XXXX机械设计制造及自动化 毕业设计 英文翻译资料

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1、天津工程师范学院2007届本科生毕业设计A NOVEL INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR RAPID PRODUCT DEVELOPMENTThis paper presents a novel integrated system of rapid product development for reducing the time and cost of product development. The system is composed of four building blocks digital prototype, virtual prototype, physical p

2、rototype and rapid tooling manufacturing system. It can aid effectively in product design, analysis, prototype, mould, and manufacturing process development by integrating closely the various advanced manufacturing technologies which involve the 3D CAD, CAE, reverse engineering, rapid prototyping an

3、d rapid tooling. Furthermore, two actual examples are provided to illustrate the application of this integrated system. The results indicate that the system has a high potential to reduce further the cycle and cost of product development.Keywords: Rapid product development; rapid prototyping; integr

4、ated system.1. IntrroducttionDue to the ppressuure off inteernatiional compeetitioon andd markket gllobaliizatioon in the 21st centuury, tthere contiinues to bee stroong drrivingg forcces inn induustry to coompetee effecctivelly by reduccing mmanufaacturiing tiimes aand coosts wwhile assurring hhigh

5、 qqualitty produucts aand seervicees. Cuurrentt induustriees aree faciing thhe neww challlengees: quuick respoonse tto bussinesss oppoortuniity haas beeen connsiderred ass one of thhe mosst impportannt factoors too ensuure coompanyy comppetitiivenesss; maanufaccturinng inddustryy is eevolviing towar

6、rd diggitaliizatioon, neetworkk and globaalizattion. Thereefore, new produucts mmust bbe more quickkly annd cheeaply develloped, manuufactuured aand inntroduuced tto thee markket. In orrder tto meeet thee demaand off rapiid prooduct devellopmennt, thhe varrious new ttechnoologiees such as reeversee

7、engiineeriing (RRE), 33D CADD, rappid prrototyyping (RP), and rapidd toolling (RT) hhave eemergeed andd are regarrded aas keyy enabbling toolss withh the abiliity too shorrten tthe prroductt deveelopmeent annd mannufactturingg timee. Forr exammple, it haas beeen claaimed that RP caan cutt new produu

8、ct deeveloppment costss by uup to 70% and tthe tiime too markket byy 90%.1 In the fform oof a bbetterr desiign, mmore ddesignn posssibiliities, a 3D CAD mmodel can bbe shoown too the custoomer ffor appprovaal andd prevvents misunndersttandinngs. AA virttual pprotottypingg is eemployyed too guidde in

9、 optimmizatiion of thhe prooduct desiggn andd manuufactuuring proceess pllanninng, whhich mmay reesult in the aaccuraate deetermiinatioon of the pprocesss parrameteers, aand reeduce the nnumberr of costlly phyysicall prottotypee iterrationns. Raapid ttoolinng tecchniquue offfers aa fastt and low cos

10、t methood to produuce mooulds, and showss a hiigh pootentiial foor fasster rresponnse too markeet demmands. Whenn propperly integgratedd amonng 3D CAD, CAE, RE, RRP andd RT, tthese technnologiies wiill pllay a much more imporrtant role to reeduce furthher thhe devellopmennt cyccle annd cosst of the

11、pproducct prooductiion. OOn thee basiis of abovee techhnologgies, a novvel inntegraated ssystemm of rrapid produuct deeveloppment is too be ffoundeed so ass to mmeet tthe reequireement of raapid pproducct devvelopmment.2. Archhitectture oof thee Inteegrateed Devvelopmment SSystemmThe devvelopmment p

12、processs froom iniitial conceeptuall desiign too commmerciaal prooduct is ann iteraative proceess whhich iincluddes: pproducct dessign; analyysis oof perrformaance, safetty andd reliaabilitty; prroductt prottotypiing foor expperimeental evaluuationn; andd desiign moodificcationn. Thereefore, any ste

13、p of thhe neww prodduct ddeveloopmentt proccess hhas a direcct andd stronng inffluencce on time-to-maarket in shhort oorder. A goood prroductt deveelopmeent systeem musst enaable ddesignners oor dessign tteams to coonsideer alll aspeects oof prooduct desiggn, maanufaccturinng, seellingg and recyccli

14、ng at thhe earrly sttage oof thee desiign cyycle. So thhat deesign iteraation and cchangees cann be mmade eeasilyy and effecctivelly. Thhe morre fluennt thee feeddback is thhe higgher ppossibbilityy of ssuccesss thee systtem haas. Deesign for manuffacturring (DFM) and cconcurrrent enginneerinng (CEE

15、) neccessittate tthat pproducct and pprocesss dessign bbe devvelopeed simmultanneouslly ratther tthan ssequenntiallly. The inntegraated ssystemm of rrapid produuct deeveloppment is coomposeed of four modulles: digittal prrototyype, vvirtuaal proototyppe, phhysicaal proototyppe andd rapiid toooling.T

16、he pproducct devvelopmment sstartss fromm the creattion oof a 33D CADD modeel usiing a CAD ssoftwaare paackagee. At that stagee, thee prodduct ggeomettry iss defiined aand itts aesthhetic and ddimenssionall charracterristiccs aree veriified. The main functtion oof diggital protootype is too perfform 33D CADD modeellingg. Thee CAD modell is rregardded ass a centrral c



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