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1、非谓语动词对比试100题作者:日期:非谓语动词对比练习.100题1. from the top of a hill, our house looks like as a car.(2) the dog came over, our frie nd ran away.(3) from the top of a hill, and youfi nd the city more beautiful.(4) more clearly, they came up and got close to it.A. Seeing B. To seeC. See nD. See2. (1)Dis neyla nd

2、 is well worth.(2) Dis neyla nd is worthy of.(3) Dis neyla nd is worthy to.A. be visited B. visit ing C. visitD. being visited3. (1)Tom said to the doctor,” I don want ”(2) Tom said to the doctor; I dontwant youme”(3) Tom said to the doctor The machine wants.A. examiningB. to examine C. to be examin

3、ed D. examined4. (1)l have my brothermy radio tomorrow.(2) 1 have my radiotomorrow.(3) Tomorrow the radio needs.A. repairB. repairi ng C. repairedD. to repair5. (1)We were watch ing TV whe n we heard the door.(2) We were watch ing TV whe n we heard some oneat the door.(3) We no ticed himthe door jus

4、t now.A. kno cked B. knocking C. knockD. to knock6. (1)After a rest, we went onthe same problem.(2)After a rest, we went onthe next problem.A. goB. going C. to goD. went7. (1)The old lady needsafter.(2)The old lady needsafter her grandson.A. looki ng B. looked C. lookD. to look8. (1)lm sorry I can m

5、ake myself.(2)1 m sorry I can make youme.A. understand B. understood C. understanding D. understand9. (1)lve n ever heard a word of Italian.(2)1 ve n ever heard youa word of Italia n.A. speak ingB. speak C. spoke nD. to speak10. (1)These young men asked the governmentthem to work in Xinjia ng.(2)The

6、se young men askedto work in Xinjia ng.A. sending B. to send C. to be sent D. send11. (1)The orga ni zer expected the meetingnext week.(2)The orga ni zer expectedthe meeti ng n ext week.A. to holdB. to be heldC. holdD. held12.(1)He went to a party without.(2)He went to a party alone withoutanyone el

7、se.A. i nvit ingB. i nvitedC. being in vitedD. i nvite13. (1)by Hank, we en tered the di ning room.(2) Hank, we en tered the dining room.(3) Hank, and we en tered the di ning room.A. FollowB. FollowedC. Followi ngD. To follow14. (1)The USA is rich, and it is acoun try.(2)Though shemade much progress

8、, Chi na is still acountry.(3)The Olympic Games in Chi na helps our countryfaster.A. developB. develop ingC. developed15. (1)She asked me whether I was used tofaces in class.(2) She asked me whether I used tofaces in class.(3) Wood was once used tofaces in class.A. makeB. makingC. made16. (1)Class h

9、as begu n, stopwith each other.(2)Whe n I meet him, I always stopwith him.A. talkB. talki ngC. talked17. (1)Do you no tice the boythe street now?(2)Did you no tice the boythe street just now?A. crossB. to crossC. cross ing18. (1)The questionnow at the meeti ng is very importa nt.(2) The questionat t

10、he meeti ng last week is very importa nt.(3) The questionat the meeti ng n ext week is very importa nt.A. to be discussed B. being discussed C. to discussD. be developedD. to makeD. to talkD. crossedD. discussed19. (1)Do ntyou forgeta letter for me before?(2)D on forgeta letter for me before dinner.

11、A. postB. posti ngC. to postD. posted20. (1)The farmer had his factorylast ni ght.(2)The farmer had his horseall the ni ght.A. stole nB. stealC. running D. to run21. (1)Whe n, ice will cha nge into water.(2)Whe nthe airport, he waved to us aga in.A. heatB. heatedC. leavi ngD. to leave22. (1)To go to

12、 the palace with just a flower meanspoor.(2)I didn tmeanyou re your feelings.D. hurt ingA. bei ngB. to beC. hurt23. (1)Shall we try hardthe problem? Shall we trythe back door?A. sol vingB. to solveC. knockD. knocking24. (1)l regretI cannot go to with you.(2)1 regretthe report.A. say ingB. to sayC. m

13、issi ngD. to miss25. (1)The doctor advised each of usmore exercise.(2) The doctor advised /suggestedmore exercise.(3) The doctor advised /suggested wemore exercise.A. tak ingB. takeC. to takeD. took26. (1)What aboutsmoki ng?(2)He has made up his mindsmok ing.A. gave upB. to give up C. giving upD. gi

14、ve up27. (1)She was the only girlto go to the party yesterday.(2) One of the girlsto the n ext party will be an America n.A. to in viteB. i nviti ngC. to be in vited D. i nvited28. (1)Would you pleasethe luggage for me?(2)Would you likethe luggage for me?(3) Would you mindthe luggage for me?A. carry

15、B. to carryC. carry ingD. carried29. (1)The old man made a woode n basinwater.(2)He made the boythe water with it.D. to be carriedA. to carryB. carryC. carry ing3O.(1)Themother is look ing for her lost son.(2)She isthat her lost son will n ever come back.A. to worryB. worryi ng31. (1)lm going to have my waste paperC. worriedD. to be worriedaway at once.(2)1 II have my little brotherit away.A


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