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1、人教七年级下册英语112单元要点句子翻译Unit 1-51. 你想参加什么俱乐部?What club do you want to join?2. 我想参加讲故事和游泳俱乐部。I want to join the story telling and the swimming club.3. 校文艺演出招募学生。Students wanted for the school show.4. 你会弹吉他或下棋吗?Can you play the guitar or play chess?5. 我们老人之家现需要帮助。We need help at the old peoples home.6. 你擅

2、长与儿童打交道吗?Are you good with children?7. 你能够与说英语的学生交朋友。You can make friends with English-speaking students.8. 我们需要你为学生们供应体育方面的帮助。We need you to help with sports for the students.*1. 你周末有时间吗?Do you have time on weekends?=Are you free on weekends?2. 你能够作为音乐家参加我们学校音乐节。You can be/join in our school music

3、festival as a musician.3. 你平时几点洗淋浴?What time do you usually take a shower?4. 他在广播台工作。He works at a radio station. / 5.他总是 6:30 穿衣服。He always gets up at 6:30.6. 我上学日没有太多时间吃早饭。I dont have much time for breakfast on school days.7. 夜晚我要么闲步要么玩电脑游戏。In the evening, I either take a walk or play computer gam

4、es.8. 她知道这对她不好,但是尝起来不错。She knows its not good for her, but it tastes good.*1. 你乘地铁上学得多长时间?How long does it take you to get to school by bus?=How long do you spend getting to school by bus?2. 我骑自行车上班花大概半个小时。It takes me about half an hour to get to work by bike.=I spend about half an hour getting to w

5、ork by bike.3. 从你家到学校多远?How far is it from your home to school?=Howfar do you live from school?4. 我家到学校 3 公里远。My home is three kilometers from school.=Its three kilometers from my home to school.I live three kilometers from school.5. 我步行上学。I walk to school.= I go to school on foot.*1. 你感觉这段旅行怎么样?Wha

6、t do you think of the trip?= How was the trip?=What was the trip like?= How was the trip going? =How was it going with the trip?2. 没有桥。There is no bridge.=There arent any bridges.=There isnt a bridge.3. 对小船来说水流太湍急 .The river runs too quickly for boats.4. 这些学生乘坐索道过河上学。These students go on a ropeway t

7、o cross the river to school.5. 他是个 12 岁的男孩。He is an eleven-year-old boy.=He is eleven years old.6. 每个上学日过河很难。Itsdifficultto crosstherivereveryschoolday.=Itsdifficulttogo acrosstheriver every school day.*1. 对我来说他像个父亲。He is like a father to me.2. 村民中的好多人从未走开过农村。Many of the villagers never leave the vi

8、llage.3. 拥有一座桥是他们的梦想。It is their dream to have a bridge.4. 这些学生乘坐索道过河上学。These students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.5. 他是个 12 岁的男孩。He is an eleven-year-old boy.=He is eleven years old.6. 乘索道过河不简单,但是这个男孩不害怕。Its not easy to cross the river, but the boy isnt afraid.*1. 上课严禁迟到。Dont be la

9、te for class.=Dont arrive late for class.=You must be on time for class.=You have to be on time for class.2. 我们能带音乐播放器到学校吗?Can we bring music players to school?3. 我们总是得穿校服。We always have to wear school uniforms/ wear a school uniform.4. 他上学得穿校服吗?Does he have to wear a uniform?5. 他总是 6:30 穿衣服。He alwa

10、ys gets up at 6:30.6. 父亲母亲拟定规则来帮助我们。Parents make rules to help us.7. 不要把脏碗碟丢在厨房。Dont leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen.8. 有好多你能够做的事情。There are a lot of things you can do.9. 昨年我们必定遵守规则 , 不能够违反规则。Last year we had to follow the rules and cant break the rules.10. 上周末我也不能够放松因为我得学习弹钢琴。I couldnt relax

11、last weekends either because I had to learn to play the piano.11. 不要把脏碗碟丢在厨房。Dont leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen.12. 有好多你能够做的事情。There are a lot of things you can do.*1. 狮子来自哪里?Where are lions from?= Where do lions come from?2. 他能直立行走 , 并能睡一整天。He can walk on two legs and sleep all day.3. 我们必定拯

12、救树木,不要买象牙制品。We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory.4. 大象是泰国的象征之一。The elephant is one of Thailands symbols.5. 大象能走许久并且从不迷路。Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost.6. 他们也能记住有水和食品的地方。They can also remember places with food and water.7. 人们砍到了那么多的树致使于大象逐渐扔掉了家园。People cut down so many trees that elephants are losing their home.8. 人们也杀死大象获取象牙,所以大象处于极大危险中了。People also kill elephant



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