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1、2008年5月二级笔译实务试题【英译汉必译题】If a heavy reliance on fossil fuels makes a country a climate ogre, then Denmark with its thousands of wind turbines sprinkled on the coastlines and at sea is living a happy fairy tale.Viewed from the United States or Asia, Denmark is an environmental role model. The country i

2、s what a global warming solution looks like, wrote Frances Beinecke, the president of the Natural Resources Defense Council, in a letter to the group last autumn. About one-fifth of the countrys electricity comes from wind, which wind experts say is the highest proportion of any country.But a closer

3、 look shows that Denmark is a far cry from a clean-energy paradise.The building of wind turbines has virtually ground to a halt since subsidies were cut back. Meanwhile, compared with others in the European Union, Danes remain above-average emitters of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. For all its

4、wind turbines, a large proportion of the rest of Denmarks power is generated by plants that burn imported coal.The Danish experience shows how difficult it can be for countries grown rich on fossil fuels to switch to renewable energy sources like wind power. Among the hurdles are fluctuating politic

5、al priorities, the high cost of putting new turbines offshore, concern about public acceptance of large wind turbines and the volatility of the wind itself.Europe has really led the way, said Alex Klein, a senior analyst with Emerging Energy Research, a consulting firm with offices in Cambridge, Mas

6、sachusetts.Some parts of western Denmark derive 100 percent of their peak needs from wind if the breeze is up. Germany and Spain generate more power in absolute terms, but in those countries wind still accounts for a far smaller proportion of the electricity generated. The average for all 27 Europea

7、n Union countries is 3 percent.But the Germans and the Spanish are catching up as Denmark slows down. Of the thousands of megawatts of wind power added last year around the world, only 8 megawatts were installed in Denmark.If higher subsidies had been maintained, he said, Denmark could now be genera

8、ting close to one-third rather than one-fifth of its electricity from windmills.【参考译文】如果说大量依赖石油燃料会让一个国家称为破坏环境的恶魔,那么丹麦,一个海岸线和海上布满数千台风力涡轮机的国家,简直是一个快乐地生活在童话故事里的国家。从美国或者亚洲国家的角度看,丹麦是环境保护的楷模。自然资源防护委员会主席弗朗西斯于去年秋天在致该组织的信函中写道,该国(指丹麦)“正式解决全球变暖的方法所在”。该国五分之一的发电来自风能,风力专家称,这是全欧洲比例最高的国家。但是如果我们进一步观察的话就会发现丹麦离“洁净能源的天


10、与西班牙产生的电能更多,但是这些国家风能发电仍只占总发电的很小一部分。欧盟27个国家的风力发电平均只占总发电量的3。但是,随着丹麦减缓步伐,德国人和西班牙人正在迎头赶上。去年全世界风力产生的数十亿瓦电中,丹麦只贡献了8百万千瓦。他说,如果能保持较高的津贴,丹麦的风力发电占总发电的比率就不是五分之一了,而是三分之一。【英译汉二选一】【试题一】ONE DAY in February 1926 an unknown American writer walked out of a New York snowstorm and into history. An important piece of th

11、at history is now in danger of being lost forever, caught in the controversy over the US trade embargo against Cuba.The unknown writer was Ernest Hemingway, and the New York office he walked into was that of Maxwell Perkins, the most famous American literary editor of his day.It is difficult to conc

12、eive - 80 years and an incandescent literary career later - the idea of publishing the 26-year-old Hemingway was a big risk. Hemingway had not yet published a novel. Indeed, his only published fiction consisted of a few short stories and poems, mostly in obscure Paris literary journals.Yet Mr. Perki

13、ns, as Hemingway was to call him for years afterwards, even after they had become close friends, took the risk. On the spot, he offered Hemingway a deal included a generous $1,500 advance on an unfinished, unnamed novel that Perkins had not even seen.Hemingway and Perkins began a correspondence that

14、 lasted for 21 years, until Perkinss death in 1947. A number of those letters are now housed in Cuba, at Finca Vigia, where Hemingway lived longer than anywhere else.But the house is in danger of collapse.A group of Americans is trying to save the house and its contents. Yet the US government wont l

15、et them.The Treasury Department recently turned down the Hemingway Preservation Foundations application for a license to permit its architects, engineers, and consultants to travel to Cuba to research a feasibility study to help the Cubans save Finca Vigia. This denial, which is contrary to the lett

16、er and spirit of the law, is being appealed.【试题1参考译文】1926年2月的某一天,一位不知名的美国作家走出了纽约的暴风雪,也走进了历史。但是,由于陷入美国向古巴禁运的争议之中,这段历史中一个重要的片目前受到了灭绝的威胁。这位不知名的作家就是厄内斯特 海明威,而他走进的纽约办公室是他那个时代最著名的文学编辑麦克斯韦尔帕金斯的办公室。很难想象,能活到80岁,职业生涯晚期拥有辉煌文学成就的海明威,在他26岁时,要出版他的作品是要冒很大风险的。之前海明威从来就没出版过小说。事实上,他出版过的小说也仅仅有一些短篇故事和诗歌,大部分还发表在晦涩难懂的巴黎文学期刊上。然而,帕金斯先生还是承担了这个风险,尽管海明威很久之后再联系他,即便是在他们成为亲密的朋友之后。他


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