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1、教 学 设 计Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?Section B ( 2a2e )晋中师专附校 郭文玉. Teaching Aims:1. Knowledge and abilities.(1) Master the new vocabulary and useful expressions.(2) Learn to read for the main idea and key information using strategies of skimming, scanning and mind-map.(3) Learn to descr

2、ibe a process by using Imperatives.2. Process and methods:Task-based teaching method, self-directed learning, group learning3. Emotion and attitude:(1) Form correct views of culture and cultivate the students cross-cultural awareness. (2) Know about some Thanksgiving culture in the United States. Te

3、aching Key Points:(1) Learn to describe a process by using Imperatives. Help the students learn to use some reading strategies. Teaching Difficult Points: Learn to read for the main idea and key information using strategies of skimming, scanning and mind-map. Teaching Procedures:Step1. Question-guid

4、ed learningWatch the video about Thanksgiving and try to find out:What is the video about? ( Thanksgiving.)What do you know about Thanksgiving?Step2. Self-directed learning 1. Read the article quickly and get the main idea.1) . Para.1 Its about the origin of Thanksgiving.2) . Para.2 How to make turk

5、ey for a Thanksgiving dinner?2. Read the first paragraph and answer the following questions in 2c.1). Where do people celebrate Thanksgiving? 2). When do people celebrate it?3). Why do people celebrate it?4). How do people celebrate it now?5). What is the main dish of the Thanksgiving meal?3. Read t

6、he second paragraph and number the pictures 1-5 in 2b.4. 2d. Here are the instructions for making a turkey dinner written in a different way. Put them in order. Write First, Next, Then and Finally. Step3. Group learning 2e. What do you think is the most special day in China? Discuss the questions wi

7、th your partner.Step4. Inspired learningExplain the key language points:1. fill. with. , cover. with. 2. place put.on. 3. cut.into.4. serve.to.5. at a high temperatureStep5. Assessment and reflection1. Retell “How to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner” according to the mind map.2. Retell “How to

8、make dumplings for the Spring Festival” according to the following instructions.1). cut up. 2). put.(ground meat肉馅) on.3). fold(折叠) the wrapper and press.hard (not break up when you boil it)4). make the water very hot, over 1005). cook boil.in the pot of hot water for.6). serve.to.and enjoy.Step6. H

9、omeworkLevel A: Retell the process of making dumplings.Level B: Write down the process of making dumplings.V. Teaching Reflection: 根据课标对学生阅读技能的五级要求,学生能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息,所以本课时采用课标建议的任务型教学方式进行阅读设计,围绕主题Thanksgiving设置了相应的任务,由易到难,逐层递进,运用skimming,scanning等阅读策略获取文章大意,理解文章传递的基本信息和深层含义,将语言学习与思维认知,个人素质培养等结合,在分析问题和解决问题的过程中发展学生的思维品质,从跨文化的视角观察和认识世界,形成文化理解,塑造学生正确的人生观和价值观,促进学生英语学科核心素养的形成和发展。板书设计以mind-map的形式让学生更好地体会文章的脉络框架,学生能比较容易地进行retell,效果不错。但学生在group learning环节中由于能力差异,开展比较困难,还需要教师的及时指导和帮助,另外,本节课学生整体的参与度还不够,有限时间内的阅读理解速度也不达标,还需多思考,多实践。


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