Unit 6 Chores Lesson 1 教案 2.doc

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1、Unit 6 Chores Lesson 1教案 2一、教材内容分析本课时为新起点五年级上册第六单元Chores的第一课时,教学内容为第68页和第69页。这一课时有三个部分:A Listen and match; B Think and say; C Lets write。A部分借助Get ready图和听力内容,情境化地呈现了七个目标词汇: chore, clean the room, make the bed, take out the rubbish, wash clothes, tidy the desk 和 sweep the floor;让学生通过看、听、说、做等途径来感知并学习这

2、些词汇。B部分通过小组活动,帮助学生操练新学词汇,并在交际情境中体会词汇的运用。C部分是让学生根据自己的实际情况,写出自己在家所做家务的情况。二、学生情况分析学生通过本套教材一到四年级及五年级前几个单元的学习,已经掌握了一些动词词组。这些词汇的掌握为本节课的学习打下了良好的基础。本单元的话题是家务活。五年级的孩子会做一些家务活,但是不会表达。正好可以借助本单元的学习,增强孩子爱劳动,帮助父母做家务活儿的优秀习惯。三、教学目标通过本节课的学习,学生能够达到以下目标:1能够听懂、会说chore, clean the room, make the bed, take out the rubbish,

3、 wash clothes, tidy the desk 和 sweep the floor这七个单词和短语,尝试借助拼读规律记忆单词。2能够运用已学功能句操练本课新学词汇,简单询问及描述在家所做的家务。3 能够根据语境,从chore, clean the room, make the bed, take out the rubbish, wash clothes, tidy the desk 和 sweep the floor选择恰当的词汇填空。四、教学重难点教学重点能够听懂、会说chore, clean the room, make the bed, take out the rubbis

4、h, wash clothes, tidy the desk 和 sweep the floor这七个单词和短语。教学难点能够运用已学功能句操练本课新学词汇,简单询问及描述在家所做的家务。五、教学过程1热身(唱一唱)T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello!T: Nice to see you again.Ss: Nice to see you again.T: Do you like listening to music?Ss: Yes!T: Lets enjoy an English song. (点击课件,播放本单元的英语歌曲)T: Wonderful! W

5、hat do you usually do after school?S: T: What do you usually do after school?S: T: You are so helpful. Today we are going to talk about chores. (板书课题)设计意图:在欣赏英语歌曲的氛围中进入学习英语状态中。开门见山,直入正题。2学习(学一学,练一练)(1)单词教学教学wash clothesT: You can do chores at home. Do you know what Lily, Bill and Andy do after schoo

6、l?S: T: (点击课件,出现Lily洗衣服图片) Who is she?S: Lily.T: What does she do after school?S: T: She washes clothes. (点击课件,出现wash clothes) What does a say? (点击课件,出现watch)S: /T: Right! What does sh say? (点击课件,出现fish)S: /T: How to read this word? (手指wash)S: /w/ T: (点击课件,出现wash clothes读音)Ss:学生听音跟读。班内展示,及时评价。T: Can

7、 you wash clothes?S: T: Please do it. S: 学生做动作读词组。T: What does wash mean?S: T: What else can you wash?S: I can wash T: Great!教学sweep the floorT: Look! Who is he? (点击课件,出现Binbin扫地的图片)S: Binbin.T: What can he do?S: T: He can sweep the floor. (点击课件,出现sweep the floor词组及意义) What does ee say? (点击课件,出现slee

8、p单词)S: /i:/T: How to read this word? (手指sweep)S: /swi:p/T: Right! What does oor say? (点击课件,出现door)S: /:/T: How to read this word? (手指floor)S: /fl:/T: Can you read this phrase? (手指词组)S: sweep the floorT: Can you sweep the floor?S: T: Do you usually sweep the floor?S: T: How often do you sweep the flo

9、or? S: 教学clean the roomT: (点击课件,出现Bill打扫房间的图片) Who is he?S: Bill.T: Is he sweeping the floor? (做动作说)Ss: No.T: He is cleaning the room. (点击课件,出现clean the room词组及意义) What does ea say? (点击课件,出现前面学习的teach)S: /i:/T: How to read this word? (手指clean)S: /kli:n/T: (点击课件,出现clean the room 的读音)Ss: clean the roo

10、mT: Do you usually clean the room at home?S: T: Do you often clean the classroom at school?S: Yes.T: How often do you clean the classroom at school?S: (2)Lets talkT: What chores do you usually do at home?S: I usually T: How often do you do it?S: T: Good! Can you talk like us? Please work in 2, then

11、show it in class.Ss: 学生两人一组问和答,班内展示,及时评价。(3) Listen and matchT: Look! Who are they?S: They are T: What chores do they do? (点击课件,出现A部分图片)S: T: What do they do after school? Lets listen and number. (点击课件,出现A 部分的录音)Ss:学生听音标号。班内校正,及时评价。T: Look at the picture. Lets say. Lily washes clothes and cleans the

12、 room. Please pay attention to s. Can you?S: T: Good job!(4)Think and sayT: Look at the picture. What are they talking about? Who can read for us?S: T: First, they ask and answer in 2. What do they do then?S: T: Then, they write. What do they do at last?S: T: They make a report at last. Can you do i

13、t?Ss: Yes!T: First, write down the names you want to talk. Then, ask her/him. At last, make a report. Are you clear?Ss: Yes!T: Lets do!Ss:学生做调查,班内展示,及时评价。 (5) Lets writeT: (点击课件,出示C部分句子,教师指图片) Can you fill in the blanks?Ss:学生说,及时评价。T: Lets write. Ss:学生在书上写,教师巡视,及时评价。T: Boys and girls, please remembe

14、r: We should help parents do chores at home. Are you clear?Ss: Yes!(6)Homework1. Read P68 to your parents.2. Make a dialogue with your partner. (Do you help your parents do chores at home? What chores do you usually do at home? How often do you do it? )3. Write a short passage. (I usually help my parents at home.)设计意图:家庭作业实行分层,让孩子根据自己的学习能力选作,真正实现了以生为主。


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