新概念英语1 Lesson

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1、Lesson 143 A walk through the woodsLesson 144 He hasnt been served yet He will be served soon一 本课重点 语法:现在完成时态和一般将来时态被动语态二 单词详解1 surroundv. 包围,围绕 The beautiful white house is surrounded by green trees. He was surrounded by the soldiers.2 place v. 放,放置 He placed the books on the shelf. 安置,任命 Theres a

2、no better way to place the homeless children. One can not be in two places at once. 一心不可二用。 n地方3 wood 木头,木材 树木 woods 小树林 forest 森林 可数名词 Even woods have ears. 隔墙有耳4 throw threw thrown throw away 扔掉5 beauty spot 风景点 tourist attraction 游览胜地 beauty 美好;美人;完美 She is known as a great beauty. Beauty and the

3、 Beast 美女与野兽spot 场地,场所 on the spot 在现场,当场 He got the job on the spot.6 rubbish 垃圾; 无意义的东西; 废话; 劣质的东西 household rubbish 家庭垃圾Hes talking rubbish. 他在胡说八道。 garbage 美垃圾, 废物;. 垃圾场;垃圾箱;垃圾桶 在英国英语中,rubbish最常用来表示丢弃的废物,但是在美国英语中garbage和trash更为常用,litter 废弃物; 小的垃圾 (纸片、铅笔头) 还可以是动词扔垃圾 乱丢杂物 Please do not litter.7 hu

4、ndred three hundred / hundreds of hundreds of thousands of 成百上千的8 city sleepless city 不夜城我是一个lady,住在这个city,样子像个baby,经常缺少money,只因自lazy,不太爱去study,偶尔感到lonely,生活让我crazy,就去上网happy,最近有点heavy,减肥不太easy,看戏喜欢funny,性格有点hurry,我是不是有点silly? 8 count V. I counted the money, it was far from enough. count on 依靠,依赖 Yo

5、u can count on my help. 9 cover V 覆盖,遮蔽 The desk was covered with papers. 掩护You go first. Ill cover you Steal a bell with ones ears covered. 掩耳盗铃n. 封皮,封面 the cover of the book 遮盖物,掩护 They move under cover of darkness10 across 横穿,穿过,特指从一边到另一边 swim across the river / walk across the streetover 越过,翻越过去

6、 climb over the mountainthrough 穿过 特指从某空间内部穿过 go through the forest through: 表示时间,在期间 He stay abroad all through the year. 表示方向,从一端到另一端 He went through the forest. 表示状态,经历,渡过 I hope I can go through this.11 piece块,片,段,截a piece of cake/ paper/ wood12 visitor 客人,访问者,旅游者 visit v. visit my old friend n.

7、 pay a visit to sp./sb tourist 观光旅游者13 tyre 轮胎,可数名词 美语中常用tire14 tidy keep it tidy/ clean and tidy15 rusty a rusty iron gate 一个生锈的铁门16 litter The street is full of litter.No litter.请勿乱扔垃圾 litter basket 垃圾筐17 among 三者或三者以上之间 between 两者之间18 prosecute 依法处置 起诉,检举,依法处置 They prosecuted him for stealing. 彻底

8、进行,执行,履行 I am trying my best to prosecute my duties二 课文详解1I live in a very old town which is surrounded by beautiful woods. 我住在一个由美丽的树林环绕的古老的小镇上。 这是一个主从复合句,which is surrounded by . 为定语从句,修饰town。which 指代 town 。从句用的是被动语态,be surrounded by“被.所包围”,如果将从句独立为一个句子,则为:My town is surrounded by beautiful woods.

9、2 It is a famous beauty spot. beauty spot 风景点 tourist attraction 游览胜地 be famous for /as3 On Sundays, hundreds of people come from the city to see our town and to walk through the woods. on Sundays 是泛指“在星期天”,而不是指在某个星期天。 hundreds of people,数以百计的(游)人。复数形式表概数,“数以.计的”与 of 连用,作名词的修饰语,其后面的名词必然是复数形式。 to see

10、 our town and to walk through the woods 为不定式短语作目的状语。这里用 and 连接的两个动词不定式。 介词through,“穿过”,强调纵深向,如:walk through the forest 穿过森林:而 across 强调横向,如:walk across the street 横穿街道4 Visitors have been asked to keep the woods clean and tidy游客已被告知要保持树林的整洁。 现在完成时的被动语态,说明需求的行为应为游客所知。 be asked to do sth. I am asked t

11、o finish the homework first. to keep the woods clean and tidy 是动词不定式短语 keep sb/ sth adj. adj是宾补 clean and tidy 表示“整洁的,清洁的”这是英语中的常用结构,其它常见的类似结构还有:black and blue 青一块紫一块;happy and gay 高高兴兴 heart and soul 全心全意,一心一意5 Litter baskets have been placed under the trees, but people still throw their rubbish ev

12、erywhere. litter baskets throw sth everywhere 把扔得到处都是6 Last Wednesday, I went for a walk in the woods. What I saw made me very sad go for a walk去散步 = take a walk What I saw made me very sad 主语从句例如:What the little boy did surprised his mother. / What you do makes me happy. make sb adj./n 使某人 make me

13、happy8. The litter baskets were empty and the ground was covered with pieces of paper,cigarette ends,old tyres,empty bottles and rusty tins. and连接的并列句 and 用在最后一个并列成分之前 be covered with . 被 . 覆盖 The desks are covered with dust. / The ground was covered with snow. cigarette ends9. Among the rubbish , I

14、 found a sign which said “Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted!” 这是一个主从复合句,who 引导定语从句,修饰先行词anyone 。will be prosecuted 为将来时的被动语态。Anyone who comes to the party is welcome. 该晚会来者不拒 sign标志,手势 said 表示,显示,写着 The clock says three oclock.四 重点语法 上一次介绍了被动语态的一般现在时和一般过去时形式,这里介绍其现在完成时和一般将来时形式:(1)现在完成时形式: has/have + been + 过去分词: The basket has already been emptied. 篮子已经被腾空了。 They have already been invited. 他们已被邀请。 (2)一般将来时形式: will/shall +be +过去分词: The floor will be swept soon. 地不久就会扫的。 The house will be cleaned soon. 刀不久就会磨的。



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