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1、2021-2022学年江苏省南京航空航天大学苏州市附中高二(下)月考英语试卷AYICCA 2021 - An International Contest of Contemporary ArtThe aim of the competition is to promote enrolled artists,and give them the chance to join the international market of contemporary art.AWARD AND PRIZEYICCA provides networking opportunities for the artis

2、ts,who can win a cash prize:Euro 3000, 00 money prize to the first selectedEuro 1000, 00 money prize to the second selected promote their art through a variety of channels:Exhibit their selected artworks in an exhibition space,determined by competition.Improve the relationship between finalists and

3、critics,gallery owners,public and private art institutions that will have access to this important exhibition.Have maximum visibility through the advertising campaign that will follow the competition and all its stages.DATES AND DEADLINESJanuary 11, 2021 : Beginning of subscriptionsApril 30, 2021 :

4、Subscriptions deadline - Last CallJMay 10, 2021 : Notification of winning artworksJudges* final decision will lead to a selection of 18 artists that will participate in the final exhibition. All kinds of art works are accepted,including video,installations and performances. All works will be present

5、ed by a picture or a video that must be followed by a description of the work.All works must be available for the final exhibition and have to be artists property. The contest is open to all artists or groups of artists and professionals from any country.There are no special qualifications required

6、for entry.All information about terms and conditions of subscription is published on the official website: The amount of sugar you add will depend on personal (偏爱).40. Such violent and inhuman behavior will not be t in our country.41. Many children with learning difficulties are(力口入, 融入)into ordinar

7、y schools.42. We need to identify the best ways of a our objectives.43. It is a that the research will have many different practical applications.44. Yesterdays meeting was to lay the (准备工作)for the task ahead.45. Steve and I were at very different stages in our (各自的) careers.第10页,共22页答案和解析13.【答案】B、C

8、、A【解析】(1) B.细节理解题。根据AWARD AND PRIZE中 win a cash prize:(奖项 和奖品中获得现金奖励)”可知,竞赛优胜者能得到现金奖励。应选B。(2) C.细节理解题。根据“DATES AND DEADLINES 中 January 11, 2021: Beginning of subscriptions April 30, 2021 : Subscriptions deadline-Last Call!May 10, 2021 : Notification of winning artworks (日期和截止日中2021年1月11日:开始订阅:4月30日:

9、订阅截 止日期一最后一次呼叫! 2021年5月1日:获奖作品通知)”可知,比赛结果在2021年 五月1。日公布。应选C。(3) A.细节理解题。根据倒数第四段AH works will be presented by a picture or a video that must be followed by a description of the work.All works must be available for the final exhibition and have to be artist*s property.(所有作品将以一幅图片或一段视频的形式呈现, 其后必须附有作品说明

10、。所有的作品必须可以在最后一次展览中展出和必须是艺术家的 财产。)”可知,参赛作品的要求是所有作品必须附有作品说明,应选A。本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了 2021年国际当代艺术竞赛的详细情况。考查广告布告类阅读理解。做题时要把握大意,然后结合题干及选项做出正确的选择。47.【答案】B、D、A、C【解析】(1) B.推理判断题。根据文章第二段内容Many of these same students struggled to imagine themselves as scientists,citing concerns su ch as nTm not good at science and

11、Even if I work hard,I will not do well. Its easy for them to see a scientists work as arising from an inborn talent.(同样是这些学生中的许多人都很 难将自己想象成科学家,理由是“我不擅长科学“和“即使我努力工作,也不会做得很好, 他们很容易将科学家的工作视为天生的才能。)可知,这些学生认为能够成为科学家 是天生的才能,”自己不擅长”或“即使努力也无法做好”这样的理由可以看作为他们在科 学这一方面缺乏自信,从而很难将自己想象成科学家。应选B项。(2) D.推理判断题。根据文章第三段

12、内容(Researchers at Teachers College,Columbia University and the University of Washington des igned an intervention to change students* beliefs that scientific achievement reflects ability rat her than effort by exposing students to stories of how accomplished scientists struggled and o vercame challe

13、nges in their scientific efforts.(教师学院、哥伦比亚大学和华盛顿大学的研 究人员设计了一种干预措施,让学生了解有成就的科学家在科学努力中如何努力和克服 挑战的故事,从而改变学生们认为科学成就反映的是能力而不是努力的观念。”可知, 这项干预通过让学生们了解科学家们如何努力奋斗克服挑战的,以改变学生对于”科学 家工作”的误解。应选D项。(3) A.词义猜想题。最后一段非限制性定语从句“for whom exposure to struggling stories led to significantly better science-class performan

14、ce than low-performing students who read achievement stories.(对他们来说,接触奋斗故事 比阅读成就故事的成绩差的学生在科学课上表现更好。)”的先行词为 nlow-performing students (成绩差的学生)”,因此可知,在“干预”后,接触奋斗故事的 成绩差的学生和阅读成就故事的成绩差的学生在科学课上都有了好的表现,且二者之间 通过比照出现了“更好”,由此可推知,干预对于成绩差的学生效果显著,因此,MThe effect was especially ,”应是“效果显著”的意思,由此可推知,pronounced”应 是”显

15、著的;明星的”含义,选项:A.apparent明显的;B.permanent永久的;C.doubtful 可疑的;D.delicate脆弱的。应选A项。(4) C.推理判断题。根据文章末尾内容By identifying a scientists struggles and introducing the growth mindset he or she applied to accomplish great works,the students were able to empathize (共情)with the scientists during their own struggles.

16、通过了解一个科学家的奋斗史,并介绍他或 她为完成伟大的工作而应用的成长心态,学生们能够在他们自己的奋斗过程中与科学家 产生共鸣。)”可知,通过了解一个科学家的奋斗史,学生们使得自己在奋斗过程中能 够产生与科学家的共鸣,从而能够改变之前的对于科学家工作的误解。由此可推知,科 学家的奋斗故事可以影响读者的信念。应选C项。文章主要讲述了研究人员向九年级和十年级的学生提出”什么样的人可以成为科学家” 这个问题时,几乎每个学生的回答都是”努力学习的人”或对科学领域感兴趣的人”。为 了解除这种误解,研究人员设计了一项干预,即了解更多关于科学家的奋斗可以帮助学 生更有动力学习科学,结果发现,听过任何一种“奋斗故事”的学生在干预后的科学表现 都有所提高。做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找 出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案。做题时要在抓住关键句子的基础



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