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1、六年级下学期短文填空专题练习1.(do visit carry were tired mend was busy cleaned washed) Yesterday _ Sunday, but the children were very _.They _some old people in their town. They helped these people _ housework. Mary _ clothes for Grandma Wu. Li lei _ Grandpa Dongs room. Tom helped Mr. Lin _ his TV. Jim and Liu Do

2、ng helped Mrs. Lin _ some heavy boxes. In the evening, they were very _, but they _ very happy. 2.(swimming, tall, lake, during, cooked , over ,busy, mend had, went)Miss Wu _ to Guangzhou _ the summer holiday. She saw some _ buildings in the city. Last week, she was very _.She _ lunch for her family

3、. She helped grandma _her shirt. She went _ with her cousins. She fished in the _. The summer holiday was _.She _ a good time.3. had, is , writes, with, live, see, were wrote, want aboutIt is five oclock now. Jim is writing a letter .He usually _ letters to his friends and tells them_ his life in Ch

4、ina. Last Sunday, Jim _ a good time. Lin Tao went to the park _ him. There _ a lot of people in the park. They saw many boats. Jim didnt _ to go in a boat. So they went for a little walk. Jim _ in his letter,“We _ near the city. There _ a big zoo in the city. Next month, we are going to _ the pandas

5、 in the zoo.”4.(study visited has for last keep from grades borrow big) I _ Dong Fan Primary School _ year. The school is a _ one. There are six _ . There are five classes in every grade. And it _ thirty-five classrooms. There is a big library in it. The students can_ books _ the library. They can _

6、the book _ three weeks. They can _ in it ,too.5.(happy angry sad dirty came way himself laughed wanted jumped) Tom was very _ because he wore(穿着)a new shirt yesterday morning. But on his _ home from school, he _ to catch the dog, and _ into the water near the road, and his new shirt was very _.He wa

7、s very _.But his classmates _him. When he _ home, his mother was _.then she asked Tom wash the new shirt by_.6.(on here says doesnt cinema home stops sitting stands down)It is Sunday. Joan _ go to school. But she is not at _.She now _ on a bus. She is going to the _ .An old woman gets _ the bus. Joa

8、n_ up and says to her,“Come and sit _ ,please.”The old woman goes over and sits _ .she says,“Thanks you very much, dear little girl.”The bus _ near the cinema. Joan _ good bye to the old woman and gets off the bus. The old woman smiles(微笑) and waves(打招呼) to her.7.homework mall friend bought busy tir

9、ed doctor made park tomorrow)My mother was very _ yesterday. At six thirty in the morning, she ran in the _. She went to the shopping _ at eight oclock. She _many food. Then she took my grandmother go to see the _ at ten oclock. At two thirty in the afternoon, she went to see a _.After than at four,

10、 she _ a dress herself for me, because the day after _ is my birthday, she did_ at five thirty. She was _ at night.8.wash study see clean be school mend have next helpHello, I am Betty. I_ at in No.1 Primary School. My father and mother are going to be very busy _ week. So, I am going to_ my parents

11、 _ the clothes on Monday. On Tuesday, I am going to_ my grandparents. I must _ the house on Wednesday. I _ to help my father wash his car on Thursday and _ the radio on Friday. I am going to _ busy after _ next week.9.(afraid went ran pointed said didnt saw help crying him) I am Sam. Last Monday, I

12、_ home after school in the afternoon. I _a little boy sitting in the street. He was _ , I went to ask _“What is your name, little boy?”He _ answer me. I said:“Dont be _,I can _ you .”Then he _:?“I cant find my mother.” I _ to the lady standing in the shop, said:?“Is that your mother?” The boy saw th

13、e lady and _ to her. The lady said to me:“Thank you.”10.(lazy ago together lived play work worked were was want)Long long _, there _ a little black dog. He _ in a little white house in the high hill.A cat and a monkey lived near his house.They _ good friends.They always _ and played _Every morning,the dog got up at six and went to _.The monkey also got op and went to work at six.But the cat was _.She got up late and didnt _ to work.So the dog and the monkey didnt _ _ with the cat any longer.11.(tired watching ill had read busy with played went borrowed) Sam was very


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