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1、Good morning, everybody.oay, am oing toitruc a turingok named of 50 place of etme. hi s oeofy favrite okwhch i ust the firt oe ha mke mhav a rem t travel aond th world0laeso ifeti, t dosnmenhat I will inroduc allh 50 plces o ou Iheust chosena prt fiand realy hp thayou an enoy。Thbo scassifiedinto ve

2、ar. Te hiric cies, the rmitvescenes,theparase n th erth, h sunhine p ad te onders.Eac art, Ichos one or wo exampeshee r some phots f ew York ity。 As prspru,ich, florisng s ou cnimagine。 Fulo syscrapes, bsy strees, fahio ceter, ule cente,andmany mnoher elements wic allsyliz thatNw rk is one of the mo

3、st strong ctis inhworl.New YrCtyis located in theNorthstrn UitedSttes, ouheasternNw Yrk Sae, appoximatly hlfwy between Washintn, D。a BostonCmat: te colde onh (Januars) aeage teerareis 2F (Fahreneit)(15C)。 The y njys an erae f 34 unny day yea。oplaton: he New York etroolitan eas poplatio is s th natio

4、ns hihet, estmed a9,70,00 peopeove6,720squae mi (17,400km2)in ree statesn ac, Nw Yrk is otmyfavort ity Bu now,I hoseitto prsent jut becau tok, NewYork i ttractiveEspecialyohi senne一切现代物质与精神的产物,都在这里肆意展示它们极端的形态。Penetratng, harp and accuratIn on f an aos aricle, re goe a sntenc ich i rel imressie ome.

5、Delte b impong This mbe te most aurecripion ofheShaa deert。Thehar, wh in Arabc meas the rea deser, is the wods lasht dese nte wolds sendlars desertafer narctica. At ove ,000,000 squekilometers(3,500,00 sqmi), covers osparto Norher Afri; an ae treigrom the Red Sea, incluing part of tMeditraea coasts,

6、 to he otskirtof teAanic cean.To te uth, it s delmite bh Sahel。 TheSahra ialmo sarge a the ntienta UnitdSte, i agr than Austrai. Te ar has aninteit(断断续续的) istoy tht maygo bacs uc as 3 mllonars Some of t sandues(沙丘) ca reach 180 meters (00 ft)i hght。 A grapicalmaofAfic, sh hecoogical beak thatfies th

7、e SaharnraAndt following countiesae ihe fly o partillycovee byhe SaharaAleria 阿尔及利亚hd乍得Egyp 埃及y 利比亚Morocco 摩洛哥Mauritania 毛里塔尼亚Mai马里Niger 尼日尔Sdn苏丹isia突尼斯Westrn ahara 西撒哈拉And the ext one Its thertsh virin ild TheBrtsh irin Islndconsst of he min isands fool,Vgn rda, Aneada a ost anDyke, aln wit ove ift

8、y othrsmale iad and ca(珊瑚礁). Approximtely fifeenof the islads are nhited。 he lrgst isad, Tortola, i pproximey2km (apprx 2mi) lo nkm(apro。 3i) ie.Th isnds have a totappltn o about 22,00, of om pprximately 18,00 livenTorla. Road Ton,th capital, s tutd on Trl. I really aln lve wthit at thfist sigt。 Alt

9、ouh Ihaveneerbe here, b the clear watr, tlea k,theverdan, fesh grass,hll, thewit sailot, nd alot adrablisands。 all h thingare atrcin m。An ts sc udertaale that we all the bitih vigi islad “pardis”VrontThe famos film forrstgum 阿甘正传。After mp los jnny, e began un, rom healntic o epacfi, fom e fil fll of

10、 heat, town cvred with map eae. And thtwwhc imgnificen, sldid fantsic, sjin VermontA faras c rember, i he k, theri rs Ilie ve mu. It saysthatn othraces like Vermont,eve te autumn i so vgorous 除了佛蒙特,世上也没有哪一个地方,可以连秋天都那么轰轰烈烈.In th tmn, Vrontslls dipla , ran angoldoliag displayed nhega mpe s cold wahepp

11、roaches。 Ths ispayofr is not due o muh to the presenc of apaticulr varnt(不同的) of the ugr apl; raer t icued b a number osoiand clmate cnditions uniqe to e are 因此人们就有幸看到这番人间的奇景:北方的枫叶已然红透,南方还是全黄,南北交界处的色彩最为丰富,从最深的紫红,到火把一样的赤红,明明暗暗的金黄,点缀着松树的绿、木屋的白,这满山遍野的锦绣,浓烈得象最华丽的印象派画布,一派如火如荼的生机勃勃,所谓悲秋之气荡然无存。红极而落的叶子,掉在地上

12、,声音也是干燥明快的,不带一丝生命将尽的悲凉。Vrmont (vrmn/)s a stae n th New nlad reion oftrtheasern UnitedSttsf Amera。 Teae rnks 45th yttal aea an 3rd y lan aea at 9,250sure miles It has popultion of 60,87, ranng 9h ofallfitysats。 h onlyNew Englan tae it no tli ang the AtantOcen, ermot is otable fr he ree Muntais rning nh t south d ae Camplain hich mesu50% Verons western border。 It is bordd byMasacusetts(马萨诸塞州)t thth,Nw Hmphe(汉普郡) tth eas,NwYrt



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