PEP Primary English Book 2Unit5 Whereismyruler?教学设计与反思 - 小学英语教案及反思

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1、PEP Primary English Book 2 Unit5 Where is my ruler?教学设计与反思 - 小学英语教案及反思 教材分析 本节课主要是学习有关问方位的,由于对话简单,所以学生很容易掌握,对话中主要呈现的句型是:Where is.?和答复时所需用到的方位词,由于每个学生都有书包和文具盒,所以待学生学会后,我先做示范,比方我拿出文具,让学生问,或者学生达,然后让学生与同桌之间相互介绍,把学到的知识运用于日常生活中。 学情分析 四年级的学生还处于爱玩阶段,他们也有了一点英语根底知识,大局部的学生对学习英语的兴趣是比拟浓的,上课也比拟积极答复老师的问题,所以在设计这节课时

2、,考虑到学生的特点,我主要都是以活动为主,在游戏中引出课文中的主要句型,让学生在轻松愉快的气氛中学习。 教学目标 知识目标:能听懂,会说生词in/on/under/desk/chair以及学会运用句型Where is.?能力目标:能很好地运用本节课的新词句进行交流:Where is.?Its in/on/under.能模仿对话,进行自编对话。情感目标:通过学习本节课的内容能够让学生大胆地和同学交流。 教学重点和难点 Teaching Points:Where is? Its in/on/under. Teaching Difficulties:句子:Where is my car?In the

3、 toy box.的理解。 教学过程Step1Warm-up1Greetings.2Sing an English song.3Lets chant: Where is your mouth? Here it is.(Read as do the action)Step2Presentation1Play a game: deliver the rabbit,when the music is stopped,show acar and ask the student who catches the rabbit:Whats this? S1:Its a car.Use the same wa

4、y to show plane,ball and so on.When thegame over,and then ask:What are they?They are toys(show and repeat).Whats this?Its a toy box(show and repeat).2T:show a ruler and ask:Whats this? Ss:ruler. T:Great.Its a ruler.Hide it quickly and ask:where is my ruler? Ihave a ruler, but I cant find it. Where i

5、s my ruler? (Led tothe title and layout it on the Bb). After, teach them to read thetitle. And then ask the Ss to answer ,led to the word of “in. Its in the toy box.Then put the ruler in another place and ask;Whereis my ruler? Led to thewords;on and under.3Show some toys and put them in different pl

6、ace ,and consolidationthe words:in/on/under.4Put a toy in the desk and chair, led to the words:desk/chair.5Listen to the tape and then teach them to read the dialogue.Step3 Practice1The whole classGroup1Group3one by one in alineindividual read the words.2Ask two little teachers to teach the words.3A

7、sk and answer: Group1askGroup2answer and askGroup3answer and askGroup4answer. 4Do and do:T:Tell the Ss to know that the left hand is place, and the righthand is objects, the Ss should show the hands and expression theright place when teacher speaks one word, eg: on: put the righthand on the left han

8、d; under: put the right hand under the lefthand etc.5Pair work: make a similar dialogue in four minutes, after the time,ask some pairs to act out the dialogue.Step 4 ConsolidationGuessing game: Ask one student to come to the front and guess:eg: put one thing in a place and ask: Where is ?If the stud

9、ent guesses right, the Ss would sayYes,If not, they sayNo,andcontinute to guess till it right.(Ask some Ss to play this game)Step 5 Homework1 Listen to the dialogue according to the tape.2Make a similar dialogue with deskmate.教学反思 在整堂课中,我把所教的任务隐藏在各个任务驱动的过程中,比方说: 在 玩deliver the rabbit这一过程中,我利用到复习旧知识而

10、导入到新知识,让学生在玩中学习,在快乐中学习英语。这一节课主要学习句型:Where is?和方位词in/on/under,在呈现过程中,我用到了一些实物:玩具和学习用品等,整堂课我都是让学生在玩中学习,在做一做,猜一猜活动中稳固新句型和方位词让学生当小老师,目的在于让学生建立自信感,大胆地说英语,适当的表扬学生,让学生体会到有成就感,从而对英语产生英语,我感觉我设计的几个趣味操练,扩展活动学生挺喜爱的,兴趣也浓,积极参与,到达了我的教学目标。但是也有许多缺乏之处:我在教学单词过程中花的时间太多了,导致给学生操练的时间太少了,还有在做一做这个活动中,时间稍微地少了一些,有的学生可能还不会做,如果再上一次,适当地调整一下时间,再作些改良,也许会好点。


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