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1、哈尔滨市第六中学202-202X学年度上学期期末考试高三英语试题第一部分:单项选择(共20小题,每题.5分,共30分)1. Mike haprepared caefull fothe exm, ott e uld urf pasng ton his fir_. attentionB.prpo. ttmpD deir2.Chinas rih iilizat _ the woldwh a hayurse at te oening ceremony of the 202Olympic ame A.shoedB. tractedC. pesned.peformed3 H rid to oayithou

2、t ben otced by e teach, but luk _ him.A. went tB.wet againtC.wet longD. wtovr4 he o t t din party didnt see _. It was no wrth te money. A. ivitn aainC. encouaingD.diapointing5. -You daughte loks o hin. -s, shes so _ ut hath eat. A particulaB. spcia. espeilD iel6.Hweer uc money you hae, it ca _ a alt

3、hy body. A. copareB. earnC.deeatD. mach7.He_ nto the habtf sking atthe ag of1. A fome. felC. entD cae. The contrt guantesou _ the damag by fie or fl. A.aanst.bC. ihDfr9. My son 0ars birhday isdrawngner, I decidedto _ copter to ive him a a gift.A. borrowB. endC.rchseD hir1.Jhn _ Joan at lstfr ten yer

4、s A. s aidBhas mriedthC. hs gotmarried oDhas ben marie to o studets li pp muscwhile it alittle _ for me A.interest appealC.fuD. afect. -We dnthave enough dictinries. What wuldyou liet ugget -Ho aboutfur of s _e . hareB.to sharC.sharingD.hare13.I prefe flt n Hrbin to _ n Bejing,becauseI want to live

5、near mmoms. A. oneB. hatC. iD this14 Th farm nsideed meashis od friend and reaede _ sme od te.A. aB. frC.toD.on1.Thpy _ of childrenplang in te gaen disappeas, t is qitagai. A. soB view.sceneryD. scene16r is a cmo beief amongthem_ ruih can shoud be put tgod us AwhihB.atC.whetherD. that17. The by re w

6、as t ave his ow labatory_totry o some o hisown ides. . rom hich.in whch. by whichD.atc18.Fathr_ forLodn on busines upo my ariva, s idnt see m A. haslB. leftChd let was leavingts_ wol wde, _ wrld whr anthing an happn A.a;aB ; teC. th; D. te; a -d you remeber totake th ky to Tom -Y,I gav it to i _I sa

7、wi. wilB. onC. suddenly t first time第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节:(共小题;每小题2分,满分3分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(,,C,D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂上.When Cres Strttonws ve, h tped growing. Hs otherok hmto ee thfamos shma, . T. Brnu.Mr Barnumtougt asmallper ould be pectition oi show. He hire harls parentsaon wihim, and the trav

8、led the d toether.H ae h two-foot-tallCharles aname, GeneraTo Thum Hetugt T how to sg, dc, act dell joks. Whene lt Tom was eady to peform on sage, h made updsTo str up greatinerest,he s that Tom was eeven years ol ndhacme fm landDrin th sh, Tomouh batte peteddy wih al pe.He alsodane upona woden plte

9、 eldby esn ows eight fee al.Tms act was y popular nd rogh nlot f mne. he ime Tom was aadlt, h ha gwnvey rih.H d becm a biionare he ageo twenyfivFrtunatly orT, MrBanum added mor litte peopet hsshow,n Tomame luky nloeas wll. neo e little people wasaviniaare, a schooltacher m was able wher loe, ndthey

10、marrid.The eremny and recepo wrthe althtown.Thewre atteed b many rc ad amu pope anby about 22X gus. rowds flled stets of ew or o hve o at ther tny ddig marriae.The couple even met whPesident Abrham Lncol on heir hoeyoon just befrgn t iv in Tms ousein Cnnectu.hirweig, wictok plc durinte CiiWa, provid

11、d a wecome escape fo the sa rolms o war Not willng to ltsto sunshinfade, ommuniies throuhot he ounr sponsor Tom Thumb wedigs. In the edig, mall ys n rls, all dred u, went hroghmarg crmonyforun.21The unerled wors l of th tn ens_.A. it as i theewarB. it as temospopula toic. people spedbad ros abut itD. isssedin a city meetin2Which one of the ollowin stateen is teaordg o thetex. Ca moer ook im to se efamo


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