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1、Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater学案学习目标:1学习掌握单词、短语和句子。2学会形容词、副词最高级的构成方法和用法。3. 学习掌握形容词、副词的功用及形容词转化成副词的变化规律。一、自主学习质疑交流 (一)学习词汇:用所学单词完成下列句子,并试着举一个例子。(同学们要记得从音、形、义、词性、词形变化和短语几个方面学习新单词)1. comfortable: adj. comfortably: adv. The car is _(comfortable)than that one. Look! He is sitting _in the chair.考考你:形

2、容词加什么后缀变成副词?列出你所知道的由形容词转化成的副词,并与同学交流讨论它们的构成规律和用法。 _2. seat: n. sit: vi. Please take your _ here. = Please _here.This theater has the most comfortable _.3. close: vt. 关闭 Please _ your eyes when you do eye exercises.closed: adj. 关着的 We cant do shopping now. Look, the shop is _.close: adj. 近的,接近的,亲密的。M

3、y home is _ _ the river. (离近,同义词为_, _)I have a close friend. (近义词best)5. report: 报道vt. / n. reporter: 记者 n. The _ is _ the weather _6. 翻译下列短语:(养成好习惯:从句中、短文中找出有用的词组,并把它们记住)电影院 _ 靠近家 _问问题 _ 在镇上 _欢迎到 _ 到现在为止 _新鲜食物 _ 喜欢看电影 _为而感谢 _ 没问题 _ (二)学习句子1.Whats the best movie theater? Its the cheapest.You can buy

4、 clothes the most cheaply there.在句子中你发现了the biggest,the best, the most cheaply, the most carefully等,它们叫做形容词和副词的_。当需要对三者或三者以上的人或事物进行比较,表示“最”的含义时,需要用_级。 请你思考:a.形容词、副词最高级的肯定结构是:_b.形容词、副词最高级的构成规律是:_c.形容词、副词最高级的比较对像怎样表达:_2. How do you like it so far? Its fantastic. 到现在为止,你认为它怎么样? 非常好。请你写出该句子的同义句:_?二、合作探究

5、 展示反馈 1学习1a,讨论: Do you like to go to the movies? Who is your favorite movie star? Why do you like him / her? What kind of movies do you like best? 2. 学习2d,并为小组展示做好准备。三、归纳总结训练检测.小组听写的重点单词、词组和句子: _ .用has 或 is填空:1. It _ comfortable seats. 2. It _ friendly service. 3. It _ cheap. 4. It _ close to home.

6、5. It _ popular. 6. It _ good quality.单项选择: ( ) 4. Who is_ of you three? A. the oldest B. much older C. oldest D. older ( ) 5. Would you like _ orange juice? A. any B. an C. some D. many( ) 6. Tom is one of _ boys in our class. A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest ( ) 7. English is one of_ sp

7、oken in the world. A. the important languages B. the most important languages C. most important language D. the most important language .完形填空:I like my bike. It brings me a lot of fun. When I was an 1 boy, my father bought it for me. It is my “horse”. I often go to school 2 my bike. I like riding a

8、bike 3 it is very convenient. If I go out by bike, it is 4 to find a place for parking it. Bikes are very cheap, so most people can buy one. There are three people in my family. 5 of us has a bike. My parents are teachers in my school. In the morning, Mum, Dad and I each 6 _ to school. However on a

9、rainy day we walk to school, because the road is bad for riding. I think riding bikes can make us 7 . It not only helps us exercise more but also 8 the air clean. The bike is very important in Chinese peoples life. So riding bikes can help you to 9 more about China and the Chinese people. Now people in the world say China is the country of bikes because there are 10 bikes in China. I hope people all round the world like them.( )1. A. eight years old B. eight ye



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