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1、个性化教案名词辨析,动词辨析,动词短语辨析适用学科英语适用年级高中二年级适用区域陕西西安课时时长(分钟)60知识点各种时态的被动语态,名词辨析,动词辨析,动词短语辨析教学目标掌握选修七 unit 2重点词汇,短语,句型。同时,训练阅读理解能力和综合语言能力。教学重点掌握选修七unit2重点词汇,短语,句型。同时,训练阅读理解能力和综合语言能力。教学难点训练阅读理解能力和综合语言能力。教学过程 一、复习预习教师引导学生复习上节内容,并引入本节课程内容 二、知识讲解本节课主要知识点解析,中高考考点、易错点分析考点/易错点1词汇辨析1. sympathy 同情心,同情; 怜悯一致; 同感; 赞同,慰

2、问; 吊慰习惯用语:come out in sympathy 举行同情罢工, 罢工声援express sympathy for (对.表示)慰问 feel sympathy for (=have sympathy for) 同情in sympathy with 同情; 赞成; 和.一致 win sympathy of 博得.的同情out of sympathy with 对.不同情; 不赞成; 对.没有同感, 和.不一致feel/have sympathy for 同情 be in sympathy with 赞同seek sympathy from a friend 想得到朋友的同情同义词:

3、 commiseration -mercy -pity -sensitivity -tolerance -understanding1) I felt real sympathy. 我由衷地感到同情。2) Her sympathy became pungent. 她的同情心变得强烈起来。3) With profound sympathy.4) I felt much sympathy for the blind.5) Her sympathy became pungent. 她的同情心变得强烈起来。2. elegant adj.优雅的, 风雅的, 雅致的, 文雅的, 有风度的,优美的, 精彩的

4、, 讲究的,口极好的, 一流的elegant furnishings 雅致的装饰 an elegant gentleman 举止文雅的绅士an elegant vase 别致的花瓶 an elegant writer 格调高尚的作家同义词: cultured fine polished refined superior tasteful 反义词: inelegantHer manner is elegant. 她的举止优雅。imposingly fashionable and elegant. 令人印象深刻的时髦、优雅。(informal) elegant and fashionable. (

5、非正式)优雅而且时髦。1) Her movements were very elegant. 她的举止很高雅。2) It looks exquisite and elegant! 看起来确实很高雅!3) She adopted an elegant pose. 她摆了一个优美的姿势。4) She has an elegant carriage. 她仪态优雅。5) A composition marked by elegant phrasing. 用优美的措词写下的作文6) A plain but very elegant dress 朴素而极雅致的连衣裙7) A room with an el

6、egant tone. 处于幽雅情调中的小房间考点/易错点2重点词汇1. absent-adj. 缺席, 不在,不关心的, 心不在焉的,不存在的; 没有1). 缺席的,不在场的(+from) Three members of the class were absent this morning.今天早晨该班有三人缺席。 He was absent from the meeting. 他今天开会缺席。 He is absent from Hong Kong. 他不在香港。2). 缺少的, 不存在的 Snow is absent in his country. 他的国家不下雪。3). 茫茫然的,

7、心不在焉的 He looked at me in an absent way. 他茫然地望着我。He had an absent look on his face.他脸上露出心不在焉的神色vt. 不在;缺席Why did you absent yourself from school yesterday?昨天你为何不到校?absent 的反义词是present出席的,在场的How many people were present at the meeting?到会的有多少人?2 bonus-n.奖金; 额外津贴,红利; 余利; 额外股息,政府给的退职金, 退役费; 美出征奖金保险等 1)An

8、incentive bonus for high productivity. 设立剌激性奖金以提高的生产率 2)Bonus payment is linked to productivity. 奖金与生产率挂钩。 3)Our Christmas bonus should be restored. 我们发圣诞节赠金的做法应予恢复。 3 alarm n.警报,惊慌vt.使警觉,使惊慌give the alarm to发警报给. take alarm at对.感到吃惊 a fire alarm火警 a false alarm虚惊一场1)I dont want to alarm you, but th

