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1、生存环境保护Representative 代表Outline 概述简述,Inquiry into 调查,查询Environmental problem 环境问题Coastline 海岸线Background 背景Demand 需求,要求Come to conclusions 得出结论Spark off 引发诱发Coastal region /zone 沿海地区Population shift 人口迁移,人口流动Put extreme pressure on 对。施加极度的压力Coastal environment 沿海环境Population growth 人口增长Non-metropolit

2、an area 非大都市地区Contribute to 导致Factor 因素Economic development 经济发展Aging population 年龄老人化的人口Growth in industry 工业增长Tourism 旅游业Associated industry 相关产业Government policy 政府政策Trend 趋势,趋向Estimate 估计,估算Additional 额外的,另加的,附加的Population expansion 人口膨胀Natural resources 自然资源Impose particular strains 施加特别的压力Urba

3、n sprawl or extension 城市的蔓延 或扩展Compete 竞争Resource 资源Intensive fish and shellfish farming industry 集约型的渔业和贝类捕捞业Severe stress 巨大的压力Water resources 水资源Water degradation 水质恶化Conclusion of the inquiry 调查的结论Profile 轮廓,概貌Conservation / conserve 保护,保存Adopt a national approach 采取全国性的政策Decision making 做出决策Ind

4、ividual department 单个部门Local government body 地方政府机构Central government 中央政府Coordination on a nationwide level 全国范围内的协调与合作Achieve workable , effective results 获得可行的、有效的结果Involve 设计卷入包括All levels of government 各级政府Imperative 迫切的Summarize 归纳,总结Recommendation 推荐The long view prevails over the short 立足长远而

5、不要目光短浅Broad considerations predominate over narrow 考虑周全而不片面Techniques of modern management 现代管理技术Modern Economics 现代经济学Affect 影响Decision 决策Consult 征询(意见)干旱与水资源Water resources 水资源Shortage 缺乏,缺少Safe 安全的Reliable 可靠的Pure 纯净的Air pollution 空气污染Washing 洗涤Drinking 喝,饮用Rain water 雨水Underground water 地下水Natur

6、al problems 自然灾害Dryness 干旱Aridity 干旱Challenging of Australias natural problems 澳大利亚自然灾害的挑战Have a good understanding of the subject 对这个问题有很好的理解Precious resource 宝贵的资源Wise management is of the greatest importance 有效的管理是最重要的Dry continent 干涸的大陆Second only to Antarctica in its lack of rainfall 降水量的缺乏仅次于南

7、极洲Long hours of hot sunshine 长时间的阳光照射Searing winds 灼热的风Evaporation 蒸发,挥发Approximately 大约Probably 很可能Compared with/in comparison with 与相比较Africa 非洲North America 北美洲A very hot and dry place 又热又干燥的地方Standing water/dams/puddles 储蓄水/水坝/水坑Dry up rapidly 迅速的干涸Barely penetrates the soil 几乎没有渗透到土壤中The moistu

8、re is absorbed by thirsty plants 水分被干涸的植物全吸收到了Rainwater seeps quickly 雨水迅速渗透Sandy soil 沙土Rock 岩石Underground lake / subterranean lake 地下湖Pumped to the surface 抽水到地面Tapped water 自来水Extensive underground water resources 丰富的地下水资源Australias land area 澳大利亚内陆地区Salty 咸的,有盐的Human consumption 人体消耗Irrigation o

9、f crops 灌溉庄稼Inland farmer 内陆农民Watering their animals 让动物喝水Underground water 地下水Flow very large distances 流过很长的距离Underground reservoir 地下水库Bubble to the surface as springs 泉水冒出地面Rare sources of permanent water 稀缺的永久性水资源Inland Australia 澳大利亚内陆Pioneer 拓荒者,先驱Survival 生存,幸存Remarkably 显著地Dams regulate riv

10、er flows around the country 大坝控制全国河流的方向Store water for a variety of functions 蓄水用于各种功能Rural irrigation of crops 农用灌溉The regulation of flooding 治理洪水Harness 利用(自然力)产生能源Force of gravity 重力Generation of electricity 发电Do further study 做更深入地研究Handout 讲义或者宣传单References on the subject 课题参考书A case study o fa

11、n outback farm 内陆农场的个案研究Go into the details about 详细探讨国际互联网技术教育Teaching facilities 教学设备Multimedia 多媒体Web database 网络数据库Web-based courses 网络课程Educational software 教学软件,教育性软件Educational programme/ game 教育性节目,教育性游戏 Programming 编程Netizen 网民Network 网络Website 网址On-line services 网上服务Surfer 上网的人Monitor 监视器V

12、irus 病毒Virtual classroom 虚拟课堂Software 软件Hardware 硬件Compact disco CD 光盘Computer hacker 电脑黑客Computer mouse 电脑鼠标Information superhighway 信息高速公路WWW( World Wide Web) 万维网The number of surfers 网上人数Meet ones demands 满足某人的要求Steady growth 稳步增长Meet international standards 达到国际标准Related services 相关服务Production/

13、manufacturing process 生产过程Quality control 质量监控Effective quality control system 有效的质量监控系统Amount to 等于,达到Inspection of the finished product 成品检测Main drawback 主要缺陷“after the act “ 事后行动Large-scale manufacturer 大型制造商Ongoing process 进行过程Advantage 优势Considerable 大量的Cut wastage 减少浪费Save time 节省时间Defective item 有缺陷的产品Detect a fault 检测瑕疵At the component stage 在零件阶段Raw materials 天然原料Sub-stan



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