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1、商业秘密保密协议合同Agreement on Confidential Business Information甲方:广州南侨油脂Party A: Guangzhou Nanchow Oil & Fat Co., Ltd.乙方:株式会社三浦事務所西安友科食品机械工程Party B: Business Corporation, Miura Firm Xian Youke Food Machinery Engineering Co., Ltd. 鉴于双方正在进行 200TPD半连续式精炼厂,100TPD中和,10T/Batch业务工程。双方就该工程的询价、实施以及合作过程中,向对方提供有关保密信息

2、,且该保密信息属提供方甲方合法所有。为明确乙方的保密义务,有效保护甲方的商业秘密,防止该商业秘密被公开披露或以任何形式泄露,甲乙双方本着平等、自愿、公平和老实信用的原那么签订本保密协议.WHEREAS,Both Parties parties are under way of 200TPD Semi-continuous Refinery, 100TPD neutralization, and 10T/Batch operational project (hereafter referred to as the “Project). Both parties hereby agree to p

3、rovide related confidential information during the inquiry, implementation and cooperation of the project. The information provider (Party A) shall reserve the legal procession rights of such confidential information. To define the confidentiality obligations of Party B, effectively protect the busi

4、ness secrets of Party A, prevent such business secrets from being publically released or disclosed by any means; , both Parties parties enter into this Agreement on Confidential Business Information (hereafter referred to as the “Agreement) , and in the principle of equality, voluntariness, fairness

5、 and good faith.1. 商业秘密1.Business Secret本合同提及的商业秘密,包括但不限于:技术方案、工程设计、电路设计、制造方法、配方、工艺流程、技术指标、计算机软件、数据库、研究开发记录、技术报告、检测报告、实验数据、试验结果、图纸、样品、样机、模型、模具、操作手册、技术文档、相关的函电,等等。Business secrets referred to in this Agreement shall include, but not limited to, technical solutions, engineering designs, circuit arrang

6、ementsdesign, manufacturing methods, formulates, technical processes, technical indicators, computer software, databases, R&D records, engineering reports, inspection reports, experimental data, test results, drawings, samples, model machines, models, moulds, operation manuals, technical documents a

7、nd, related correspondences, etc. 本合同提及的其他商业秘密,包括但不限于:客户名单、行销方案、采购资料、定价政策、财务资料、进货渠道,等等.Other business secrets referred to in this Agreement shall include, but not limited to, client lists, marketing planning, purchasing data, pricing policies, financial data, and purchase channels, etc. 2. 秘密来源2.Sou

8、rce of Secret 乙方从甲方获得的与工程有关或因工程产生的任何商业、营销、技术、运营数据或其他性质的资料,无论以何种形式或载于何种载体,无论在披露时是否以口头、图像或以书面方式说明其具有保密性。All business, marketing, technical, operation data or data of other natures related to or consequent to the Project received by Party B from Party A, no matter by what means or on what kind of carri

9、er, nor whether the confidentiality is stated by means of oral, image or written in the disclosing, are confidential. 甲方从乙方获得的与工程有关或因工程产生的任何商业、营销、技术、运营数据或其他性质的资料,无论以何种形式或载于何种载体,无论在披露时是否以口头、图像或以书面方式说明其具有保密性All business, marketing, technical, operation data or data of other natures related to or conse

10、quent to the Project received by Party A from Party B, no matter by what means or on what kind of carrier, nor whether the confidentiality is stated by means of oral, image or written in the disclosing, are confidential. 3. 保密义务3.Confidentiality Obligations对拥有方的商业秘密,接受方在此同意:The Recipient of business

11、 secrets processed by the holder Holder hereby agrees that: 1 严守机密,并采取所有保密措施和制度保护该秘密包括但不仅限于接受方为保护其自有商业秘密所采用的措施和制度;1. Strictly keep such confidential information, take all confidentiality measures and systems to protect such secrets (including but not limited to measures and systems adopted by the Re

12、cipient to protect business secrets of its own); 2 不泄露任何商业秘密给任何第三方;2.Never disclose such business secrets to any Third Party; 3 除用于履行与对方的合同之外,任何时候均不得利用该秘密;3.Never apply such business secrets under any circumstances other than implementing contracts with the other Party;4 不复制或通过反向工程使用该秘密。接受方应当与能接触该商业

13、秘密的员工、代理等签订一份保密协议,此协议的实质内容应与本协议相似。4.Never copy such business secrets nor apply in reverse engineering. The Recipient shall sign individual confidentiality agreements with staff, agents, etc. directly contacting such business secrets, with essential contents similar to this Agreement. 4. 例外约定4.Except

14、ions 商业秘密拥有方同意上述条款不适用于下述情形:The Holders of business secrets hereby agree that the said clauses shall not apply under the following circumstances: 1 该商业秘密已经或正在变成普通群众可以获取的资料;1.The business secret has been or is becoming data available for the general public;2 能书面证明接受方从拥有方收到技术资料之前已经熟知该资料;2It can be prov

15、ed in written form that dData has been acquainted by the Recipient before the reception of such data from the Holder;3 由第三方合法提供应他的资料;3Data provided legally by a Third Party;4 未使用拥有方的技术资料,由接受方独立开发出来的技术。4Technology developed by the Recipient independently without reference of technical data provided by the Holder. 5. 返还信息5.Return of Information任何时候,只要收到商业秘密拥有方的书面要求,接受方应立即归还全部商业秘密资料和文件,包含该商业秘密资料的媒体及其任何或全部复印件或摘要。如果该技术资料属于不能归还的形式、或已经复制或转录到其他资料或载体中,那么应删除。The Recipient shall, at any time on receiving written request from the Holder, return all data and docume



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