最新高中英语外研版选修6同步练习:module 1 第1课时introductionreading and vocabulary含答案

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《最新高中英语外研版选修6同步练习:module 1 第1课时introductionreading and vocabulary含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新高中英语外研版选修6同步练习:module 1 第1课时introductionreading and vocabulary含答案(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、最新教学资料外研版英语Module 1 第一课时.单词拼写1We have an i_ agreement to ride to school together.2Id like to take this o_ to thank everyone for their hard work on the project.3She greeted her neighbor with a n_.4There have been great a _ in medicine in the past 50 years.5She left the room quickly to a_being seen by

2、 her little daughter.6He laughed to cover his n_.7He needs money. In a_, he needs total devotion.8You look s_; is anything wrong?答案:1.informal2.opportunity3.nod 4.advances5.avoid6.nervousness7.addition8.serious.根据汉语提示完成句子1He _ (自信) passing the coming exam.2. _(由于缺乏) water, many countries are now in

3、trouble.3If you _ (感到紧张) your test, youd better go over your lesson.4You should make a plan for your travel _ (提前)5The film made me _(想起) the time I spent in my old village.6She is busy _ (准备) her coming interview.7She _(把目光从移开) her paper and smiled.8He is trying to _ (避免被捕) by the police.9Id like t

4、o _ (和交朋友) honest people.10The house is far away from my school; _ (除此之外), it is a little expensive.答案:1.is confident of2.For lack of3.are nervous about4.in advance5.think of6.preparing for7.looked away from8.avoid being caught9.make friends with10.in addition .语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的

5、正确形式。 【全国新课标卷题型】Last Monday morning, I was _1_ (cycle) along a street in the rush hour on my way to an interview_2_an important job. A yellow car passed by me and_3_(sudden) stopped. I had to brake my bike hard and of course, I_4_(fall). I was so angry that I stopped the driver and kept on_5_(shout)

6、 at him rudely._6_(unfortunate), I was in time for the interview. By chance, one of my_7_(interview), the manager of the company, was no other than the driver of the yellow car. Luckily, the manager was not angry with me_8_my rudeness. _9_, he offered me the job. So I said to everyone jokingly that

7、I could tell my manager_10_I thought of him.1_2._3._4._5._6_7._8._9._10._答案:1.cycling2.for3. suddenly4.fell5. shouting6.Fortunately7.interviewers8.for9.Instead10.what 【辽宁卷题型】A: Hello, Bobby, It seems that I_1_arrive at your home by 12 oclock.B: What happened? Were all expecting you, Hans, Dick, Arch

8、ie.A: Im so sorry, Ive been_2_(hold) up by the damn traffic jam for half_3_hour. Id_4_(arrive) but for that.B: I see._5_are you now, Li?A: Thirty meters ahead is the Waterloo Bridge.B: Its not far away from home, itslet me seeabout 20 minutes walk, Can you walk here? A: Ive thought of that, but what

9、 can I do_6_my car?_7_only I had taken a taxi! B: Thats too bad, but dont worry. Well put_8_dinner till one oclock.A: Im so_9_(terrible) sorry to keep you_10_(wait)B: It doesnt matter. Bye.A: Bye.1_2._3._4._5._6_7._8._9._10._答案:1.cant2.held3.an4.have arrived5.Where6.with7.If8.off9.terribly10.waiting

10、 .完形填空On a cold winter evening a man suffered a heart attack. After he was _1_ into the hospital, he asked the nurse to _2_ his daughter. He explained, “You see, I live alone and she is the only _3_ I have.” The nurse went and called the daughter. On getting the news, the mans daughter was quite _4_

11、 and shouted, “You cant let him die! You see, Dad and I had a terrible _5_ almost a year ago. I havent seen or spoken to him since. All these months Ive wanted to go to him for _6_. The last thing I said to him was I _7_ You!” The daughter cried and then said, “Im coming now. Ill be there in thirty

12、minutes.” The patients condition _8_ and the efforts of the medical team to revive (挽救) the patient were _9_. After the mans daughter arrived, she learned the sad news. The nurse then _10_ one of the doctors talking to the daughter outside the room. She could see _11_ in her face. The nurse _12_ the

13、 daughter aside and said,“Im sorry for your terrible _13_.”The daughter responded, “I _14_ hated him, you know. I really _15_ him all the while. Please let me go to see him.” The nurse escorted (陪伴) her to his room. The daughter went to the bed and _16_ her face and her _17_ tears in the sheets. The

14、 nurse _18_ not to look at this sad goodbye. But she could not help but _19_ a piece of paper on the bed table. The nurse picked up the paper and read it: “My dearest Barbara, I forgive you. I pray you will _20_ forgive me. I know that you love me. I love you, too. Daddy.” 父亲病入膏肓,并且在临死前请求护士给自己的女儿打个电话。女儿得知消息后立刻赶往医院,可是不幸的事情还是发生了。护士在父亲遗体旁无意中发现了一个纸条,上面写着:“我最亲爱的女儿,我原谅你,也乞求你能够原谅我,我知道你是爱我的,我也是爱你的”。1. A. allowed



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