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1、Module two Friendship Unit 1 课型:听说课学习目标1, 巩固新单词,了解电话用语2.,提高听力能力,能听懂含有宾语从句的句子3,掌握本课知识点。学习过程一、课前自主学习1、 识记单词和短语,默写下列单词,短语友谊 个人的 同班同学 亲戚 公共的 外国人 是否 现在 等一下 事实上 几个 觉得 顺便说 2、 找出文中较难知识点 二、听力训练 完成听力练习1、听材料一 完成a1 再听一遍,完成A22、听材料二,完成下列a4话,熟悉课文三、阅读训练,互助合作1 Reading this conversition and fill in the table about Sa

2、lly .Where she is from What she is in China for What she thinks about China What she will do in a couple of months 2、讨论所标记的疑难点,并将未能解决的问题展示到黑板上四、精讲点拨hold the line 等一下=wait a minuteright now 现在,立刻,马上= at oncewhetheror not 是否 (注意与if的使用)in fact: 事实上a couple of :两个 几个 表示任何两件同类的东西,但不一定是成对使用,注意与 pair of 的区

3、别,它表示成对的东西,如袜子,鞋子等。feel like: 觉得 用来表示询问对方对某事的看法=what do you think of或how do you like? 另外也有想要的意思后接动名词形式。She didnt feel like eating anything yesterday.昨天她什么也不想吃。by the way :顺便说,用来引出一个与谈话内容没有直接关系的话题,可放在句首,句中和句末(be) different from 与不同五、对话展示:分角色阅读课文六,达标测试听力测试 ,听录音填空Receptionist: Good moring,radio Beijing

4、.Sally: Hello, is Chenhuan ?Receptionist: the please.Secretary: Hello?Sally: Hello, is Chen Huan ?Secretary: This is Chen Huans secretary speaking. Sorry,he isnt here .Can I take a ?Sally: No thank you. Ill call later.单项选择1.China is different _other countries.A.with B. from C. in D. to2.Welcome _ my

5、 birthday patty. A. to B. at C. for D. in 3. He is easy-going, he can make_ anyone. A. friends with B. friends at C. friend with D. friend of4. Can you tell me_? A. where are you from B. where you from C. where you are from 七 反馈拓展:Do an interview work in groups of three.or four. like thatA: What do

6、you like doing?B: I think / believe / have got to know / guess / that. C: Ive heard / got to know that you like learning English. Is that right ? 电话用语Who is calling, please?你是谁?This is Sally Maxwell speaking。我是May I speak to ? 我能与通电话吗?Is Chen Huan there?在吗?Hold the line, please. 请别挂断电话Is that Chen H

7、uan speaking?你是吗?Sorry. He isnt here right now/ at the moment. 对不起,他现在不在Can I take a message?我能带个信吗?Ill call back later 我稍后会再打来。电话用语Who is calling, please?你是谁?This is Sally Maxwell speaking。我是May I speak to ? 我能与通电话吗?Is Chen Huan there?在吗?Hold the line, please. 请别挂断电话Is that Chen Huan speaking?你是吗?S

8、orry. He isnt here right now/ at the moment. 对不起,他现在不在Can I take a message?我能带个信吗?Ill call back later 我稍后会再打来。电话用语Who is calling, please?你是谁?This is Sally Maxwell speaking。我是May I speak to ? 我能与通电话吗?Is Chen Huan there?在吗?Hold the line, please. 请别挂断电话Is that Chen Huan speaking?你是吗?Sorry. He isnt here

9、 right now/ at the moment. 对不起,他现在不在Can I take a message?我能带个信吗?Ill call back later 我稍后会再打来。电话用语Who is calling, please?你是谁?This is Sally Maxwell speaking。我是May I speak to ? 我能与通电话吗?Is Chen Huan there?在吗?Hold the line, please. 请别挂断电话Is that Chen Huan speaking?你是吗?Sorry. He isnt here right now/ at the

10、 moment. 对不起,他现在不在Can I take a message?我能带个信吗?Ill call back later 我稍后会再打来。电话用语Who is calling, please?你是谁?This is Sally Maxwell speaking。我是May I speak to ? 我能与通电话吗?Is Chen Huan there?在吗?Hold the line, please. 请别挂断电话Is that Chen Huan speaking?你是吗?Sorry. He isnt here right now/ at the moment. 对不起,他现在不在

11、Can I take a message?我能带个信吗?Ill call back later 我稍后会再打来。电话用语Who is calling, please?你是谁?This is Sally Maxwell speaking。我是May I speak to ? 我能与通电话吗?Is Chen Huan there?在吗?Hold the line, please. 请别挂断电话Is that Chen Huan speaking?你是吗?Sorry. He isnt here right now/ at the moment. 对不起,他现在不在Can I take a messa

12、ge?我能带个信吗?Ill call back later 我稍后会再打来。Module 2 unit 2 读写课一 学习目标. 知识点的把握. 初步认识宾语从句提高阅读能力二,学习重难点 语言知识点的把握及应用三,课前自主学习(一) 复习unit2的生词(组长检查)1. Would you like to make friends (和) us?2. Are you (害怕) of traveling by air?3. My grandparents used to live in a (偏僻的) village.4. The sun is shining (灿烂) in the morn

13、ing.5. The little boy is so short that he cant (触摸) the top of the cupboard.6. I dont feel like (吃) anything this morning.7. At (起先), he couldnt understand me.8. You must get up as early as (通常).9. What was the (事情) with you?10. I know that (外国人) find China very different from their own countries.(二) 自主学习a) 完成a1b) 快速阅读课文,找出文章的main ideac) 认真阅读课文,找出下列短语最后一次 担心交朋友那时 远离和平时一样 在初中一年级一天天地 害怕


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