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1、 科 目英 语模 块 Go for it 八年级上时 间2013.11.24 课 题 Unit 6.Im going to study computer science 课 型 听 说 课课 时Section A 1a-1c学 情 分 析 八年级学生已经学习过最基本的一般时态,已经有一定的英语水平。可以通过设置“对未来职业的谈论”的情景,将学生带入my dream job的话题,从而进行交际功能和语言结构的训练。教 材 依 据新目标初中英语教材采用任务型语言教学(task-based language teaching)模式,融汇话题、交际功能和语言结构,形成一套循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。本

2、部分重点在于学生能够正确运用相关职业的词汇来谈论自己理想职业,运用be going to,want to be结构谈论理想的内容和实现理想的举措。教学设计思路 结合多媒体,利用图片、简笔画头脑风暴法等帮助学生记忆本节相关词汇。设置情景,帮助学生通过听说练习学会谈论未来自己理想职业和实现理想的举措。教学目标知识与技能掌握下列单词、词组及句型 : 1. 识记下列表示职业名称的词:computer programmer;engineer;driver;violinist ;pianist;scientist;doctor; cook;pilot2. 识记短语及固定结构:grow up;want to

3、 be;am/is/are going to do sth.3. 掌握句型 (1)-What do you want to be when you grow up? - I want to be a/an (2)-How are you going to do that? -Im going to 过程与方法1.会问、会回答将来的职业目标2.利用真实的环境或设计模拟的情境进行教学,使目标语言教学更趋形象 化、直观化、真实化和趣味化。3.通过小组竞赛方式实现激励机制,培养学生自主学习、合作学习的能力。4. 采用“任务型”语言教学。根据不同的内容设计不同的任务,让学生通过完成任务,在语言运用中去学

4、习、掌握语言形式和语言规则,使学生在做中学,在做中练,在做中巩固。情感态度与价值观 每个人都有自己的梦想和对未来的打算,对于将来想要从事的职业也充满了憧憬。结合当下流行的“中国梦”话题来激发学生们的学习主动性和学习兴趣,让他们学会为自己设立未来的职业目标,并为之努力奋斗。教学重点1.新单词:computer programmer;engineer;driver;violinist ;pianist; scientist;doctor;cook;pilot;grow up2.新短语:grow up;want to be;am/is/are going to do sth.3.新句型(1)-Wha

5、t do you want to be when you grow up? - I want to be a/an (2)-How are you going to do that? -Im going to 教学难点 能正确使用want to be;am/is/are going to 来表达自己未来的打算用一般将来时态表达自己未来的打算。教学方法1.情景教学法 2.多媒体辅助教学法3.交际法 4.小组竞赛法5.任务驱动式教学法教学资源教材;ppt辅助教学;录音机;磁带 教学过程(第 1 学时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学预设step 1Leading-in1.play a song2.(u

6、se a brainstorm) ask students what they want to be in the future.1. Enjoy a song2. They can speak a lot of jobs. 用dream的歌曲激发学生的好奇心,并同时使用了头脑风暴形式来启发学生说出更多有关职业的英文名称,复习有关职业的单词,目的是引入本节课的目标单词,使学生通过听,看的形式,为下一步的句型学习做好了铺垫。Step2Game1. Show some pictures in the big screen. 2. Let Ss guess what he/she does. 3.

7、Let Ss try their best to guess the job. See which group is the best. Students learn some new words of jobs:Computer programmer,cook, engineer, violinist, pianist, pilot 利用ppt.给学生一些描述职业的图片,让学生看着图片来学习新单词,充分发挥左右脑的不同功能,节省了记汉语意思的时间.Step3Presentation1. ask students which job is the most interesting?then f

8、inish 1a.2. Give an example to them:for me,I think teacher is an interesting job, when I was a child,I wanted to be a teacher,so I studied hard.3. Write down target language on the blackboard:What do you want to be when you grow up?How are you going to do that?1.students rank some jobs from the most

9、 interesting job to the least interesting job.2.Study the dialogue and talk with their partner.3.Discuss the dialogue4.Read them aloud. 结合中考题型,用不同的图片来对重点句型进行反复训练,这样既能巩固新单词,又训练了新句型。Step4Listening 1.Tell Ss to read the words of jobs in the chart. Make sure they know the meaning of the words and senten

10、ces. Guide students to draw conclusions for the part. 2.Judge which groups can be the winner. 3.Encourage students to fill in the blanks of 1b.4.let students summarize be+going to+动词原形结构1.Read them aloud.2.listen to the tape3.fill in the blacks in 1b.4.read them aloud 通过听力训练,不仅培养了听的能力而且让新的语言点在听力材料中再

11、现,从而加以巩固,实质上是变化语言输入的形式。此时让学生自己通过观察到的be+going to+动词原形形式来总结将来时的语法结构。Step 5Pair-work1.Give a situation for students to make a dialogue about the future job.2.let them change “you”into “he or she”3.Judge which groups can be the winner.1.make a dialogue about future job with their partners.using the be+g

12、oing to form.2. get some pairs to make a report and act their dialogue for the class 在生活中运用语言进行交际,激发学生们学习英语的好奇心,表现欲。课堂反馈能让学生暴露容易出错的问题,来给予及时的订正,从而培养他们思维更缜密。活动最开始把学生分成几组进行竞争,提高学生合作意识和积极性,培养了他们在学习知识和产出训练过程中的快速思维。这过程中尽量让学生得出结论,并让学生教学生以提高学生的学习兴趣和学习效果。Step6Homework and conclusion1.Ask students to conclude

13、 what they have learnt in this class.2.Sign the homework3.Encourage students to make a dream of china.ask them to pay attention to “China dream”Summarize what they have learnt in this class by themselves. 通过学生自己归纳本节课所学内容达到更好的巩固所学知识的目的。并通过相应的学案进行难点巩固。Homework: 1. Recite the conversation in 1c after s

14、chool. 2. 根据图片提示或自己的实际想法编写一个对话。 -What are you going to be when you grow up?-Im going to be a/an-How are you going to do that? -Im going to板书设计:Section A1 (1a-1c)Words: grow up, computer programmer, cook, doctor, engineer, violinist, driver, pilot, pianist, scientist, Sentence structures: What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a basketball player. How are you going to do that? Im going to practice basketball every day. 总 结 我校地处城乡结合部,学生原有英语基础和英语



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