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1、2020-2021年 完形填空和阅读理解质量检测试题经典1一、完形填空1阅读下面短文,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 In the eighteenth century, cities became larger and larger. People moved from the countryside to the cities because there was 1 work for them to do in the cities. On Sundays and during holidays, they liked to 2 the ci

2、ties and have a good time in the countryside, but not every 3 had a horse. People needed another kind of transportation. Inventors in many countries tried 4 this problem. The first documented bicycle was invented by a German, Baron Von Drais, in the 1810s. It was a walking machine made 5 wood. Peopl

3、e pushed their 6 against the ground to move forward. It 7 people to get around parks and gardens. In 1865, pedals(踏板) were added to the front wheel. But when people 8 it on stones, they shook a lot. In 1870, the first all-metal bicycle 9 rubber tyres(橡胶轮胎) was invented. But the two wheels were not t

4、he same 10 . The front wheel was much larger than the back one. This machine was the first to 11 bicycle. However, it was hard to ride and it was very 12 . In the 1890s, chain drive, the pneumatic(充气的) tyre and same-sized wheels made the ride 13 and more comfortable. People loved it 14 it helped the

5、m enjoy more free time. Bicycling became 15 , not just with men but also with women. 1. A. heavierB. moreC. harderD. busier2. A. reachB. buildC. leaveD. visit3. A. cityB. townC. countryD. family4. A. solveB. to solveC. solvedD. to solving5. A. ofB. fromC. inD. by6. A. handsB. armsC. feetD. legs7. A.

6、 causedB. helpedC. stoppedD. ordered8. A. gotB. boughtC. threwD. rode9. A. withB. forC. withoutD. against10. A. colorB. shapeC. sizeD. style11. A. callB. callsC. calledD. be called12. A. expensiveB. necessaryC. relaxingD. interesting13. A. worseB. saferC. slowerD. longer14. A. whenB. untilC. because

7、D. though15. A. dangerousB. pleasantC. difficultD. popular【答案】(1)B;(2)C;(3)D;(4)B;(5)A;(6)C;(7)B;(8)D;(9)A;(10)C;(11)D;(12)A;(13)B;(14)C;(15)D; 【解析】【分析】本文介绍自行车的发明和发展的历史。(1)句意:人们从农村搬到城市,因为在城里有更多的工作让他们做。A、heavier更重的;B、more更多的;C、harder更难的;D、busier更忙的。根据句意,故答案为B。(2)句意:在星期天和假期,他们喜欢离开城市去乡村玩耍。A、reach到达;B、b

8、uild建;C、leave离开;D、visit参观。根据have a good time in the countryside可知是离开城市,故答案为C。(3)句意:但是不是每个家庭都有马。A、city城市;B、town城镇;C、country国家;D、family家庭。根据常识,故答案为D。(4)句意:许多国家的发明家努力解决这个问题。搭配:try to do sth努力做某事,故答案为B。(5)句意:它是一台木制的步行机。短语:be made of由制成(看得出原材料);be made from由制成(看不出原材料),故答案为A。(6)句意:人们用脚推蹬地向前移动。A、hands手;B、a

9、rms胳膊;C、feet脚;D、legs腿。根据against the ground可知,故答案为C。(7)句意:它帮助人们在公园和花园里四处活动。A、caused导致;B、helped帮助;C、stopped停止;D、ordered命令。根据句意,故答案为B。(8)句意:在1865年,在前轮上加上了踏板。但是当人们在石头上骑行的时候,摇晃的厉害。A、got得到;B、bought买;C、threw扔;D、rode骑。根据前文提到的bicycle可知是骑自行车,故答案为D。(9)句意:1870年,第一辆带橡胶轮胎的全金属自行车被发明了。A、with有;带着;B、for为了;C、without没有

10、;D、against反对,根据句意,故答案为A。(10)句意:但是两个轮子不是相同的尺寸,前轮比后轮大得多。A、color颜色;B、shape形状;C、size尺寸;D、style风格。根据句意,故答案为C。(11)句意:这辆机器第一次被叫做自行车。be called被叫做。故答案为D。(12)句意:然而,它很难骑,而且非常贵。A、expensive昂贵的;B、necessary必要的;C、relaxing放松的;D、interesting有趣的。根据上下文,故答案为A。(13)句意:在19世纪90年代,链条驱动、充气轮胎、同尺寸轮胎使得骑行更安全更舒适。A、worse更糟糕的;B、safer

11、更安全的;C、slower更慢的;D、longer更长的。此处与more comfortable平行,故答案为B。(14)句意:人们喜欢它因为它帮助他们享受更多的时间。A、when当时;B、until直到;C、because因为;D、though虽然。根据前后之间的关系可知表示因果,故答案为C。(15)句意:骑自行车变得受欢迎,不只是受到男人们的欢迎,而且还受到女性的欢迎。A、dangerous危险的;B、pleasant令人愉快的;C、difficult困难的;D、popular流行的;受欢迎的。根据空格后的with可知构成短语be popular with sb受到某人的欢迎。故答案为D。

12、【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要读懂全文,弄清文章要表达的思想,注意文中前后段落之间的关系。答题中,一定要认真分析,注意选项与上下文的关系,与前后单词的关系。对于一 时没有太大的把握的题可以放到最后再来完成,因为有时答案可以从下文内容体现出来。答完后再通读一篇文章,看看所选选项能不能是语句通顺,语意连贯。2完形填空 It snowed again. My seventh Christmas was round the corner. I dreamed of getting the present from Father Christmas until my elder sis

13、ter dropped the bomb(炸弹). There is no Father Christmas. I ran to my grandmothers house, for she always told the truth. Grandmother was at home. I told 1 everything. No Father Christmas? she was a little 2 Dont believe it. Put on your coat, and lets go. Go? Where, Grandma? I asked. Kerbys Store. As w

14、e walked through its doors, Grandma handed me the dollars and said, Take the 3 and buy something for someone who needs it. Ill wait for you in the car. Then she turned and walked out of the Kerbys. For a few seconds I just stood there, holding the money, wondering 4 to buy, and who to buy it for. I thought of 5 I knew, my family, my friends, my neighbours. I suddenly thought of Bobbie Decbar, a 6 with bad breath and messy hair. He sat right behind me 7 Mrs. Polacks class. Bobbie


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