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1、英语口语指导COT结构(Computerized Oral Test)Part C Retelling the storyCon tentsCo5.复述演练?Lb4.复述演示L j3.评分标准2.考试目标T 1 考试说明1 考试说明广东省20们年普通高考“英语听说”考试要求C节故事复述,要求考生先听一段大约两分钟的独白,录音播放两遍。考生准备一 分钟之后开始复述所听的内容。要求考生 尽可能使用自己的语言复述,而且复述内容应涵盖尽可能多的原文信息点。选取的 独白其体裁主要以记叙文和议论文为主。S2.考试目标本题型的故事体裁一般为叙事和 简单的夹叙夹议文章,长度在250个 单词左右。故事结构完整,

2、情节性 强,适合复述,故事内容往往比较贴 近生活,包括学校生活.家庭生活、 人际交往等。文章结构比较完整, 易于通过听来理解内容,并进行口 头表述。3评分标准(满分24分)语音分标准题,容4 5 言性乎流连语音 语调 较好内容的完整性(Completeness) 语言的得体性(Appropriateness) 语言的流利度(Fluency) 语音的准确度(Accuracy)1 标题通常对故事情节有概括性的作用.12 结合标题预测故事的梗概.inieWho The boysWhan Late in the afternoon vvnen tiN midnightWhere In the midd

3、le of a fieldWhat happened (Main verbs) put up; cooked; told; sang; began to rain crept; slept; woke up; began shouting; hurried; formed; flowedIt rained heavily and the tent was Why full of water.te a ar th m sh w; he听取故事时,要注意:1.宏观把握,注意开头和结尾;2记录关键词,如事情发生的时间、地点、起 因、经过、结果、有关的人物及人物关系、 以及故事片给我们的启示或蕴涵的中

4、心思想等。复述故事时,要注意:1. 明确复述时使用的人称或称谓;2. 代词he、she要弄清,正确使用单复数、 时态、句子转承时的连词;3复述要抓重点,不必详细描述每个细节.u r ivdii. 复述演练你将听到一段故事,故事播两遍。听完故事后, 用自己的话复述故事。注意不要背诵故事。Who; When; Where; WhyWhat happenedWhat the story tells us一听了解故事大意。(Main idea)Title?Sand and StoneMain idea:故事中的这个朋友将被打之事写在沙子上,而将被救之事刻在石头上告诉我们 要铭记恩惠忘记伤痛。人称:第三

5、人称时态:过去时Who: two friendsWhere: (walking) through the desertWhat happened:(1) had an argument ; one slapped the other in the face; the one who got beaten wrote in the sand(2) found an oasis; decided to 怕血 a bath ; got stuck in the mire: saved bv thefriend; wrote on the stone .What the story tells us:

6、 when someone hurts js 5we should forgive; while someone does us9刁勺 we should remember it forever.The other friend replied: When someone hurts us we should write it down in the sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in a sto

7、ne where no wind can ever erase it.vy i I w u cin euvi v yvi v* nxz v* 右 匸|when someone hurts us we should forgive, while someone does us good, we should remember it forever. 金a同义替换,多种表达.你将听到一段故事,故事播两遍。听完故事后10said the mari go dow n, decli ne, drop ,reduce, fall more than, greater, more and more, superior to V less than, smaller, fewer9 inferior to eg (for example) etc (and so on) esp (especially) ie (that is)max (maximum) min (minimum) AMAP = as much as possibleASAP = as soon as possible


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