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1、xx国际演艺有限公司 xxInternational Performing Arts Co., Ltd. 演 出 合 同 书(团队)Contract for PerformanceServiceCompany to Team 编号:( )Serial No.:l 说明Statementl 用人单位在与职工签订劳动合同时,双方应认真阅读劳动合同。劳动合同一经签订具有法律效力,双方必须严格履行。The Labor Contract comes into effect upon establishment and shall be read carefully by the Parties once

2、 entered into by and between the Employer and Employee. l 劳动合同必须由用人单位(甲方)的法定代表人(或委托代理人)和职工(乙方)亲自签字盖章,并加盖用人单位公章(或劳动合同专业章)方为有效。The Labor contract shall be signed with stamp by legal representative or entrusted agent of the Employer (referred as Party A) and the Employee (referred as Party B). The cont

3、ract comes into effect only if it is affixed with official seal or particular seal for labor contract of the Employer.l 合同参考文书中的空栏,由双方协商确定后填写清楚;不需要填写的空栏,请打上“/”。All blank columns in the reference of the Contract shall be filled with clear and corresponding information on basis of consultancy and conf

4、irmation of the Parties, or filled with “/” as it may not to be filled.be the case that it need no fill-out.l 填写聘用合同书一律用蓝、黑墨水书写,字迹清晰、工整。涂改处必须加盖校对章或打手印,否则无效。The Contract shall be signed by and filled with clear and neat, blue or black writing. Any correction in the contract shall be affixed with proo

5、freading stamp or fingerprint, otherwise such correction is invalid. l 本聘用合同书须由聘用单位和受聘人员双方当时人亲自签订,因故需要他人代签的,需被代签者本人出具授权委托证明书,否则代签无效。The Contract shall be signed by the Employer and the Employee themselves. In case of allograph, the signatory shall obtain certificate of authorization issued by the au

6、thorizing Party, otherwise the allograph is invalid. l 本聘用合同书内的年、月、日一律使用公历,除落款日期外,均用阿拉伯数字填写。工资报酬等金额一律使用大写。All dates presented in the Contract, except the date under signature which is written in Arabic Numerals, shall be written in accordance with solace calendar. Amount Numbers of salary and reward

7、 shall be all written in words.l 根据中华人民共和国劳动法、中华人民共和国劳动合同法等国家相关法律和本公司有关规定,甲、乙双方按照中华人民共和国合同法以公平、公正、平等、自愿协商一致、诚实信用的原则订立本合同。The Contract is entered into by following Parties on? and comes into effect from the day when the Agreement is signed on basis of equity, justice, equality, and honesty through am

8、icable consultation according to laws and regulations of Labor Law of Peoples Republic of China, Labor Contract Law of Peoples Republic of China as well as Contract Law of Peoples Republic of China. 一、 序言1、 鉴于,甲方筹划并主持一档旅游娱乐节目(下称“演出”),详见附件A;甲方希望在本协议期间内聘请乙方在表演中提供专有服务(以下称为“服务”),就演出而言,乙方希望仅向甲方提供服务,乙方保证其

9、拥有提供上述服务所需的技能,并保证根据甲方制定的目标提供服务;双方希望对乙方向甲方提供服务时适用的条款和条件做出规定;故经双方协商达成本协议,保证共同遵守。2、 协议由合同双方签订, 年 月 日起生效。Article I Preamble1.1 Whereas Party A is planning a tourism entertainment show (hereinafter is referred as the Show), as detailed in Appendix A and Party A would like to employ Party B to provide wit

10、h exclusive service (hereinafter referred as the Service) in the Show. As to the Show, Party B would like to provide Party A with the Service and ensure its essential skills to provide aforesaid service so as to reach the goals set up by Party A. The Parties would like to stipulate provisions and co

11、nditions applicable on Party Bs implementation of providing service. Therefore, the Agreement is entered into by and between and shall be abided by both Parties. 1.2 The Contract is entered into by the Parties and comes into effect on .二、 合同双方甲方:xx国际演艺有限公司,注册地点:中国地址:贵x乙方: ,注册地点:地址: Article II Partie

12、s of the ContractParty A: Great Xingdong International Performing Arts Co. Ltd. with its registered address in Sector F, Leigongpo, Group 4 of Xintianzai Village, Biayan Town, Puding County, Anshun City, Guizhou, China;Party B: , with its registered address in 双方于安顺市xx旅游城就 演出达成该演出协议。如合同双方同意演出其他表演、延长

13、演出档期,本合同项下的“演出档期”及“演出费用”应分别讨论并通过双方确定。The Parties would like to establish the Contract in order to perform shows in Great Xingdong Tourist City located in Anshun. If the Parties agree to perform other shows besides that stipulated above, or extend duration of the Show, the items hereunder, namely sch

14、edule for the Show or Remuneration for the Show shall be discussed respectively and determined by the Parties. 三、 表演日期及演出安排1、 演职员需于 年 月 日到达 (地点), 月 日前完成道具装配及舞台搭建,于 月 日出发返回。2、 乙方经许可展出此表演, 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止,不包括演员旅程、道具运输时间及舞台搭建时间。3、 每天演出 场,一天两场表演需间隔至少3小时(从幕落至开幕)。4、 如此行程有变则需于90天前提出、经双方同意并书面告知,由合同双方签字后方生效。A

15、rticle III Performance Schedule and Arrangement3.1 The cast and staff shall arrive at on , and complete assembly of props and erection of stage before return on . 3.2. Party B shall perform approved shows from to , and duration of the shows does not cover the time spent on artists trip, props transportation and stage erection.3.3 Party B shall perform shows a day, and interval between two shows each day (from curtain down to curtain up) shall be



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