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1、PrimaryEnglish For China(Book 6)Unit 1 Our favourite subjects Period 2Contents 1.Pupils can use the third person singular to say sentences.2.Pupils can ask and answer WH-questions3.Pupils can use like to express their feelings.Teaching aims: A. Knowledge aims:1.Pupils can master the words, phrases a

2、nd sentences in the unit.2.Pupils can use the third person singular to say sentences.3.Pupils can ask and answer WH-questions4.Pupils can use like to express their feelings.B. Emotional aims:1.Pupils can express their feelings and make clear their attitude while and after learning the text.2.Lead-in

3、 question: What/Which do you? Why?Why do you?How do you like?Teaching main points:1.Grasp the words of the subjects with correct pronunciation.2.Talk with others about WH-questions.3. What subject does he/she/Lily/Tim like?He/she likes .Teaching aids Computer, tape, picture cards, word cards and tra

4、nsparency.Teaching methods:Audio-visual, scenery and elicitation method of teaching Teaching step一、Greetings二、Revision1.Words: the words of different subjects2.Sentences: What subject do you like? I like maths.三、New lesson1. Teacher leads Wh-questions by familiar questions2. What subject do you like

5、?I like.3. What subject does he/she/Lily/Tim like?He/she likes .4. PracticeDraw a form on the board by asking questions. Pupilspractice sentence patterns in pairs according to the form. Teacher helps them if possible.5. Listen to the tape and read after the tape with correctpronunciations and intona

6、tion.6.Ask and answer about the picture on the bottom of page2.四、Homework1. Listen to the tape and recite part B.2. Copy part A and part B3. Practice with sentence patterns after class.Handwriting on the board: Unit 1 My favourite subjectsWhat subject/sport do you like? I like .What subject/sport do

7、es he/she/Tim like?He/she likes .五、Summary after class Pay attention to the auxiliary does and the verb used with the third person singular used as a subject in a present tense sentence.课后反思:本课的重点是一般现在时的第三人称单数形式的掌握及运用在教学过程中,我积极创设恰当有趣的教学情景,采取直观的教学形式,反复对比练习由于教学设计合理,教学过程有趣,学生们的学习积极性非常高,单句练习及对话情景练习非常踊跃。

8、在我进行总结性的讲解之后,学生们通过小组交流形式进行了巩固性练习到了汇报的时间,几乎全班的同学举起了手,我以为通过这样的练习肯定是没什么问题了,所以用轻松的语调叫出了名字不料叫到第三组,第四组时候,问题出现了,主语是第三人称单数时,动词忘记加s, 用了does不用动词原形等刚开始,我还能用平和的语气纠错,但刚纠正完错误之后,又有一组同学说错了,这下子我的火就上来了,脸也沉下来了,大声的呵斥了一顿:都讲了多少遍了,怎么还不会?你们上课做什么啦?我的样子很可怕。训完之后,我还是很生气地说哪组再试试?结果可想而知,全班没有一个人敢举手由于怕说错的结果,所以会说的怕说错而不举手发言,不会说的就更不敢举手了启发了好几次,才有四组同学发言我极力放松面部表情及声音来挽救这种场面,但学生反映冷淡,与前半节课形成了鲜明的对比,在沉闷的气氛中度过了最后的10分钟我很后悔,悔不该发火。如果学生一说错就打断他们的发言,表情严肃地纠正错误,一是破坏了知识的完整性,二是没有充分地尊重学生,破坏了学生学习的积极性和主动性。下节课我要采取不同的策略,要鼓励学生大胆说,不怕出错,要耐心倾听他们“支离破碎”的英语,并给予理解和肯定。



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