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1、小学四年级unit3 part B 说课稿王杰小学:小双一、教学内容: PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit3 My Friends PartB Lets talk Lets chant .二、教学目标:1、 能听、说、认读句型-Whats her name ?-Her name is xxx. She /He has She /He likes , 并能运用句型进行对话。2、 复习上节课所学单词词组:listen to music , do sports , make friends , play computer games ,并能运用到本节课所学的新句型中。3、通过各种教学活动激发学生学习英

2、语的兴趣。三、课型:对话教学四、教学重点: 能听懂、会说句型-Whats her name ?-Her name is xxx. She /He has She /He likes 。五、教学难点: 创设情境,让学生能在情境中运用新句型对话。六、教学工具: 图片、卡片、录音七:教学方法: 活动教学法八:教学过程:(一) Warming up.1、 Greeting2、 Revision教师表演PartB 部分中的listen to music , do sports , make friends , play computer games等词组动作,让学生说。3、 Lets Chant and

3、 do.说做动作:Listen to music, listen to music. Do sports, do sports. Make friends, make friends. Play computer games, play computer games. (二)、Presentation1、呈现课本中人物图片及动作图片,提问学生Whos she/he ? Whats she /he likes? She /he likes(教师快速呈现图片,让学生迅速说出内容。)2、展示图片,让学生说内容(music or science , new or old , sports or pai

4、nting , boy or girl , old or young ,big or small )3、说反词:教师边做动作边说Now, I say big, you say small, ok? (教师的说做动作:big , tall , thin , old , me , you , you and me , me and you )。We are good friends ( 做握手手势,教读几遍)。4、 呈现句型 教师描述一个人物,让学生猜-Whats her name?并进行句型的教读-Whats her name ?-Her name is xxx. She /He has She

5、 /He likes 。(先全班,后个人) (三)、Practice1、Play a game : -Whats her name? - Her / His name is抽学生上台,让下面学生根据动作、节奏说对话,示范后进行 group work. 2、guess game :Who is she / he ?并进行句子的教读 She /He is She /He has She /He likes 。 3、Sing a song : Hello, hello, whats her name? Whats her name? Whats her name? Her names Chenjie

6、. Hello, hello, whats his name? Whats his name? Whats his name? His names John. . 然后随意抽一个学生,让其他学生以他/她的name进行Singing . 4、听课文录音: (1)、看课文听录音。(2)、听录音,跟读。(3)、小组表演课文对话,后抽2组上台表演对话。 (四)、Sing a chant .(Lets chant) Friends are like you and me. Some are old, some are new. Some like green, some like blue. Friends are like me and you. 九、板书设计。 My FriendWhats her name? -Her name is xxx. She is /He is She has /He has She likes. /He likes


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