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1、摘 要行人仿真技术是交通仿真技术之一,而交通仿真技术是交通科技发展和计算机仿真技术发展的重要方向之一。交通仿真作为一种实用的工具,已经在交通运营分析、交通设施设计、交通新技术评价、交通安全评价、交通流模型研究等领域进行了广泛的运用,其目的就是运用计算机技术再现复杂的交通现象,并对这些现象进行解释、分析,找出问题的症结,最终对所研究的交通系统进行优化。行人交通微观仿真是交通仿真的重要方面,把行人交通微观仿真技术应用于站前广场,具有重要的现实意义和理论意义。行人微观仿真不是把广场实际进行简单的再现,仿真具有实际观察无法比拟的优势:大量减少了实际观察的人员需求和时间需求,节约了调查费用;可控制性,研


3、使用java代码控制行人在车站内行走的路径、登上列车、各个空间的密度展示等操作,从而根据车站内行人的各种行为完成对芍药居车站早高峰空间利用情况、设备设施利用率、人员滞留、行人路径等的仿真评估。关键字:java;芍药居;行人仿真;建模AbstractPedestrian simulation technology is one of the traffic simulation technology, and traffic simulation technology is the development of science and technology and one of the impo

4、rtant direction of computer simulation technology. Traffic simulation, as a practical tool, has been in the traffic operation analysis, traffic facilities design, new technology evaluation, evaluation of traffic safety, traffic flow model research in areas such as widely used, its purpose is to use

5、computer technology represent the complex phenomena of traffic, and to explain these phenomena, analysis, find out the crux of the problem, by study of the transportation system is optimized finally. Pedestrian traffic micro simulation is an important aspect of traffic simulation, the pedestrian tra

6、ffic microscopic simulation technology applied in the station square, have important practical significance and theoretical significance. Microscopic simulation is not practical for the square pedestrian simple reproduction, simulation and practical observation incomparable advantages: (1) a substan

7、tial reduction in the actual observation personnel needs and time requirements, saving the cost of the investigation; (2) the controllability, the researchers can easily according to the idea change all kinds of service facilities and management scheme, so as to verify and than choose a variety of p

8、ossible solutions; (3) scalability, the simulation can realize the Angle of view more, realize the field observation is less than or not repeatable experiments, such as accident treatment, emergency evacuation, etc.; (4) repeatability: (5) rapid authenticity. The subway as a modern city traffic conv

9、enience and fast transportation, the existing design including import, export, stair, appendage, channel and platform of AnJianJi, brake machine, equipment and facilities, its background of shaoyaoju station of Beijing metro, the simulation software AnyLogic simulation process of pedestrians walking

10、 in metro stations, AnyLogic software in social force model for the core algorithm, is based on the Eclipse platform established policy system and development system based on Java language. The whole process by space physical modeling, database, input, process modeling, interface development, and de

11、bugging is completed, the modeling process using Java code to control the path of the pedestrians walking in the station and boarded the train, the density of each space display, such as operation, thus according to the behavior of the station professional complete morning rush of shaoyaoju station

12、space utilization, utilization rate of equipment and facilities, staff retention, simulation assessment of the pedestrian path, etc. Key words: Java; Shaoyaoju; Pedestrian simulation; modeling 目 录1引 言11.1选题背景11.2选题意义11.3国内外研究现状12开发工具介绍32.1AnyLogic仿真软件介绍32.2Anlogic行人库介绍32.3数据库43仿真系统设计53.1行人仿真建模流程53.1

13、.1进站流程53.1.2出站、换乘流程53.2数据库的存储结构54仿真系统实现184.1车站界面184.2设施入口处最大排队值184.3站内设施最大密度194.4车站信息显示194.5密度显示204.5.1实时密度204.5.2累计密度214.6局部放大显示214.7负荷度排名225总结与展望235.1总结235.2展望235.2.1人工智能235.2.2性能效率23参考文献24致 谢251引 言1.1选题背景从1 9 6 9年一号线开通至今, 北京地铁已经驶过整整4 0 年的征程。随着改革开放和轨道交通的快速发展 , 北京地铁开始逐渐在设计、 施工 、 建设、 运营等各个方面积极吸收、 引进

14、、 消化国外的先进技术和理念。如今北京地铁的发展已经进入黄金建设期, 先前北京地铁建设受到很多限制,建设周期长、速度慢、规模小。但奥运会之后, 北京地铁进入了快速发展阶段。 这几年北京地铁进入巨大扩充时期。北京地铁坚持走自主道路,摆脱国外垄断核心技术的情况,完全国产化,这就是北京地铁的最大特色。以北京地铁芍药居站为背景,芍药居车站是地铁10号线与地铁13号线的换乘车站,连接北三环、北四环与天通苑、回龙观等京北大型居住区的重要地铁枢纽,早高峰乘客客流量十分的庞大。地铁行人仿真作为交通规划设计领域的有效实验手段和辅助工具,在虚拟的环境中构建近似真实的交通场景,对未实施或即将实施的交通规划设计方案进





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