频繁地 n.经常地I like that you

6、 should call on me frequently. 我喜欢你经常来拜访我.At one time we met frequently. 过去我们曾常常见面.I know him, but I dont frequent him much. 我认识他, 但不常往来。a frequent caller visitor 常客 frequent errors of judgment. 判断中经常出现的错误shorten v.缩短, (使)变短The days shorten in winter. 冬季日短.The letter is too long. Can you shorten it

7、a little? 这封信太长了. 你能把它缩短一点吗?They are planning further steps to shorten working hours. 他们计划进一步采取步骤缩短工作时间.count on v.依靠, 指望Dont count on other people to help you out of trouble. 别指望他人能帮你摆脱困境. You can count on me to help in case of difficulty. 设有困难,当助一臂之力.We cant count on him telling the truth. 我们不能指望他

8、说实话.hay n.干草The farmers hurried to make hay before the rain came. 农民们在雨季到来之前赶紧晾晒干草. She advised him to make hay. 她劝他抓紧有利时机.bishop n.主教The bishop married them. 主教为他们主持婚礼.Turkey n. 土耳其Greece broke off relations with Turkey at that time. 希腊断绝了与土耳其的外交关系.saint n.圣人, 道德崇高的人, 圣徒 adj.神圣 v.成为圣徒All are not sa

9、ints that go to church. 谚上教堂去的未必都是虔诚慈善的人。He was made a saint. 他被封为圣人.Only a saint could understand the burdens of a housewife like you do. 只有圣人才向你这样了解一个家庭主妇的辛劳?butcher n.屠夫, 屠户vt.屠宰, 屠杀He is a butcher by trade. 他的职业是屠夫。The tailor has butchered this suit. 那裁缝把这套衣服做坏了。perfume n.香味, 芳香, 香水vt.使发香, 洒香水于,

10、 发香味a bottle of expensive perfume一瓶昂贵的香水 a little perfume 一点香水perfume ones hair在头发上洒香水Flowers perfumed the air.空气中弥漫着花香。The air was heavy with the perfume of the flower. 空气中充满了花香.cottage n.村舍, 小别墅The cottage is tiny, but its charming. 更多牛津 这间小屋虽小,却十分迷人。chimney n.烟囱, 灯罩smoke like a chimney烟抽得很多, 不停地抽

11、烟A shower of sparks flew up the chimney. 烟囱里飞出无数火星。The chimney blew out a cloud of black smoke. 烟囱里喷出一团黑烟.stocking n.长袜a pair of stockings 一双长统袜fireplace n.壁炉The flames of the fire licked the sides of the fireplace. 火焰卷烧着壁炉的边缘.moustache n.小胡子, (哺乳动物的)触须Gary has a moustache on his upper lip. 加里上嘴唇有一撮

12、小胡子. He has decided to grow a beard and a moustache. 更多牛津 他已经决定留起络腮胡子和髭。stout adj.结实的, 勇敢坚定的, 激烈的, 矮胖的, 顽强的a stout pair of shoes 一双厚实耐穿的鞋He was a stout old gentleman. 他是个身材魁梧的老先生.The soldiers on the island put up a stout resistance. 岛上的士兵顽强抵抗. If hes stout of heart, you must be stouter. 要是人家心狠, 你就得更

13、狠.belly n.腹部, 胃vi.涨满The boss has a large belly. 老板大腹便便。A growing youth has a wolf in his belly. 年轻人,在成长,吃起饭来像饿狼.His eyes are bigger than his belly. 他眼馋肚饱.neat adj.整洁的, 灵巧的, 优雅的, (酒)纯的, 未搀水的neat rows of books 更多牛津 一排排整齐的书 Square up the books to make them look neat. 把书摆正,使其整齐美观.She gave a neat answer.

14、 她作了简明的回答.The room is neat and tidy. 房间干净利落.woolen adj.毛纺的She likes to wear woolen socks in winter. 冬天她喜欢穿羊毛袜.There is one bar of woolen blanket on that bed. 那张床上有一条毛毯.belt n.带子, 地带a belt of trees带状树林 the forest belt森林地带belt a person in the jaw用皮带打人的颚部She belted (up) her raincoat. 她把雨衣的腰带系上。New roads are cutting into the green belt. 一条条新路在逐渐吞噬着绿化地带。



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