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1、外语下载中心 http:/ 英语作文常见典型语法错误归纳 写作技巧:教你如何写出地道的英语句子在表达方面,初学者常见差错中最为典型的是写汉语式英语,即不符合英语表达习惯的句子。出现汉语式英语的原因往往表现在两个方面,一个是把具有某个汉语释义的英语单词用在英语句子中不恰当的地方,即写错某些词语的意思、搭配或位置;另一个是按汉语思维的顺序去排列英语句子,自造表达方法。请看下列例句:1.During the holiday, I learned to wrap dumplings.2.My grandpa sees the gate for a factory.3.She received the

2、first place in the singing competition.4.Under the teachers help I worked out the difficult problem.5.In the afternoon, I played table-tennis with Xiao Ming and I always won him.6.The man dresses a black coat.7.The policeman caught the thiefs arm.8.I very like English.9.He wastes sleep and forgets m

3、eals when he studies.10.Our Chinese teacher bites his words and sentences when he speaks.在以上的句子中,例句1至8属于第一种错误。其中,第1至4例句是把英语单词的一个汉语释义生硬地放在了英语句子中。1. 汉语中的“包饺子”是指从无到有地把饺子做出来,制做过程是“包”;而英语的wrap是指把现有的东西包起来,只有“包”这个意思,没有制做的意思。所以例句1中的wrap应该改为make.2. 例句2中“看门”的“看”是“看守”的意思,并不是一直用眼睛盯着看。所以应该把sees改为keeps或guards.3.

4、例句3中的receive是指“得到”具体的物件,不是抽象的名次。获得什么名次要说成get/take/win theplace.4. 例句4是要说“在老师的帮助下,我解出了那道难题”,其实前半句是指“借助于老师的帮助”的意思,应该把under改为with.5. 例句5是用错了英语单词的搭配。本句中的won只能用运动项目或活动作宾语,不能是人。要说“赢了某人”应该说成beat sb.。 例句6至8不符合英语的表达习惯。6. 第6句中的dress不能在其后直接跟衣服名称,其常见的结构是“dress sb. in+衣服名称”。所以本句应该改为:The man dresses himself in a

5、black coat.英语中要说“抓住某人的胳膊”,句型应该是catch sb. by the arm .7. 例句7应该改为:The policeman caught the thief by the arm.需要注意的其他常用动词结构还有cost sb. sth.,hit sb. in the face等。8. 例句8中very是副词,但习惯上只用来修饰形容词或其他副词,不用来修饰动词。修饰动词要用very much,而且常置于句末。汉语句子中某些词语出现在某一位置,在英语句子中表示同一个意思的词语不一定也在那个位置上。所以一定要注意英汉句子词序的差别。写错词序也是一种典型的错误。再如要说

6、“我对他很熟悉”,英语应该是I know him very well.而不是I very well know him. 通过对以上各个例句的分析,不难看出,要学好用英语表达,必须先学好英语单词的确切含义、词语搭配、习惯用法以及英语句子的词序。其中动词是最主要的。另外,还要特别注意英语的代词和冠词的使用。9. 例句9、10犯了第二种错误,这两个句子的黑体部分分别要表达汉语成语“废寝忘食”和“咬文嚼字”。两个句子本来应该是:He forgets to eat and sleep when he studies.和Our Chinese teacher pays too much attention

7、 to wording when he speaks.但根据汉语硬套英语,结果不伦不类。初学写短文时,总是跃跃欲试,想什么就打算写什么,这种积极性是好的。但一定要从现有表达能力的实际出发,尽量不去表达复杂的意思。有时不得不表达复杂些的意思时,在不改变原意的前提下,首先要避难就易,绕道而行之,即把复杂的意思用类似的简单意思表达;其次可以化整为零,分解表达,把复杂的意思用几个简单的句子表达出来。初学写作不要使用自己拿不准的词汇,多使用常见的词语,灵活运用已学过的知识,表达明确的意义,从简单句子入手,不写没把握的句子,少写长句子,尽量避免试图表达比较复杂的思想内容。另外,短文不宜写得过长,要从简从短

8、练起。经常训练病句改错题,模仿范文,写英语日记等,都有助于练习英语短文写作。语言是评判作文的一个极其重要的因素。在实际的阅卷过程中,语法错误,尤其是较为严重的错误,是阅卷人员的主要“照顾点”,有时甚至是惟一的点;当然那样处理是有道理的,大家可以设想一下,一篇语法上漏洞百出、严重影响表达的作文又会有什么样的好内容呢?如果因为语言上的错误而导致失分,那将得不偿失。因此,认清各种各样的语法错误,尽可能地避免少犯,对于提高作文分是有极大的帮助的。现将我们在阅卷过程中所发现的大量语言错误逐一归类,抽出其中的典型错误,以警示大家,供参考。1.句子成分残缺不全We always working till l

9、ate at night before taking exams。(误)We are always working /We always work till late at night before taking exams(正)We should read books may be useful to us. (误)We should read books which may be useful to us. (正)2.句子成分多余This test is end, but there is another test is waiting for you. (误)One test ends,

10、 but another is waiting for you. (正)The driver of the red car was died on the spot. (误)The driver of the red car died on the spot. (正)3.主谓不一致Someone/Somebody think that reading should be selective. (误)Some think that reading should be selective. (正)My sister go to the cinema at least once a week. (误

11、)My sister goes to the cinema at least once a week. (正)4.动词时态、语态的误用I was walking along the road, and there are not so many cars on the street. (误)I was walking along the road and there were not so many vehicles on the street. (正)We have little time to read some books which we interest. (误)We have li

12、ttle time to read some books in which we are interested. (正)I am a student who has studying in the college for two years. (误)I have been studying in the college for two years(正)5.词类混淆It is my point that reading must be selectively. (误)In my opinion, reading must be selective. (正)Honest is so important for everyperson. (误)Honesty is so important for everyone. (正)The old man was hit by a car when he across the street. (误)The old man was hit by a car when he was crossing the street. (正)



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