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1、Unit 2 PoemsUsing Language II Listening and Speaking教学设计教材:人教版高中英语 选修6 设计者:新疆生产建设兵团第一师一团中学 张旭峰一、教学对象分析本校为团场双语高中,学生的英语基础普遍薄弱。本堂课执教班级是平行班,学生在阅读、词汇和语音等方面的运用能力较差。因此,在课前通过完成导学案,学生提前做了一些准备,熟悉了本单元的词汇,预习了诗歌鉴赏的内容和听力练习。二、教材内容分析本单元中心话题是“诗歌”,因此这节听说课是围绕这一主题设计的。本节课开始通过让学生听“Row your boat”这首童谣,体会并找出这首童谣中的韵律和节奏,掌握欣赏

2、英语诗歌的方法;然后观看“Ode to Heroes”,这是一首中文诗歌的英译版,引导学生在感受汉语和英语诗歌的韵律、节奏美感的同时,也向为了和平而捐躯的英雄们致敬。讨论是为听力练习做的预热。要完成听力练习设置的问题,学生需听出不同的人物做的不同的事情,一一对号,学习表达意图的交际用语。最后的展示环节是课前留的作业,让学生仿写英文诗歌,掌握基础的英文诗歌写作方法,展示出来让大家欣赏,加深学习英语的兴趣和信心。三、教学目标 1. 语言技能目标:通过练习,提高学生的口头表达能力,听出所需信息,提升听力理解能力。 2. 语言知识目标:掌握表达意图的交际用语。掌握以下短语的含义:get/be insp

3、ired, try out。 3. 学习策略目标: 交际策略:如何表达意图获取信息的策略:通过导入讨论和阅读听力设问,对听力内容进行预测,有的放矢的捕捉所需信息。 4. 情感态度目标:体会英语诗歌的节奏美、韵律美,提升学好英语的信心。 5. 文化意识目标:通过观看中文诗歌的英译版“Ode to Heroes”,引导学生体会诗歌的相通性,向为了和平而捐躯的英雄们致敬。四、教学过程Step 1 Warming-up (5 minutes) (1) Poem appreciation Row your boat (2minutes) Play the video, then ask students

4、 to answer: what is the form of this poem. (2) Find out the rhyming words and read the nursery rhyme (3 minutes) After listening, find out the rhyming words and read the nursery rhyme or sing it if possible. Pay attention to its rhythm.设计意图 复习之前学习的英语诗歌形式和赏析要点,调动课堂气氛,激发学习兴趣。Step 2 Lead-in (10 minutes

5、) (1) Discussion (5 minutes) Ask students to discuss the following questions in groups about their experience of writing poetry.What might inspire you to write poetry? In what kind of place do you like to write poetry?This discussion gives a context for the listening, prepare them for what they will

6、 hear and will help them understand the listening more easily. (2) Watch a video Ode to Heroes (5 minutes) After students discussion, the teacher can show an example of what might inspire people to write poetry. This example poem is also a song 英雄赞歌, which is adopted from the famous Chinese film Her

7、oic Sons and Daughters (英雄儿女). The writer got inspired to write this poem after he heard the touching story. The main character, Wang Cheng, who chose to sacrifice himself to save other comrades in the battlefield. Wang Cheng finally died for peace, which everyone should be grateful for so that we c

8、an live in a country without wars. Lets show our respect to the heroes who died for peace.By watching this video, students can appreciate the same poem written in Chinese and English with its rhyme, rhythm. 设计意图 通过讨论,为接下来的听力练习做预热。 Step 3 Listening exercise 1(20 minutes) The listening is a conversati

9、on between a teacher, Miss Jiang and three of her students about a poetry competition. The students talk about when they are going to write their poems and how they become inspired to write poetry. Their discussion illustrates the function of intention. (1) Listen to Part 1 Ask students to read the

10、questions first and pay attention to the key words “who” and “when” before listening, then listen for the answers. Play Part 1 twice so that students can have a better understanding, then check answers. Suggested answers: 1. Lucy 2. Pitt 3. Jack 4. the 24th of this month (2) Listen to part 2 Exercis

11、e 3 asks more detailed questions. Ask students to listen carefully and take notes. Students can complete the chart in pairs. Play Part 2 twice so that students can understand and write down the necessary information.Suggested answers:NameHow they are inspired to write poetryJackby going for a hike i

12、n the countryside and then sitting quietly by himselfLucyby surrounding herself with familiar things in her own housePittpossibly by listening to his favourite music though he has never written poetry before (3) Listen to Part 1 and 2This time students are listening for a different kind of detail. T

13、hey must listen for the expressions listed in Exercise 4. These sentences model ways of expressing intention.Play the tape for students to identify the expressions. It may be necessary to play the tape more than once. Have individual students read the sentences out loud to the class. Check answers b

14、y playing the tape and stopping when one of the expressions is read.Suggested answers:Im not going to enter a poem this year.I havent begun mine yet but I plan to do it this weekend.How will you inspire yourself this weekend?I intend to go for a hike in the countryside and sit quietly somewhere by m

15、yself.I think Ill try out his way too some time.Ive never tried it with poetry before but Im going to try it tonight.And now Im looking forward to reading all your poems.设计意图 通过练习,训练学生在听力中预测信息、获取信息的能力。让学生展示自己的答案,来表明他们对听力内容的理解程度,以此提升他们的自信心。 Step 4 Showtime (4 minutes) The teacher chose some good poems by students and displays them on the screen. Let students read their own works out and loud. In this way students can get more confidence in


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