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1、 Unit 24 的基础复习一、短语:1 形成/存在 come into being 2. 转折点 Turning point3. 故意惹恼某人Wind sb up 4. 撞上某人Knock into sb5. 闯入Break into 6. 原则上On priciple 7. 判某人死刑Sentence sb to death 8. 炫耀Show off9. 注意、留心看Keep an eye on 10 . 成功地干成某事succeed in doing sth/ succeed in sth /be successful in doing sth 11. 捐献contribute to

2、12. 自于Hail from 13 追溯到date back 14.在上升Be on the increase15.把储存在. Deposit sth in sth 16. 认真对待某事Take sth /sb seriously17. 瞄准Aim at 18. 个人而言On a personal level19. 腐烂Rot away 20. 由于结果As a result of 21. 对失去信心Lose faith in 22. 摆脱, 废除Do away with 23. 修补Do up 24. 使耽搁hold up 25. 出现Turn up 二、词性转换:1. homelessn

3、ess n. 无家可归 home n. 家 homeless adj 无家可归的2. inequality n. 不平等 equality n. equal adj 3. voluntary adj. 自愿的 volunteer 自愿者 n. volunteer 自愿 v 4. consumer n.消费者 consume v 消费 consumption n 消费5. signature n, 签名 sign v. 签名 sign n. 记号,符号; 信号,暗号;6. taxplayer n. 纳税人 tax n. 税,税额 tax v. 向征税7. govern vt. 统治 govern

4、ment n. 政府 8. resistance n. 反抗 抵制 resist v 抵制 反抗9. adjustment n. 调整,调节 adjust v 适应10. merciful adj.宽大的 仁慈的 mercy n. 宽容; 怜悯; 幸运; 侥幸11. edition n 版本. editor n. 编辑,编者 edit v编辑12. robbery n. 抢劫 robber n.强盗 rob v 抢劫13 consequently adv. 所以, 因此 consequent adj. consequent n. 结果重点词语用法:1. alone/lonely 1. The

5、old man lives _ alone_ in a _lonely_ house, but he doesnt feel_lonely_. 2. The house stands_ alone_ on the hill. 3. You _alone_ can do it. 4. I need my privacy. Please leave me_alone_. 5. I cant even buy a bike, let _alone_ a car.注意: lonely and alone 的区别alone adj. 只作表语. adv. 意为:单独地, 独自地。lonely adj.

6、可作定语, 表语。 作表语时表示主语内心感到寂寞,孤独, 而作定语时, 表示地方的”荒凉, 人烟稀少, 偏僻,孤零零”。2. 1) fun乐趣,趣事(不可数) What fun it is to jump into the river for a swim in summer. Its great fun to do sth. I didnt really mean to take part in the competition, I played pingpong just for fun/for the fun of it.2). make fun of sb.=laugh at sb.

7、He is always made fun of by others. No one likes being made fun of.(注意?)3). Its no fun/use doing sth4) . -Were going to have a picnic on Sunday. -Have fun!(Enjoy yourself.)5). funny adj. (a)滑稽可笑的 (b)稀奇古怪,难以解释的 Its funny that she left so suddenly. 3. be angry+ with/at sb 对某人生气 +at/about sth 对某事生气 +to

8、 do 生气地做某事1). She was very angry with/at me when I was late .2).What are you angry about ?3). He was angry at what she said /to hear it . that he didnt turn up at his birthday party . * be strict with sb be strict in sth 对某人严格、对某事严格4. not justbut not only but( also ) 可以连接两个相同的成分或句子He is not just a s

9、tudent but a singer.5. In 1990s, many families bought computers.In the 1990s6. “对某人来说”1)It is +adj/n +(for sb ) + to do 当形容词修饰不定式表行为时,To dois adj (for sb ) It is important for us to keep the balance of nature.It is necessary for us to learn a foreign language .It is dangerous to swim in the river .I

10、t is bad manners to be rude to people .2) It is +adj + of sb+ to do (nice/good/kind/ right/silly/kind/careless/foolish etc) = Sb be +adj + to doIt is very kind of you to help us/to say so .It is careless of you to forget to lock the door .It is still foolish of you to be worrying about it 3)陈述一件事时用

11、to sbThese trees are important to the farmers .Their job is important and necessary to us all .Toms trouble is very common to boys and girls .四、基础知识巩固 :1). Complete the sentences1. 她的丈夫因为杀人而被判处死刑。Her husband _was sentenced to death_ for murder.2. 他向上帝祈祷,希望明天有一个好天气。He _prayed to _ God _for_ a fine da

12、y tomorrow.3. Lucy喜欢卖弄她收藏的钱币。Lucy likes _showing off_ her collection of coins.4. 离开房子之前一定要关煤气。_Make sure _ to turn off the gas before you leave the house.5. 是时候我们开始认真学习了。_It is high time _ that we _should get_ (get) down to working hard on our lessons.2). Translate the following sentences into Engli

13、sh1. 关于她的表演,她没有作然任何的评论。( remark )She didnt make any remarks on her performance2. 我每周有十美元的收入。( income )I have an income of $10 per week.3. 我们采用了她的教学方法。(adopt)We adopted her method of teaching. 4. 这个班大多数的同学都想读这间大学。(majority)The majority of the students in this class want to go to the university5. 我们去旅

14、游时,应该考虑当地的天气。(take into account)When we travel to some place, we should take the local weather into account6. 我的钱不够了,所有向他借了点钱。(be short of)We were went ran short of money, so we asked him to lend us some.7. 我不在时,能不能请你帮我看一下我的行李?(keep an eye on)Would you please keep an eye on my luggage while Im away?8. 一到达,科学家们就开始认真工作。(settle down to)On arrival, the scientist settled down to working their work at once. 9. 现在他看的不是英语而是政治。(not but)Now he is not reading English but politics.10. 很荣幸你来为我们作报告。(Its an honor


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