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1、智课网 IELTS 备考资料雅思成绩换算表一看就懂摘要: 雅思成绩换算让很多考生头痛。雅思考试分为四个部分,每部分答对的题目个数对应的分数是多少, 总分如何计算,本文为大家解决雅思成绩换算的问题!雅思 总体分数:正确个数分数 水平38-39 8-8.5 英语能力优秀33-37 7-7.5 英语能力良好25-32 6-6.5 英语能力较好17-24 5-5.5 英语能力一般10-16 4-4.5 英语能力有限4-9 3-3.5 英语能力极有限2-3 2-2.5 英语能力差1 1-1.5 无使用英语能力雅思考试分听、读、写、说四个部分,成绩用band(段)表示,每部分的满分为9段。总分是四部分成绩

2、的平 均。听力和阅读可以有 0.5 分,如 5.5 分、 6.5 分等。写作和口试只有整数分,如 6 分或 7 分。计算总分的方法 是四个部分的成绩相加除以4,如遇小数则或舍或入(0.5除外)。小数为0.25、 0.375 、 0.75、 0.875时向上进一个 分数段。例如:考生 1听力分数 ListeningBand 8.0阅读分数 ReadingBand 8.0写作分数 WritingBand 6.0口语分数 SpeakingBand 7.0平均分(8.0+8.0+6.0+7.0)/4=7.25 总分:7.5考生2听力分数 ListeningBand6.0阅读分数 ReadingBand

3、6.0写作分数 WritingBand7.0口语分数 SpeakingBand7.0平均分(6.0+6.0+7.0+7.0)/4=6.5 总分:6.5考生 3听力分数 ListeningBand6.0阅读分数 ReadingBand7.0写作分数 WritingBand7.0口语分数 SpeakingBand7.0平均分(6.0+7.0+7.0+7.0)/4=6.75 总分:7.0听力和阅读考试均为40道题。分数的算法并不是40(题)+9(段)=4.4(每一分数段的跨度),而是用一套很独特的方法来计算。每一套听力或阅读题在正式投入使用之前均已在某一群体中进行过试测。试测结果不仅是对试题进行修正

4、的 依据,也是每套题的分数换算依据。换言之,每套试题根据试测的结果有自己的正确题数与分数段之间的换算 表,而没有一个统一的换算公式。换算方法大致体现以下两个原则:1、分数高到一定程度或低于一定程度时,分数段之间的差异不再具有明显例如,在 8段和9段之间或者2段 和3段之间。 8段和9段均已大幅度超出用分单位所规定的分数。以到英国或澳大利亚读研究生为例,大多数 学校要求总分 6.5。后两个分数段离任何用分单位所规定的起点相差甚远。因此,在这两种情况下,每个分数段 之间的跨度也就是一两道题。2、最具有表明考生英语水平与实际生活、学习所要求的英语水平之间的差异的分数段应有较好的区分度。雅思成绩换算英

5、文版Score processing, reporting and interpretationAll IELTS marking takes place at the test centre by trained markers and examiners. Markers are trained to understand the IELTS marking policy and are required to demonstrate that they are marking to standard before they are allowed to mark Listening an

6、d Reading papers. Markers are re-tested every two years to ensure that their marking remains up to standard. Systematic monitoring and double marking of a proportion of answer sheets is carried out at each administration.Examiners for the Writing and Speaking modules are recruited and trained in lin

7、e with agreed standards. They are required to demonstrate that they are marking to standard every two years in addition to on-going monitoring of their performance.Candidates receive scores on a Band Scale from 1 to 9. A score is reported for each skill module of the test. The four individual module

8、 scores are averaged and rounded to produce an Overall Band Score. Overall Band Scores and Listening and Reading scores are presented as whole or half bands; Writing and Speaking band scores are reported in whole bands only.Overall Band ScoreCandidates receive a Test Report Form setting out their Ov

9、erall Band Score and their scores on each of the four modules, Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. Each of the module scores is equally weighted. The Overall Band Score is calculated by taking the mean of the total of the four individual module scores.Overall Band Scores are reported to the ne

10、arest whole or half band. For the avoidance of doubt, the following rounding convention applies; if the average across the four skills ends in .25, it is rounded up to the next half band, and if it ends in .75, it is rounded up to the next whole band.Thus a candidate achieving 6.5 for Listening, 6.5

11、 for Reading, 5.0 for Writing and 7.0 for Speaking would be awarded an Overall Band Score of 6.5 (25 + 4 = 6.25 = Band 6.5).Likewise a candidate achieving 4.0 for Listening, 3.5 for Reading, 4.0 for Writing and 4.0 for Speaking would be awarded an Overall Band Score of 4.0 (15.5 + 4 = 3.875 = Band 4

12、.0).On the other hand, a candidate achieving 6.5 for Listening, 6.0 for Reading, 6.0 for Writing and 6.0 for Speaking would be awarded band 6 (24.5 一 4 = 6.125 = Band 6).For more information on how IELTS test material is produced click here .Listening and ReadingIELTS Listening and Reading papers co

13、ntain 40 items and each correct item is awarded one mark; the maximum raw score a candidate can achieve on a paper is 40. Band scores ranging from Band 1 to Band 9 are awarded to candidates on the basis of their raw scores.Although all IELTS test materials are pretested and trialled before being rel

14、eased as live tests, there are inevitably minor differences in the difficulty level across tests. In order to equate different test versions, the band scoreboundaries are set so that all candidates results relate to atchheiesvaemmeenstc.aTlheis omfeans, for example, that the Band 6 boundary may be s

15、et at a slightly different raw score across versions. Click here for a detailed description of the IELTS Question Paper Production process.The tables below indicate the mean raw scores achieved by candidates at various levels in each of the Listening, Academic Reading and General Training Reading mo

16、dules during 2004 and they provide an indication of the number of marks required to achieve a particular band score.ListeningBand ScoreRaw score out of 40516623730835Academic ReadingBand ScoreRaw score out of 40515623730835General Training ReadingBand ScoreRaw score out of 40415523630734The Academic and General Training papers are



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