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1、湖南科技大学本科毕业设计(论文)酒店员工满意度对顾客满意地影响的探究摘 要随着国内酒店市场竞争的日益激烈,创造顾客满意已成为酒店经营的宗旨。一方面,酒店员工的服务质量决定了顾客的满意度,从而间接影响了酒店的业绩和利润,另一方面,酒店本身的制度和文化又影响着其员工的满意度。于是,在酒店员工满意度、顾客满意度以及酒店利润三者之间,形成了一种循环互动的相互影响关系。基于目前国内外对于满意度以及服务利润链理论相关研究的基础上,将酒店员工满意度与顾客满意度的关系进行了研究综述;接着对酒店员与顾客之间关系的特殊性进行了剖析,并对酒店员工满意度与顾客满意度各自的影响因素进行了分析,在此基础上,建立循环互动模

2、式;然后,在提出研究假设的前提下,把员工忠诚度作为中间变量,以东莞市东莞盈锋环球酒店与盈锋商务酒店为样本筐,分别对其员工和顾客做了问卷调查,共获得有效问卷365份。通过对这些问卷进行数据分析和总结,分别对酒店员工满意度、员工忠诚度以及顾客满意度作了分析,并得出:酒店员工满意度对顾客满意度存在影响。从而也进一步检验所建立的循环互动模式的可行性。 最后,文章基于酒店员工满意度的提升对于其顾客满意度以及利润的重要影响,提出了目前酒店建立其员工满意度的重要性,并且针对目前理论界对于酒店员工满意度与顾客满意度关系研究的不足,试图从理论和实践相结合的角度,对二者的关系尤其是前者对后者的影响进行剖析,最终得

3、出了酒店员工满意度对顾客满意度存在正相关的影响,从而得出了酒店提升员工满意度的重要性。希望能够对国内酒店的经营和管理工作的开展提供一些理论参考。关键词:员工满意度;顾客满意度;员工忠诚度;循环模式ABSTRACTWith the domestic hotel market, increasing competition, creating customer satisfaction has become the hotel business objectives. On the one hand, the hotel staff determines the quality of servic

4、e customer satisfaction, and thus indirectly affect the performance and profits of the hotel, on the other hand, the hotels own system and culture also affect the satisfaction of their employees. Thus, in the hotel employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction and profits among the hotel, forming a c

5、ycle of interaction between each other. Satisfaction was based at home and abroad, and service profit chain theory based on research, employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction in the hotel were studied review; and then the hotel staff and the special nature of the relationship between customer

6、s, analyzed, Hotel employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction and their impact factors are analyzed, on this basis, the establishment of a recycling interactive mode; Then, in the hypothesis put forward under the premise of staff loyalty as intermediate variables, Dongguan City Ying Feng Ying F

7、eng global hotel business hotel with a sample basket, its employees and customers were doing a survey, 365 valid questionnaires were obtained. Through these questionnaires for data analysis and summary, respectively, the hotel employee satisfaction, employee loyalty and customer satisfaction are ana

8、lyzed, and draw: there is the hotel of employee satisfaction on customer satisfaction. Established to further test the feasibility of the cycle of interaction patterns.Finally, the article is based on the hotel to enhance employee satisfaction and profit for its important influence on customer satis

9、faction, the hotel is proposed to establish its current importance of employee satisfaction, and for the hotel industry for the current theoretical relationship between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction The lack of trying a combination of theoretical and practical point of view, especi

10、ally on the relationship between the impact of the former on the latter analysis, employee satisfaction ultimately come to the hotel there is a positive correlation of the impact of customer satisfaction, so as to come the hotel to enhance the importance of employee satisfaction. Hope that the domes

11、tic hotel business and management work to provide some theoretical reference.Keywords: employee satisfaction; customer satisfaction; employee loyalty; cyclic model毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公布过的研究成果,也不包含我为获得 及其它教育机构的学位或

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14、-1.1研究背景及意义- 1 -1.1.1研究背景- 1 -1.1.2研究意义- 1 -1.2研究方法- 2 -1.2.1问卷调查法- 2 -1.2.2文献综述法- 2 -1.2.3统计分析法- 2 -1.3研究思路及框架- 2 -1.3.1论文总体思路- 2 -1.3.2论文整体框架- 3 -2相关理论以及相关文献综述- 4 -2.1满意度相关理论与国内外相关研究综述- 4 -2.1.1员工满意度理论综述- 4 -2.1.2顾客满意度及顾客满意度理论- 6 -2.2利润服务链理论在酒店行业中的作用- 6 -2.3员工满意度与顾客满意度关系综述- 8 -2.3.1员工满意度与顾客满意度的研究-

15、 8 -2.3.2研究中的不足- 8 -3员工满意度对顾客满意度影响的机理研究- 9 -3.1酒店环境下的二者的关系- 9 -3.2员工满意度对顾客满意度影响因素分析- 9 -3.2.1酒店员工满意度影响因素分析- 9 -3.2.2酒店顾客满意度影响因素分析- 10 -3.3酒店员工满意度与顾客满意度的互动模式- 11 -4酒店员工满意度与客户满意度的实证研究- 13 -4.1研究假设- 13 -4.1.1 员工满意度对员工忠诚度的影响- 13 -4.1.2员工满意度、员工忠诚度与顾客满意度之间的关系- 13 -4.2 量表设计- 13 -4.2.1 研究工具- 13 -4.3 抽样方法与样本分布- 14 -4.3.1 抽样对象与方法- 14 -4.3.2 样本分布- 14 -4.4 数据分析方法- 15 -4.5 数据分析- 15 -4.5.1员工统计分析- 15 -4.5.2顾客统计分析- 17 -5提升酒店员工满意度的策略分析- 20 -5.1 开展



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