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1、 公共英语等级(PETS)四级阅读理解练习(3)AThe most obvious difference between them is in their accent. Middle-class people use slightly varying kinds of “received pronunciation” which is the kind of English spoken by BBC announcers and taught to overseas pupils. Typical working-class people speak in many different l

2、ocal accents which are generally felt to be rather ugly and uneducated. One of the biggest barriers of social equality in England is the two-class education system. To have been to a so-called “public school” immediately marks you out as one of the middle class. The middle classes tend to live a mor

3、e formal life than working-class people, and are usually more cultured. Their midday meal is “lunch” and they have a rather formal evening meal called “dinner”, whereas the working mans dinner, if his working hours permit, is at midday, and his smaller, late-evening meal is called supper. As we have

4、 said, however, the class system is much less rigid than it was, and for a long time it has been government policy to reduce class distinctions. Working-class students very commonly receive a university education and enter the professions, and working-class incomes have grown so much recently that t

5、he distinctions between the two classes are becoming less and less clear. However, regardless of ones social status, certain standards of politeness are expected of everybody, and a well-bred person is polite to everyone he meets, and treats a labourer with the same respect he gives an important bus

6、inessman. Servility inspires both embarrassment and dislike. Even the word “sir”, except in school and in certain occupations (e.g. commerce, the army etc.) sounds too servile to be commonly used. 1. The middle class mainly refers to people .A. who were born as aristocratB. who have the right to sit

7、 in the House of LordsC. who speak in many different local accentsD. who are prosperous businessmen or who work in some professions 2. The most obvious difference between the working class and the middle class in English is their . A. dressB. workC. accentD. meal 3. Why isnt the word “sir” commonly

8、used in Britain? A. Because it sounds too servile and is likely to cause embarrassment.B. Because it can only be used in some certain occupations.C. Because it is an impolite word.D. Because it shows that the speaker is not a well-bred person. 4. The “upper class” in England today . A. are extremely

9、 small in number so that media pays no attention to themB. still uses old words like “Sir” in their everyday lifeC. includes the hereditary aristocracyD. refers only to the royal family 5. Which of the following is not true about the English class system? A. It is an embarrassing subject for English

10、 people.B. Working-class students cannot receive a university education.C. The class system is much less rigid than it was.D. The class system still exists below the surface. Vocabulary 1. convention n. 习俗2. embarrass v. 使困惑3. rigid adj. 严格4. hereditary adj. 世袭的5. manual adj. 体力的6. accent n. 口音7. received pronunciation adj. (英语的)标准发音8. well-bred adj. 有教养的9. servility n. 卑屈10. occupation n. 职业



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