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1、静态图范文赏析The graph below shows radio and television audiences throughout the day in 1992. Sample Answer第一段The graph shows the percentage of the UK population over the age of four years old that listened to the radio and watched television throughout the day in 1992. 第二段The number of TV audiences incre

2、ased rapidly from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. At 8:00, it reached its first highest point at nearly 30%. Then, for the rest of the day, the number dropped gradually, with a slight increase around 3:00 p.m. After that, the number of TV audiences rose sharply until 8:00 p.m., peaking nearly at 50%. From th

3、en, the number fell rapidly until around 4:00 a.m. next morning. 第三段Unlike television, there was a slight increase in the number of radio audiences from about 3% at 6:00 a.m. to about 7% at 8:00 a.m. From 8:00 a.m. to about 10:00 a.m., it remained almost stable. From then on, the number dropped slig

4、ht at first and then rose steadily till about 1:00 p.m., peaking at 16%. Then it dropped gradually until 4:00 a.m. next morning. 第四段Around 1:00 p.m., the number of people listening to the radio was nearly equal to that of people watching TV. However, for the rest of the day, much more UK audiences c

5、hose to watch TV rather than listen to the radio. As a whole, throughout the whole day, the average number of TV audiences was larger than that of the radio. 范文2 烤鸭经验谈:自从4月3日首次参加IELTS考试后,经过两周漫长而痛苦的煎熬后,在拿到成绩时,非常非常地惊喜:因为刚达到入学要求,并且写作竟然7分(虽然这并不是高分,但对于一个未接受过高中和大学英语且工作五年多的我来说,是何等的欣慰)从这备考的两个多月来,上BBS成了每天必修课

6、,从考完试后就上得较少了,但每天都习惯性地打开BBS,看着熟悉的页面,分享烤鸭一族为人生目标而努力拼搏的精彩一刻! 我相信绝大多数朋友的英语基础绝对要比我好,我把我的一些备考资料与经历与大家分享,希望能对大家有所帮助。Task 1 主要是图表题For example The diagram below shows the distribution of men of womenin key profession in Malaysia in 1970. Para 1 :开头一段,一般写两句:第一句先改写题目;第二句写图的总体趋势。 The diagram 建议不要改,直接照抄,“below舍去

7、,因为你写在答题纸上。“show” 可与“indicate、illustrate,present”互换,注意单复数,是否加“-s”。 另外开始就改句子中另外的关键字,如“distribution”改为“disparity”,“men”-“males”,“women”-“females”在改写题目时需注意,不要每个单词都变换,注意用词是否恰当,变换句序,让考官感觉你看懂了文章,并用自己的话将它复述。 第一段第一句如下 “The diagram indicates the distribution of males and females in 11 key professions in Mala

8、ysia in the year of 1970.” 第二句,是讲总体趋势。可以使用套句“It is apparent to note,from the diagram,that.”.or.“From the diagram,we have the following general trend that .”第一段第二句如下 “From the diagram,we have the following general trend that males dominated the great majority of the 11 key professions with the expect

9、ation of nurses and midwives” 第二段,使用连词,如:first of all,to start with,etc 另外需记住使用“in terms of”第二段 “First of all,in terms of males domination in key professions in Malaysia in 1970,the percentage of over 90% was related to law,accounting,scicence and economy professions,as opposed to females less than 10%.” 略,一般一个图描写一段,注意使用时态,一般都为过去时,且在描述时,要适当的数字,不用太精确,主要考察你的描绘能力,我在考试中,水的使用率,三个国家的使用率在“60%70%,80%”我就写了平均在“70%”左右,数字需要但不一定要很精确,关键是要有总体趋势,可比性。



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