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1、民 生 学 校“一人一课”开课教案(2012 -2013 学年度第 一 学期)开课者陈丽娥教师编号A123开课班级505开课时间十二周五(2012.11.23)课题Unit4 What Can You Do ?教学内容B. Read & Write教学目标1. To master the four-skilled sentences: Can you make the bed? No , I cant. Can you use a computer ? Yes, I can. 2. To Listen, read and say the sentences: I can play chess.

2、 3. To understand the dialogue and finish the sentences of Read and write.教学重点To master the four-skilled sentences: What can you do? I can sweep the floor. I can cook the meals. I can water the flowers.教学难点Be able to understand the dialogue and finish the sentences of Read and write correctly.教 学 过

3、程听课评议1. Warming-up & RevisionA. Let s chant: Dog, dog, what can you do?.B. Free talk: Are you helpful at home? What can you do? Can you cook the meals .? Can you play football.? Would you like to have a try?优点2. Presentation & PracticeA. T: Youre so smart. Can you use a computer ? Yes, I can. / No,

4、I cant. B. What can you do with the computer?引出play chess.C. Write down the four skilled sentences.DMy friend can play chess, too. Guess, Who is he ?引出robot。 Robot: Hello. I am a robot. I am helpful. I can do housework. Let Ss ask Robot: Can you.? E. The robot is so helpful, What about another robot

5、? Read the dialogue . Tick and cross. F. Fill in the blank. G . Listen to the dialogue, then role play. H. Pair work: Meeting a robot. Make a new dialogue in pairs, then the others retell what can the robot do and what cant the robot do? I . Task time: Look! Cinderella is so tired. She has so much thing to do. Can you help her? Interview and make a reaport. (机动)4. Summary 5. Homework 建议:


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