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1、Module11populationUnit 3 Language in use一、教学内容分析本单元结合人口话题,复习大数字的读法以及冠词的用法。Around the world介绍了世界上多数国家所面临的两大问题:人口过剩和水资源短缺,以及由此而产生的连带不良后果。通过阅读可以唤起学生们的忧患意识,并引发他们深思:当代学生能为此做些什么?怎样从我做起?二、教学目标1. To summarise and consolidate articles a, an, the + nouns and large numbers. 2. To practise the words and express

2、ions. 三、教学重难点1.To summarize and practice the language covered in this module.2. To review and check vocabulary. 四、教具学具准备 A tape recorder , diagram五、课时安排:两课时六、教学设计思路本单元复习分为五部分:首先,通过完成Activities1,2&3,复习冠词的用法;其次,通过完成Activities4,5&6,复习大数字的读法;接着,训练学生根据听力材料把握大意的能力。最后,通过阅读唤起学生们的忧患意识。七、教学环节Part I RevisionHe

3、lp students to revise what is learnt in 3 periods of this module.Part II Language practiceTask1: To summarize and consolidate articles a, an, the + nouns and large numbers.Directions(1).Run through the examples with the Ss. and make sure that they are familiar with the use of articles a, an, the + n

4、ouns and large numbers. (2). Ask the Ss. to repeat the sentences in the box.(3). Ask“Can you make other similar examples?”(4).Focus the Ss attention on the ways they are used.Task2: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box Directions:(1). Do Activity1, Activity 2, Activit

5、y 3 on page 92 and Activity4 on page 92 individually. (2). Ask the Ss. to check with a partner.(3). Ask the Ss. to read out the sentences. (4). Summarize: the use of articles a, an, the + nouns and large numbers.Task 3: Read the chart and answer the questions.Directions:(1). Ask the Ss. to do Activi

6、ty 5 on page 93 individually. We can also do Activity 6 at this time.(2).Circulate and monitor their production.(3) Call the answers back from some students.Task 4: Complete the passage using the correct form of the words and expressions in the box.Directions:(1). Ask the Ss. to complete the passage

7、 using the correct form of the words and expressions in the box in Activity 7 and Activity 11. (2) Call the answers back from some students.Task 5: Practise listeningDirections:(1). Ask the Ss. to listen to the conversation and do Activity 8 and Activity 9 on page 94 individually. (2).Listen again a

8、nd check with their partners.(3) Call the answers back from the class.Part III: Around the worldTask: Learn something about pollution and water.DirectionsStep One: Ask the Ss. to look at the different pictures about pollution and water. Tell the Ss. some problems about them.Step two: Read the text a

9、nd answer any questions the Ss have.Part IV: Module Task Task: Make a graph.Directions:1.Activity 12 on page 95. Ask the Ss. to work in groups. Choose a topic for your graph.2. Decide how you want to make your graph.3. Draw it and colour it. You can make it on the computer if you like.4.Label it cle

10、arly and ask the teacher if you need any help.5.Put it up on the wall for the other students to see.6.Present your graph to the class. Homework: Finish all the exercises in the WB.板书设计Module11populationUnit 3 Language in use翻译下列句子1. The rise in electricity costs has added to our difficulties.2 That

11、sofa would take up too much room in the flat.3. There need to be one more school in the village.4. He raised his arm to protect his face from the blow.5. There cant be much room left in the back of the car.教学反思 本模块的活动任务是制作图表。在该活动中,教师可以是参与者、帮助者,学生是活动的主体。学生的任务是开放的。学生以小组为单位调查和统计某一地区的人口,在较为真实的语境中锻炼口、笔头交流能力。该活动有利于培养学生的合作精神,促进学科之间的渗透和交融。


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