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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、 Do you know tomorrow? Yes, the Great Wall.Awhere they went Bwhere will they goCwhere did they go Dwhere they will go2、Do you think

2、 they will _ the match? I think so. The weather is really terrible.Atake offBturn offCset offDput off3、How do you like the fish I cooked for you?I havent had it yet. However, it _ good.AsmellsBtastesCsoundsDfeels4、 Palace Museum is one of most famous places in Beijing.A/;anBA;/CThe;aDThe;the5、I have

3、 been to quite a few museums, but I can say this one is_.AgoodBthe bestCthe betterDbetter6、-Look! The woman is wrinkling her nose at what the waiter brought.- _it means she doesnt like how the food looks.AMustBPerhapsCCouldDprobably7、-Canada is the second _ country in the world.-That is, it is large

4、r than _country in Asia.Alarger, any Blarger, any otherClargest, any Dlargest, any other8、The T-shirts are all wonderful. But in my sons eyes, the blue one is _.AnicerBnicestCthe nicest9、Well study in different schools next term. I hope youll enjoy your time in the new school! _AIll take your advice

5、.BThe same to youCCongratulations!DMe, too.10、Hainan will become a free trade port. _ exciting news it is!AWhat an BWhat CHow. 完形填空11、 We began our hunt for the treasure. At the top of the hill, we sat down to rest. Suddenly, a 1 from trees started singing: “Fifteen men on the dead mans chestYo-ho-h

6、o, and a bottle of rum!”The pirates were 2 . Their faces turned white, and some of them jumped up.“Its Flint!”cried one.“Someone is playing the 3 on us,” said Silver.The men started to feel better at these words. 4 the voice called out again.“Darby McGraw,” it called out several times. “Fetch the ru

7、m, Darby!”The pirates 5 where they were, looking around in fear.“Those were Flints last words before he died,” whispered one.“ 6 here except us knows about Darby,” said Silver. “Im here to get the treasure. I was never afraid of Flint when he was 7 , and Im not afraid of him now. Theres 700,000 poun

8、ds a quarter of a mile from here. Im not going to 8 .”“Youre right, John,” said one of the pirates. “And that voice 9 like Flints voice. It was more like”“Ben Gunn!” shouted Silver.“Yes!” cried another 10 . “It was Ben Gunn! And nobody is afraid of Ben Gunn, dead or alive.”With this, the mens spirit

9、 returned. They picked up their things and we carried 11 walking.We were now close to the tall trees. I was worried about Silver. I was sure he could easily kill everyone to keep the treasure for 12 .“Hooray!” shouted one of the pirates and they all started running. Suddenly they stopped. When Silve

10、r and I reached them we saw 13 .In front of us there was a very big hole. At the 14 of the hole there was a broken wooden box. On one of the sides I saw the word Walrusthe 15 of Flints ship.It was clear that the treasure was not there.1AwomanBvoiceCbirdDchild2AangryBfrightenedChappyDexcited3AjokeBmu

11、sicCpianoDtoy4AIfBOrCAndDBut5AremainedBreceivedCrestedDrelaxed6ANobodyBSomebodyCAnybodyDEverybody7AdeadByoungCaliveDlive8Apick it upBgive it upCput it upDopen it up9AwasBsoundedCwasntDdidnt10AsoftlyBsadlyCquietlyDloudly11AoutBwithConDto12AhimselfBmyselfCthemselvesDourselves13AwhatBwhyCwhereDwhich14A

12、endBfrontCtopDbottom15AweightBcolourCnameDsize. 语法填空12、Tu Youyou is a Chinese pharmaceutical chemist(药学家) and educator. She is best known for discovering artemisinin(青蒿素) which 1(use) to treat malaria(疟疾) and has saved 2(million) of lives. She won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in October 2015. She is

13、the 3(one) Chinese woman to win this prize.Tu was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China 4 December 30th, 1930. From 1951 to 1955, she attended Peking University Medical School. Later, Tu was trained for two and a half 5(year) in traditional Chinese medicine. Now she is the Chief Scientist in the

14、Academy(研究院) of Chinese Medicine in Beijing.Tu has some health problems as a result of working poor conditions for 6 long time. But she is still doing research. When Tu finally received Nobel Prize for her achievements, she said the success 7(belong) to her team, which did research in those poor conditions. And she thinks artemisinin is a gift from China and from 8(tradition) Chinese medicine to the world, to the millions and millions of people, 9(especial) poor children, all over the world who have malaria. Tu Youyou is already 87 years old, 10


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