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1、义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 六年级上册Module 5 ChangesChildhood at Five第一课时 词汇课教学设计 广州市黄埔区怡园小学 胡伟锋一、 教材分析本模块的话题是“变化”(changes),内容十分贴近学生的现实生活,教学活动是围绕照片谈论老师的变化展开的。本课是Unit 9的第一课时,主要处理Unit 9的P51词条、P52的Fun with language中的Exercise 1和P53中的Exercise 4。在课堂教学设计中,尽量多输入和多输出来实现有效教学。同时,通过不同的操练进一步更好地介绍自己变化的语言。二、 学情分析六年级的学生学习兴趣浓厚,探究知识

2、欲望强烈,思维活跃,爱表现。在几年的英语学习中有一定的语言积累,而我在日常教学中不断渗透和锻炼学生连贯说话的能力,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。在语言知识储备上,他们具有一定的外表形容词、性格形容词及兴趣爱好动词短语词量。在本课时,他们要掌握的句型有:I was a when I was, but now I am a . When I was, I was. But now I am. I likedbefore, but now I like.并能结合这些句型从自己的外表、性格、兴趣方面描述自己的变化。三、 教学目标(一) 语言知识目标1. 词汇(1)复习外表形容词、性格形容词及兴趣爱好动词

3、短语。(2)句型When I wasyears old, . But now.(二) 语言技能目标1. 能通过听老师描述自身的变化习得有用的语言表达方式。2. 能结合自己的变化,进行简单的自身变化介绍。(三) 学习策略目标1. 联系实际生活,帮助学生理解changes的主题。2. 在各项学习任务中,让学生学会主动跟老师或同学交流。(四) 情感态度目标1. 能在小组活动中积极与他人合作、互相帮助,共同完成学习任务。2. 通过完成课堂的学习任务,向学生渗透享受过去的快乐时光、展望美好的未来、每天都努力付出的情感教育。四、 教学重难点重点:1. 能通过听老师描述自身的变化习得有用的语言表达方式。 2

4、. 能结合自己的变化,进行简单的自身变化介绍。难点:能很好地运用几种句型谈论自己的变化。五、 教学策略1. 联系实际生活,用老师的童年照片、英语歌曲激发学生学习的兴趣。2. 利用对话式教学拉近师生的距离,同时保持学生的注意力。3. 利用听读方式对学生进行语言输入,通过对语言结构的练习让学生内化,结合老师补充的语言表达方式,让学生学会连贯表达,从而提高学生综合运用语言的能力。六、 教学多媒体教学课件七、 教学过程. Warm up1. Listen to a song and recall our childhood, then present the tittle, Childhood at

5、Five2. Listen to another song and show students my old photo at five, then present the sentences.a. When I was just a little boy, I was short.b. When I was five years old, I was cute and small. c. When I was five years old, I was honest and quiet. Presentation1. Instruct the topic, Changes.2. Listen

6、 and find out their changes. (Book P52 Exe.1)3. Read the material by themselves and find out the answers.4. Check the answers together.5. Ask students to tell me that in which way they describe their changes, then let students tell me some changes about their appearance.6. Ask students to figure out

7、 the sentence, When I was five years old, I was honest and quiet. But now I am outgoing. 7. Let them tell me some changes about their personality.8. Students talk with their partners with two pictures. Its about hobby. Practice1. Talk about the pictures on Page 51, and complete the sentences.a) Sall

8、y liked watching cartoons before, but now she likes drawing cartoons.b) Jiamin liked eating vegetalbes before, but now he likes eating candy.c) Mike liked watching TV before, but now he likes surfing the Internet.2. Practise the sentence, I liked before, but now I like . There will be a lot of phras

9、es to help them. Development1. Look at another boys childhood at five. Ask some students to talk about Tom using the sentences, When Tom was five, he hadhe likedBut now, he likes2. Look and write. (Book P53 Exe.4). Homework1. 用以下句型写3句话介绍自己的变化: I was a when I was , but now I am (外貌) When I was , I was But now I am (性格) I liked before, but now I like (爱好)2. 将第1项作业念给家长听。3. 明天带一张自己小时候和近照回来,并将照片贴在A4纸上。八、板书设计Moduel 5 ChangesChildhood at FiveI was a_ when I was_, but now I am a _.When I was_, I was_. But now I am_.I liked_before, but now I like_.



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