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1、1.餐馆场景 餐馆 : restaurant餐馆 place餐馆 French place法式餐厅Chinese place中餐馆 Italian place意式餐厅 pub酒吧 bar酒吧 inn小旅馆,小客栈 snack food小吃 snack bar快餐店 subway赛百味sandwich三明治 Pizza hut必胜客 bread talks 面包新语 hamburger汉堡 burger king 汉堡王 cafeteria 自助餐厅 食品:steak牛排 buffet自助餐 main dish主菜 salad 沙拉 soup汤 vegetable sea food egg dr

2、op soup蔬菜海鲜蛋花汤 sauce 汁,酱 dessert甜点 pudding布丁 dressing调味汁doughnut面包圈 French bread法式面包 a loaf一条面包 jam果酱 apple pie苹果 sandwich 三明治 toast土司 pizza披萨 hamburger汉堡 snack food 快餐potato chips土豆片 French fries炸薯条 yoghourt酸奶double cheese burger双层吉士汉堡 Mcdonalds spicy drumstick burger 麦辣鸡腿汉堡 soda water 苏打水 mineral

3、water 矿泉水 Orange Juice 橘汁lemon juice 柠檬汁soft drink 软饮beer 啤酒 wine 酒a bottle of wine 一瓶红酒 liquor 烈酒 alcohol 酒精 coffee 咖啡a cup of coffee 动作: order dishes 点菜 bring me the menu 看菜单 recommendation 推荐,招牌菜 付账: 我有钱我请客。Let me treat you. Its my treat. 我来买单。I will check out. pick up the bill. foot the bill pic

4、k up the table 请客 Its on me. AA制: Lets go Dutch. 各人付自己的帐 Lets go fifty-fifty. separate checks split the bill Background: book reserve 预定 all the tables have been booked up Are you ready to order, sir? See the menu . What is the specialty of the house? I will be back with your order in a minute. Shor

5、t-handed I will take care of it right now. Your meal will be free.2.图书馆场景 图书馆设施: shelf书架 stack书库 reading room 阅览室 reference room参考书阅览室 periodical room期刊阅览室 copier复印机 study lounge 自习室 circulation desk 流通台 check out外借 return还书 renew 续借 library 图书 librarian图书馆长, 图书管理员 book number 书号 catalogue书目 index索引

6、 volume卷,宗 library card借书卡 规章制度: writing permission书面许可 book reservation 预定 due到期 over-due超期 fine罚款 reserved library books馆内收藏书 check out外借 return 还书 put on reserve 被限制在馆内阅读 期刊: magazine 杂志 journal 期刊 periodical 期刊 quarterly 季刊 back number 过刊 current issue 现刊 latest number 最新一期 Background: index 索引

7、on the name/subject/具体说明title stack 书库 I have trouble to find it. ask the librarian for help library card 借书证 circulation desk 流通台 magnetically coded 磁性条码 demagnetis 消磁 pay the fine 罚款3.打电话场景 电话种类: long distance call 长途电话 over sea call 越洋电话 collect call 对方付款电话 incoming call 打进的电话 outgoing call 往外打的电

8、话 phone booth 公用电话 self phone 手机 pay phone 投币式电话 person to person call 受话者接听的电话 station to station call 叫号电话 receiver 听筒 打电话出现的问题: I am sorry I dialed the wrong number. 拨错电话 The line is busy/hut/engaged. 占线 The connection is bad. 信号不好 The phone is not clear. 听不清楚 常用表达: 电话本 telephone book /directory

9、电话听筒 receiver 电话账单 phone bill 挂上电话 hang up 先别挂 hand on 挂掉电话 Line is dead. 别挂电话 hold on for moment hold the line 给某人打电话 ring sb up give sb a ring/call 电话自动答录机 answering machine 留言 leave a message 稍等,我马上给你打过去。I will call your back in a minute.4.职业场景 办公室场景 办公室常见人物: boss 老板 secretary 秘书 front desk 前台 em

10、ployee雇员 employer 雇主 interview 面试 interviewer 面试官 interviewee面试者 department 部门 head of department 部门主管 Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官 办公室的常见表达 升官 promotion 你是我的顶头上司 You are my immediately boss. 加薪 get a rise 为补偿生活起居费用上涨而实行的底薪 cost living rise 资历 qualification 证书 certificate 经验 experience 经历 experienc

11、es 离职 quit ones job / resign 退休 retire 失业 layoff 接替别人的位子 take over 工资 salary 找工作场景: 求职者 applicant 成为一个好的. to make good worker. 全职 full time 兼职 part time 申请工作 apply for 接受 accept 拒绝 turn down 简历 resume/CV 拒绝某份工作 turn down the job 空缺 vacancy 职位 post/position 岗位空缺 opening 经历 experience 面试 interview 你面试进行的怎么样了?How is the job interview? 电面 telephone interview 饭面 dinner interview 面对面的面试 face to face office interview 寻找相关领域内有经验的人 look for people with experience in the profession 面试的注意事项: 穿着干净 wear tidy in the cle


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