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1、out of order出了故障 order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 organize/ organise vt./vi.组织, 建立; 组织起来 organization n. organizer n. 组织者 辨析 other, the other, others, the others, another: other作前置定语, 修饰 单数或复数名词, 表示泛指; another用于泛指三者以上的不定数目中的 另一个. 其名词前不要加冠词. the other表示两者加的 另一个或两部分中的 另一部分. 是特指. others用作代词, 泛指 其他人 或 其它物.

2、the others指 整体中除去一部分后, 剩余的全部. 表特指. by ourselves 独立地 be worn out穿破; 累坏 go out出去; 熄灭 find a way out 找到出路 tire out使精疲力竭 put out(使)熄灭 turn out熄灭 work out算出; 解出 speak out 大声说 be sold out被卖完了 out of 在.外; 在外; 缺乏; 没有; 用完; 由于; 出于 out of work失业 out of ones reach够不着 out of breath 上气不接下气 outdoors adv.在户外; 在野外 o

3、utdoor adj.户外的; 室外的 outsiden.外部;外面;外表;外层 adj.外部的 户外的 外来的;确良发生于他处的 adv. & prep. 在外面;在.外; 向外; 在.附近 directly above在上 all over浑身; 全身; 全部; 整个; 在整个all over the country/world 全国/全世界 over and over again 反复不断地; 再三 go over复习 show sb. over some place 领某人走遍某地(参观) 辨析 1. over, through, across: over指从一个物体的一边经上方到另一

4、边的越过 through 指(在空间)通过一物体或洞穴的穿过 、“通过”. Across 指在同一范围内从一边到另一边的横过, 指平面穿过. 2. over above, on: above 表示 “在.之上” , 指斜上方, 其反义词为 below; over表示 “在.正上方, 垂直于.之上”, 可以有面与面的接触, 也可以有一定的距离. 其反义词为under. on表示“ 在.的面上”, 强 调有接触. own adj. belonging to oneself自己的 vt. 1.to possess something , esp. by lawful right拥有; 持有; 所有

5、2.admit 承认 pron.自己的东西 of ones own 属于某人自己的 on ones own 独立地; 独自地; 亲自地 owner n. C a person who owns something esp. one who possesses something by lawful right所有人; 主人P pack pAkv.to put (things, esp. ones belongings) into ( cases, boxes, etc.for travelling or storing捆; 扎; 打包; 包装; 打行李 n.a number of things

6、 wrapped or tied together , or put in a case, esp. for carrying on the back by a person or animal 包; 捆; 束; 行李; a pack of 一群(包、副、盒、伙、派,.); packs of 大量的; 一大堆的 page peidVn. one side of a sheet of paper in a book , newspaper, etc., usu. numered页; 页码: turn to page.翻到.页; Open the book at page. 请把书翻到.页; tu

7、rn the page over 翻过一页 pain peinn. 1. Usuffering; great discomfort of the body or mind 疼; 疼痛: have a pain in ones head(= have a headache) 头痛; have pains all over浑身疼痛; cry with pain痛得哭起来 2. C a feeling of suffering or discomfort in a particular part of the body; a feeling of annoyance or displeasure常用

8、复数形式 劳苦; 苦心; (内心的)痛苦; No pains, no gains 不劳则无获; spare no pains不辞劳苦; be at the pain of learning 刻苦学习 同ache 反pleasure 辨析pain 指肉体的、精神的痛苦; ache指连续的、局部的隐隐作痛 painful 5peinfUladj. 1.causing pain痛的; 痛苦的 2. hard or difficult 费力的; 艰苦的 painfully adv. 反 painless paint peintv.1.to put paint on (a surface)粉刷; 油漆;

9、 2.to make a picture or pictures of somebody or something using paint(用颜料等)绘画; paint from nature 写生; paint in oils/water colours画油画/画水彩画; paint the house粉刷/油漆屋子; paint sth. red/ green 把某物染成红色/绿色 n. liquid colouring matter which can be put or spread on a surface to make it a certain colour油漆; 涂料; (常复

10、数:paints)颜料: Fresh/ Wet paint!油漆未干! a peace of paint一幅绘画作品; painter 5peintn.a person who paints pictures; artist 绘画者;(油)画家 paintbrush n.画笔; 画刷 painting 5peintINn. 油画; 水彩画 同drawing; picture 辨析 painting, drawing, picture, portrait: painting泛指油画、 水彩画等带有色彩的绘画作品。 drawing泛指黑白类的绘画作品或线条画;指素描作品。 picture泛指各类绘

11、画作品、图片,亦可表示电影作品。 portrait 指人物的肖像, 或人物肖像的语言描写。 pair pZn. C something made up of two parts that are alike and which are joined and used together一双; 一对; 一副; 一条; 一把; a pair of匼plain(后接 “物”时,谓语动词用单数;后接 “人”时, 谓语动词则用复数。)一双, 一对: a new pair of shoes(= a pair of new shoes) 一双新鞋子; in pairs 成双地 辨析 pair, couple:

12、 两者都含有 “双”、“对”之意; pair可以用于人或物, 指物时, 常指其中之一受损, 另一个则不能使用的物品; couple指被视为一体的, 同类的两个人或物: a couple of (= a few, several) (Am.E.) 几个 palace 5pAlIsn. a large grand house where a ruling king or queen officially lives/ a large , often showy building for public amusement, dancing, eating, etc.宫; 宫殿:the Childre

13、ns Palace少年宫; the Summer Palace颐和园 近 temple(以供奉神祗为主的)宫殿;寺院 paper 5peipn. U material made in the form of sheets from very thin threads of wood or cloth, used for writing or printing on, coverying parcels or walls, etc.纸 :a piece of paper (= a sheet of paper) 一张纸; a fine paper 一种优质纸 Ca set of printed

14、questions used as an examination in a particular subject试卷、a piece of writing书面作业、论文、newspaper报纸. pardon 5pB:dnvt. (+for) to forgive; excuse 原谅; 宽恕: pardon sb. for (doing) sth.原谅某人做某事 n. (+for)forgiveness 原谅; 宽恕:I beg your pardon(= Beg your pardon =Pardon)? 常用于:作错了事表示道歉(用降调)(相当于Im sorry.);谈话中提出导议(用升

15、调)(相当于Im afraid I disagree with what you have just said./ Im afraid I think that what you have just said is not true/proper.);没听清对方的话,要求重复一遍(用升调)(相当于I did not hear/ understand what you said and would you like to repeat it / say it again?)辨析pardon, excuse:excuse指原谅某人的小过失或疏忽。常用来客气地打断某人的话,或引起某人的注意:Excuse me(用升



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