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1、八下词汇练习Unit5 Topic1I.词汇(A)根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。1.-Do you think Harry Potter is a s_ boy? -Of course not. He is very clever and popular with young people.2. The mother nearly went m_ when she couldnt find her son.3. He never s_. So we are all afraid of him.4. The food s_ so delicious.5. -How many story boo

2、ks do you have? -N_, but my father will buy me a few. (B)根据汉语提示完成句子。1.Beijing Roast Duck _ (尝起来)delicious.2.Beijing is a beautiful city full of _ (文化) and history.3. Chinese people love _ (和平).4. She is a _ (活泼的)girl and we all like her.5. Jackie Chan is one of the greatest _ (角色) in the film.Topic2

3、I.词汇(A)根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。1.Mr. Zhao is a teacher with e_ of 30 years.2.T_ he is only 7 years old, he knows a lot.3.He is dealing w_ these lettlers.4.This kind of silk is quite s_ and comfortable.5.I have a few problems. Could you make some s_ on how to deal with them? (B)根据汉语提示完成句子1.Its _ (正常的) to fee

4、l tired after such a long trip.2.I am sorry Jeff _ (拒绝)the job yesterday.3.We all _ (理解)what you said.4.Our teachers are very _ (严格)with us.5.I am just here. I am a _ (陌生人),too.Topic3I.词汇(A)根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。1.The little girl is afraid of taking b_ medicine.2.If you want to go abroad(出国), you have to

5、get a p_ .3.They all work day and night in high s_.4.There are many kinds of books and m_ in the library.5.The noisy environment often makes people upset, so we dont make much n_.(B)选词填空monitor, speech, especially, boss, sense1.The workers are afraid of their _ in the factories.2.Several important p

6、eople made _ at the meeting.3.I was feeling _tired that evening.4.He has a very good _ of direction(方向).5.We make our _ at the beginning of every term.单元整合评估(A)根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。1.He had a strange way of making his classes l_ and interesting.2.I dont like the medicine. It always t_ very bitter.3.Mr. L

7、i gave us some a_ about learning English.4.Everyone c_ us when we went up to get our prize(奖).5.I think Dashan knows something about Chinese history and c_.(B)根据汉语提示完成句子1.My brother likes swimming. Now he _ _ _ (习惯于)swimming in winter.2.A lot of students dont know how to _ _ (相处)well with their clas

8、smates.3.Mrs. Green felt so anxious about her son that she couldnt _ _ (睡着).4.All of us are afraid of _ _ (对付)such feeling problems.5.In the end, Tom _ _ _ (与.和解)his friend John.Unit6. Topic 1(A)根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。1. Our first t_ is to prepare for the meeting.2. The refrigerator cost her 300 d_ .3. The

9、 bed is clean and soft. It must be c_ for you to have a sleep.4. Which v_ is the fastest, the bus, the train or the plane?5. In order to help poor children, the students in our school often s_ flowers on weekends.(B)根据汉语提示完成句子1. Miss Wang asked us to _ (决定)the place to go.2. Kangkang and his classma

10、tes need 10 _ (标准间)to live in.3. Ill go on the _ (野外旅行)with my parents this Sunday.4. -Could you tell us the best way to _ (筹款)?-Its hard to say.5.Dont worry! I _ _ _ (想出)a good idea just now.Topic2(A)根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。1. Lucy r_ a lot of presents from her friends yesterday.2. We had a p_ holiday this

11、 summer. We all enjoyed ourselves in Beijing.3. -Where is Jim?-He is in the s_ between the wall and the table.4.Beijing is in the n_ of China.5.Michaels family always go c_ in September.(B)根据汉语提示完成句子1. I watched the car until it was _ _ _ (看不见).2. -Lets have a rest on the grass.-No. Look at that sig

12、n. It says, “Dont _ _(踩)the flowers and grass.3._ _ (确保)all the windows are closed before you leave.4.Smoke _ _ (蔓延)the whole city.5.Joe looked for the keys _ _ _ (到处), but he still couldnt find them.Topic3(A)根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。1. Are you c_? Why do you drive the car so fast?2. Three p_ were badly hurt

13、 in the bus accident yesterday.3. The teacher w_ the naughty boy not to talk again just now.4. Her grandmothers d_ made her very sad.5. He was successful. However, his way to s_ didnt go well.(B)根据汉语提示完成句子1.If everyone obeys the_ _(交通规则),there will be much fewer accidents in our country.2.When the y

14、oung man was riding very fast, he _ _(撞到)an old man.3.He said nothing but just _ _ (继续)4.The bus _ _ (减速)as it got to the bus stop on the road.5.The train was late _ _(再次).Unit6单元整合评估(A)根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。1. Our t_ is to find out the price of taking a train.2. Whats the price of a s_ room?3. Its i_ to pass the exam if you dont study hard.4. Zhang Sides d_ is heavier than Mount Tai.5. Lance Armstrong is famous for his achievements and c_ in cycling.(B)根据汉


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