人教版选修六英语:Unit 1SectionⅢ 课时跟踪检测含解析

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1、 精品资料.单词拼写1I am wondering how the words were (雕刻) into the stones.答案:carved2They are to put on an (展览) of French paintings next week.答案:exhibition3I am excited at the thought of meeting a famous (学者) from Beijing.答案:scholar4Dont forget to put your (签名) on each of the checks.答案:signature5Xu Beihong h

2、as a great influence on (当代的) Chinese painting.答案:contemporary6The history student hoped to compare the (文明) of ancient China and Egypt.答案:civilization7His approach has won him a (名声) as a tough manager.答案:reputation8Many elderly people expressed a strong (偏爱) to live in their own homes.答案:preferenc

3、e.单项填空1The observers statement about the accident was very _; we knew almost everything about it now.AspecificBespecialCparticular Dspecial解析:选A。句意:目击者对于这次事故描述得非常具体,我们现在几乎了解了全部情况。specific“具体的”;especial“特殊的;特别的”;particular“特殊的”,强调个性;special“特殊的;专门的”,强调目的性。2Employees who have worked here for many year

4、s will be given _ over newcomers.Apreference BprejudiceCpromise Dexperience解析:选A。句意:与初来乍到者不同,那些工作多年的雇员将得到优待。preference“偏爱”;prejudice“偏见”;promise“许诺”;experience“经验”。3Unless your father comes to pick you up _, I wont let you go.Ain time Bin additionCin place Din the flesh解析:选D。in the flesh“本人”;in time

5、“及时”;in addition“另外”;in place“在适当的地方”。句意:除非你爸爸亲自来接你,否则我不会让你走。4As a public _, Yao Ming knows what to do in face of this kind of thing.Acharacter BfigureCstatue Dopinion解析:选B。句意:姚明作为公众人物,知道面对这种事情应该怎么做。character“小说或影视中的人物”;figure“人物”;statue“雕像”;opinion“观点;评价”。5(2010安徽高考) How did you like Nicks performa

6、nce last night? To be honest, his singing didnt _ to me much.Aappeal BbelongCrefer Doccur解析:选A。考查动词辨析。答语的意思是:老实说,他的歌唱不太吸引我。appeal to“吸引”,符合句意。belong to“属于”;refer to“暗指;提到;查阅”;occur to“被想起”。6Some people think that watching violence on TV is one of the major causes of _ behaviour and crime in society.

7、Achildish BartificialCaggressive Dheroic解析:选C。考查形容词辨析。句意:一些人认为在电视上看暴力片是目前社会上有好斗和犯罪行为的主要原因之一。aggressive“好斗的”;childish“孩子气的”;artificial“假的”;heroic“英雄的”。7It took _ building supplies to construct these energysaving houses. It took brains, too.Aother than Bmore thanCrather than Dless than解析:选B。考查短语辨析。句意:

8、要建造这些节省能源的房子需要的不仅仅是建筑材料,还需要智慧。more than“不仅仅”,符合题意。other than“除了”;rather than“而不是”;less than“不足;少于”。8A car crashed into a tree beside the road, _ two people in the car.Akilled BkillingCkills Dto kill来源:解析:选B。句意:一辆小汽车撞到路旁边的一棵树上,结果造成车上两人死亡。现在分词作状语表示自然而然的结果。9I would walk to school every day _ ride a bic

9、ycle.Arather than Bmore thanCother than Dless than解析:选A。句意:我宁愿每天走路上学也不愿骑自行车。would do . rather than do .“宁愿做某事而不愿做某事”。10(2010江苏高考)The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good _.Aexpectation BreputationCcontribution Dcivilization解析

10、:选B。考查名词辨析。句意:这名医生治疗心脏病医术高超,而且从不收病人的礼物,所以享有良好的名誉。reputation“名誉;声望”,符合句意。expectation“期望”;contribution“贡献”;civilization“文明”,都不符合语意。.完形填空Vincent Van Gogh is often remembered as the painter who cut off his ear in a fit of passion. He was a lonely man who often _1_ without food in order to buy paints, a

11、man with few friends and a _2_ temper. Van Goghs strong emotions not only _3_ his life, but his paintings.Many of Van Goghs paintings were _4_ by warm, yellow sunlight because he loved how it could _5_ the world in different ways. His painting Sunflowers, for example, is _6_ yellows and browns. Thes

12、e colors give the painting a _7_ of warmth. However, the sunflowers are _8_ dead and dying.The result is a painting that _9_ the warmth of life that Van Gogh loved with the feelings of _10_ that were all around him. It is a painting that is warm, beautiful and sad, all at the same time Van Goghs mos

13、t famous painting, The Starry Night, _11_ this mixture of joy and sadness one step _12_. It is a landscape full of deep _13_ and shadows which showed the sadness Van Gogh was feeling as he was painting, _14_ what he was actually seeing.This is why Van Goghs _15_ in his painting look more imaginative

14、 than reality. The stars and moon in The Starry Night are _16_ bright; their light swirling above the darkening hills. A tree that looks like black fire cuts through the _17_ of the night, interrupting its beauty.Because of his wild emotions, Van Gogh was not _18_ during his life. He sold only one painting. However, people today who stand in front of Sunflowers or The Starry Night can _19_ the same joy and sadness Van Gogh once did, _20_ he painted those deep blues and sunny yellows.1A.went


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