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1、Module 5 My school dayUnit 3 Language in use1. Toms mother is busy breakfast for Tom. A. cook B. to cook C. cooks D. cooking 2. The girl can (洗) clothes by herself. 记得要洗手。 Remember to . 他们帮妈妈洗餐具。They help their mother .3. 那些男孩们放学后经常踢足球。The boys often play _football .4. 你想和我们一起玩吗?Do you want to_? 男孩们

2、喜欢玩飞机模型。The boys like _the model planes模块专题聚焦. 单项选择 1. She English and maths on Monday. A. have B. has C. are D. is 2. Do they like tennis? . But they like basketball. A. Yes, they are B. No, they arent C. Yes, they do D. No, they dont 3. | 大理中考| What does your mother do to keep healthy, Tim? She us

3、ually . A. swim B. swims C. is swimming D. to swim 4. They often _ basketball after school. A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing . 按要求完成句子(每空一词) 1. They have Chinese every day. (把主语改为he) Chinese every day. 2. We like apples. (改为否定句) We apples. 3. They have maths on Tuesday. (改为一般疑问句) maths on Tues

4、day? 4. Do they like singing? (作肯定和否定回答) Yes, . No, .详解详析Unit 1I love history.考点直击单词精讲1. Maths isHistorymusic2. lessonshave classes/lessons 3. likes playingBDloves4. A5. interestinginterested6. talkB7. begin/start放学后他们开始做家庭作业。短语赏析8. nine oclocktwenty past three; ten to seven; half past nine; a quarter past twoC9. on ThursdayB10. in the afternoonin the eveningA11. good at do well inC句型解读12. time What time 13. have English dont have14. Do you likedont like15. What lessons/classes do; have 16. Cbecause17. CWhat timeWhen5



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