【最新】人教版新目标 Unit 2测试题3

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1、最新教学资料人教版英语能力提升平台. Bring a photo of your family to class. Work in groups of four. Talk about your photo. 拿一张自己全家的合影来,4个人一组看照片做会话。(20分). Listening (略) . Unscramble the words and complete the sentences. (改正单词,然后完成句子。)(10分) Example (erfind) She is my friend.1. (resists) My aunt Susan and my mother are

2、_.2. (throme) This is my _. 3. (scuino) This is Bob. His mother is my aunt. Hes my _.4. (clune) This is Tom. My father is his brother. Hes my _.5. (fearth) This is my _. . Complete the sentences. (完成句子。)(10分)Example: Thats my mother and this is my father.1. Thats my father, and this _ my mother.2. W

3、ho are they? Those _ my sisters.3. Sarah isnt my sister. Shes _cousin.4. Whats _name? He is Bob.5. This is Andrea and George. _are my brother and sister. Using the following sentences, make a new passage. (把下列句子按最佳顺序连成一篇符合逻辑的短文。)(10分) 1. He is a worker.2. She is a doctor.3. This man is my father.4.

4、This women is my mother.5. This girl is my sister, Mary.6. Its name is Mimi.7. Its a picture of my family.8. She is ten.9. This is our cat.10. Look at this picture.正确顺序为_.Make a new dialogue. (补全对话,每空填入一词,使对话完整、达意。)(10分) A: Look at the picture! B: Oh, its a nice picture of a 1 .I A: Can you see me i

5、n this picture? B: Yes. is you. A: You are right.B: 3 is the old man?A: Hes my grandfather.B: And this old woman?A: Shes my 4 .B: Who is 5 ?A: He is my uncle. The man beside (在一旁)my uncle is my 6 .B: Who is the woman beside your father?A: Oh, she is my 7 .B: Your mother is very beautiful.A: 8 you ve

6、ry much.B: 9 is this girl?A: She is my uncles 10 .B: I see. She is your cousin. You have a nice family.A: Thank you!.Read the passage, then fill the form. (阅读短文,根据短文完成下列所缺的内容。)(10分)A Family Tree A family tree is a diagram (表格) of the people in a family. This is the Wilson family tree. All the member

7、s (成员)of the Wilson family are on this family tree. Betty and Henry are the parents of Sally, Linda and Tom. Linda is single (单身的). Sally is married (己婚的). Her husbands name is Jack. Sally and Jack are the parents of Jimmy and Sarah. Jimmy is their son, and Sarah is their daughter. Tom is also marri

8、ed. His wifes name is Patty. Patty and Tom are the parents of Julie and Kevin. Julie is their daughter, and Keving is their son. Jimmy, Sarah, Julie and Kevin are cousins. They are also the grandchildren of Betty and Henry.根据短文完成下列所缺的内容: A “family tree” is _1_. Write your own family, then draw your

9、family tree (at least 5 sentences). (写一写你的家庭,并且画出家谱。)(10分) _ 参考答案Unit 2 This is my sisterI基本要求:1用本单元的知识进行对话。 2语音、语调标准,表达流畅自如。 3表情自然,富有感情。略1sisters 2mother 3cousin 4uncle 5father1is 2are 3.my 4his 5They V10、7、3、1、4、2、5、8、9、6 or 10、7、4、2、3、1、5、8、9、61family 2Here 3Who 4grandmother 5he 6father 7mother 8

10、Thank 9Who 10daughter1a diagram of the people in a family 2Sally 3Linda 4Patty 5Julie范文: MY FAMILY This is my familyMy grandpas name is Harry GreenMy grandmas name is Jean GreenMy fathers name is Jeff GreenMy mothers name is Helen GreenJeff and Helen are my parentsI have a sisterHer name is Kate GreenMy name is Jim GreenI am twelveMy sister is eight 写作要求: 1书写规范、工整。 2至少8句以上。 3句中无书写错误。 4画出家谱。



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