9、ere is a strange man in your garden.我不想吓唬你, 不过你花园里有个陌生人2)The fire caused much alarm.火灾引起很大的恐慌3)She shrieked in alarm. 她惊恐地尖叫起来。4)Theres no cause for alarm. 不必惊慌。5) Everyone draw back in alarm每个人都惊慌而后退3.favour-n.好感;厚爱.偏袒;偏爱.恩惠;善意的行为1) May I ask you a favor? 我可以请您帮个忙吗?2) Will you do me a favor and pho

10、ne for me? 你能否帮个忙给我打个电话.vt.赞同,赞成帮助;促进.(容貌)像,似1) The child favors his father with his brown eyes. 这个孩子的棕色眼睛像他的父亲。2) 习惯用语 in favor of 赞成;支持. in favor of (开支票)付与 do someone a favor 给某人以恩惠;帮某人一个忙1) I am in favor of stopping work now. 我赞成现在停止工作。2) draw a check in favor of Warner 开一张向沃纳付款的支票.3) provide a

11、service or favor for someone. 为某人提供服务或引起某人的欢心。4) Would you do me a favor? 帮我个忙好吗?4.pile 堆,大量; 大数目;大堆,财富;大量金钱a pile of=piles of=a lot of堆积如山的,a pile of wood 一堆木头 piles of work 一大堆工作1) I have a pile of work to do this evening.今晚我有一大堆工作要做2) He has made his pile. 他已发财。3) She has a disorderly pile of clo

12、thes to wash.她有乱七八糟的一堆衣服要洗。vt.piled, piling(常与up, on连用)堆起;堆叠;(常与with连用)装载;往(车上)装货;塞满;常与in, into, on, out of连用)蜂拥而入,蜂拥而出1)She piled the books on the table. 她把书堆在桌子上。2)please pile a cart with straw 把稻草装到车上5. scan-vt., vi.-nn-细看,审视,浏览,粗略地看,标出诗的格律,扫描,扫掠1)The shipwrecked sailor scanned the horizon anxiou

13、sly every morning . 这位遭船难的水手每天早晨焦虑地注视着海天相接之处。2)He scanned the newspaper while having his breakfast . 他在吃早饭的时候浏览了一下报纸。3)The verses scan smoothly. 这些诗很合韵律。4)The verses scan well. 这些诗句韵律严谨.5)Can I scan this document? 我能扫描这份文件吗?6. or rather或者说,准确地说What I want is the truth, or rather a series of truth.我需

14、要的是事实,准确地说是一系列事实7. absurd-adj.荒谬的, 荒诞的, 荒唐可笑的an absurd opinion 谬见 Dont be absurd! 不要胡闹!1)Their request is absurd. 他们的要求是荒谬的。2)Their statement is rather absurd 他们的说法极为荒谬。3)What an absurd suggestion! 多么荒唐的建议!absurd foolish silly ridiculous 均含“不合情理”、“荒唐”、“可笑”、“愚蠢的”意思。absurd 强调“不符合人情或常识的”, 如:Its clear t

15、o everybody that the creation of the world by God is absurd. 人人都清楚, 上帝创造世界的说法是荒谬的。foolish 强调“缺乏智慧和判断力的”, e.g.:What a foolish suggestion! 多么荒唐的建议!silly 强调“单纯、糊涂、低能的”, 如:I cant stand her giggling, shes so silly. 她吃吃地笑, 叫我真受不了, 那样子傻透了。ridiculous 意为“荒谬的”、“令人发笑的”, 常会有“鄙视”之意, 如:How ridiculous! 真滑稽! (含“岂有此理”意味)8. accompany v. 陪伴, 伴奏(1) As he was not allowed to accompany her to shops,he wrote out a list of items for her


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