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1、让学生热爱学习从落实标准入手 向专业高度奋进教学设计教师姓名荣誉称号科目英语时间课题名称Action story核心设计教师的教学目标 (一)1、Ss can listen、speak、read、write the words: land 、climb 、bee. 2、The pupils can mime the action story and listen and fill in the numbers. (二)情感、态度、价值目标:带领学生在听、说、做的过程中养成学生良好的用英语思维的习惯。 学生的学习任务Task1、Ss can listen、speak、read、write the

2、 words: land 、climb 、bee.Task2、The pupils can mime the action story and listen and fill in the numbers. 检测工具Q1. Whats your family name?Q2. How old are you?Q3. When is your birthday?Q4 .What do you like?过程设计激情导课Step 1: Greeting Say hello to each other Step 2: Chant together: Talk freely. Then chant t

3、ogether. (Hear, hear, I can hear ) Step 3: Lead in: Game:wheres the bee? Teach “land” “It lands on .” “climb” “climb on”民主导学民主导学Step 4: Prensentaiton 1. Enjoy the story Q1: what can you see in the picture ? Q2: wheres the bee at last ? 2. Share the part1 : hear a bee Practise : what can you hear ? I

4、 can hear .( a horse, a clock) T: Wheres the bee ? S: Its on the book. T: Yeah, It lands on Tobys book. How is Toby feeling now ? Is he happy ? Is he scared? Look and number 3. Share the part2 :Look for the bee Listen and follow ( Mime) Step 5. Consolidation 1. Enjoy the story agian 2.Give the voice

5、 to the story 3. Listen and mime the actions. 4. Game: Mime the action (扔筛子来决定模仿哪个图片) 5.Listen and number the picture Step 6: Practice. 1. Can you number the story in order? 2. Choose(选择)a title(标题) for the story? 3. Fill in the blanks.检测导结Step 7: Group work. One day, Toby is _a book on the bed. Sud

6、denly(突然地), he can_ a bee, it _ on his book ,Toby _ up. But where is the bee? He looks _ the bed, no bee. He _ on the wardrobe , its not there. He looks _ the curtains, its not there . Oh, no! the bee is on Tobys _ . . 1. Work in group and finish the exercise. 2. Ss presentation教具与课件ppt, tape板书设计Read hear land jump Where is the bee ? Look climb look on 练习与作业小组内进行情景剧创编,要求用用到以下句子。


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