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1、2012届高三英语同步复习 (第一轮) Words and Expressions Book 11、与不同 A be different from B=A differ from B2、说出A和B的不同 tell the difference between A and B=tell A from B3、对有一定的影响 make a / the difference to = have an effect / influence on4、A与B类似 A be similar to B 5、对很兴奋 be excited about sth6、对很热情 be enthusiastic about

2、 (doing) sth7、在中受欢迎 be popular with / among sb8、对很友好 be friendly with / to sb9、对很严格 be strict in sth. with sb10、对厌倦 be bored with = be fed up with= be tired of=be sick of11、对很失望 be disappointed in sb/ with sth12、对有积极的态度 have /take a positive attitude toward / to sth13、表现出严肃礼貌的举止behave in a serious a

3、nd polite manner14、向解释 explain sth to sb15、向介绍 introduce.to.16、取得(大的)进步 make (great) progress (in sth)17、听从某人的指令 follow ones instructions18、阅读机器的使用说明 read the directions(/instructions)ofthe machine19、换句话说 in other words20、其实 in fact =as a matter of fact = actually21、完全不是 nothing like22、结果 as a resul

4、t = as a consequence23、被划分成 be divided / separated into24、尊敬 have / show respect for25、A对B印象深刻 A be impressed by/with B= B make /leave an impression on A26、让某人铭记某事 impress sth on sb27、宁愿做.would rather do than do = prefer to do.rather than do = prefer doing .to doing.28、.是礼貌/不礼貌的 Its good/bad manners

5、 to do.29、占地面积为cover an area of.30、够支付花费 cover the expenses(/costs)31、盼望、期待 look forward to32、参加 take part in33、玩的开心,过得愉快 have fun34、远非 far from35、在远处 in the distance36、在远的距离 at/from a distance of 37、提到,涉及;指的是;参照refer to38、把称作 refer toas39、简称 be short for40、短缺 be in short supply41、对有好处 be good for42

6、、作为交换in exchange for43、始终 all the time44、对比 compare A with B45、比喻成 compare A to B46、上涨 go up47、偿还 pay back48、付清、还清 pay off49、在.有专长 be expert in / at50、不再 not any more51、供给某人某物provide sth for sb/ provide sb with sthsupply sb with sth/ supply sth to sboffer sth to sb/ offer sb sth52、把.和.配对 match A wit

7、h B53、上车 get on54、下车 get off55、(新闻或消息)传开get around / about56、使被理解get sth across57、小心 look out (for)58、在海边 by the seaside59、过时 out of date60、谋生 make a living61、挣钱 make / earn money62、看似:看起来 look like63、在空中;悬而未决 in the air64、在广播中/停止广播be on / off the air65、通过法律 pass a law66、第一次 for the first time67、从.生

8、存下来 survive from68、脱下;起飞;开始成功;休息 take off69、占用(时间、空间)take up70、通过(法律);通过(考试);接通电话;度过(时光);吃完,用完,做完 get through71、确定;确信;查明;确保 make sure72、适用于;情况同样如此 be true of73、睡着 fall asleep74、俩个,一双;几个 a couple of 75、以.为豪 be proud of76、应该 be supposed to do77、以.速度at a speed of 78、达到.速度reach a speed of79、建立;张贴,悬挂;留宿;

9、提出 put up80、忍受;容忍 put up with81、到目前为止 till now / so far82、从.中摆脱 get away from83、负担不起做某事 cant afford to do sth84、与.保持联系keep in contact with=keep in touch with85、许多;大量 a great many=a number of86、例如 for example87、平均 on average88、轮流 by turns=in turn89、发生化学反应 react with90、对.做出反应 react to91、把.摆放整齐 put.in

10、order92、指出错误 point out mistakes93、以.形式存在 exist as94、保持平衡 keep ones balance95、失去平衡 lose ones balance96、与.相比 compared with97、想出 come up with98、查明,弄清楚 find out99、增加 add to=increase100、把A和B相加 add A to B101、加起来 add up102、总共 add up to103、考虑 think about104、想起 think of105、想出一个借口 think up(/invent) an excuse1

11、06、被.填满 be filled with=be full of107、由.组成 consist of =be made up of= be composed of 108、作为.知名 be known as 109、因.而著名 be known for110、把.瞄准,对准 aim. at.111、通过因特网 via the Internet112、在底部 at the bottom of113、从那时起 from that moment on=from then on114、填表 fill in(/out)a form115、做实验 do/carry out/perform/conduc

12、t + an experiment116、过去常常 used to do117、以形式 in the form of118、预计 be expected to do119、某人观点 in ones opinion120、登陆计算机系统 log on/log in121、退出计算机系统 log off/log out122、聚精会神 concentrate on=focus on123、点击文件 click on files124、(系统)崩溃,计划失败 break down125、下降 go down126、同意某人 agree with sb127、同意做某事 agree to do sth

13、128对的态度 an attitude to/towards129、包起来 wrap up130、获取信息 access information131、可利用,可进入 have access to sth132、犹豫(/做)某事 hesitate about (/to do) sth133、一系列 a series of134、我非常感激Id appreciate it if135、从心底里,由衷的 from the bottom of ones heart136、出故障,次序颠倒 out of order137、订货 place an order138、轮流做某事 take turns to do sth= take turns at doing sth139、也 as well140、请求许可ask for permission141、hear sb out 142、a matter of143、a good knowledge of1



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