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1、Book 2 M4模块检测一:Filling the blanks with suitable words1. Last Sunday he caught two rabbits. One is dead and the other is a_.2. This building was d_ in the war, and it was rebuilt in 1950.3. I like t_ Chinese art using brush and ink.4. Do you know his likes and d_?5. His father is one of the greatest

2、c_ painters in China.6. Our school has a_ a new teaching method.7. Qi Baishi o_ the world of nature very carefully, and his paintings are special because of this.8. She often paints horses in a very u_ way.9. She remembered Lucy as beautiful, charming and absolutely d_.10. The ministry had direct co

3、ntrol over every a _of foreign trade.11. Xu Beihong believed that artists should show r_, but not just i_ it.12. I cant s_ people dropping litter.13. The army a_ to fight their way out.14. Laughter is one of the most infectious e_ of emotion.15. He didnt r_ his mistake until I told him.16. Our child

4、rens different needs and learning s_ created many problems.17. Fire and police crews rushed to the s_, but the couple were already dead.18. They started to mend the woodwork and p _the walls.二. Key Phrases1. 对厌烦 11. 无法忍受做某事2. 喜欢,喜爱 12. 在最佳/鼎盛期3. 从可以看出 13. 被认为是4. 推迟,延期 14. 与此同时5. 轮流 15. 实现梦想6. 一系列的 1

5、6. 对疯狂/着迷7. 旨在做某事,打算做某事 17. 继续做某事8. 一直,总是 18. 盼望9. 对产生兴趣 19. 能够做某事10. 成功地做某事 20. 充满活力,充满生机三:知识聚焦1. adopt/adapt 1) The old couple decided to _ a boy and a girl though they had three of their own.2) We should _ his advice that we must _ ourselves to new manners and customs.3) 他努力的去适应当地的风俗。2. consider

6、1) We consider him _ our friend2) We always consider the people_ our true friends .我们认为这些人是真正朋友。3) He is considering _(study) aboard. 他在考虑出国留学.4) He is considering_( change) his job. 他在考虑调换一下工作5)I am considering _ (work out ) this problem .他在考虑如何算出这道题.6) I consider_ _ to work with you.我觉得和你在一起工作很快乐。

7、7) I consider _ _ _ _ English well .我认为学好英语很重要.3. aim1) I aimed at_ (hit) the door but hit the window. 我瞄准门却打中了窗户。2) I aimed to_ (hit) the door but hit the window. 我瞄准门却打中了窗户。3) _(我们的学习目标) is to improve our ability . 4. be/get tired of1)The _ _ made me _. 这件令人厌倦的工作使我感到疲倦。2)Mr. Smith, _(tire) of the

8、_(bore) speech, started to read a novel. 3) He is _(worry) about his _(worry) son.4) 走了那么长的路他累了。5) 每天早餐吃同样的食物,我们感到厌倦了。5. live, living, alive, lively1) Many people are still buried _after the earthquake. 2) The basketball game comes to you _ from Houston.3) Young children are usually _.4) All _ thing

9、s need water, air and sunlight.6. observe1) 她注意到一个人在路对面走着。She _ _ _ _ on the opposite side of the road.2) 我看见他拿走了你的钢笔。I observed him _.3) 几乎所有在海外的中国人仍然遵守我们的传统习俗。7. put短语1)Well have to _ going on vacation until you are better.2) They decided to _ their differences.3) I dont know how you _ their const

10、ant quarreling.4) They_their tents and settled down for the night.5) She _some cogent reasons for abandoning the plan.四、根据所给汉语完成句子1. 毕加索被认为是20世纪最伟大的艺术家之一。Picasso one of the of the 20th century. 2. 他吃厌了煮鸡蛋。He boiled eggs. 3. 他不能忍受在酷暑中连续工作好几个小时。He in the extreme heat for .4. 你能辨别出英国英语和美国英语的区别吗?Can you

11、 British English and American English?5. 他们因为下雨而把野餐推迟了。They the picnic the rain.6.我的父母喜欢去美术展览馆并且经常带我去,因此培养了我在美术方面的兴趣。My parents going to art galleries and often take me with them, so Ive in art. 7他许诺带我去参观美术展览馆。He to take me the art gallery. 8. What you dream of will _ _ _ (变为现实) if you take pains to do what you are doing.9. 他在最聪明的时候依然是个迟钝的家伙。_ _ _ hes still a rather dull fellow.10. 他们不得不轮流观察病人。They had to _ _ to watch the patient.11. 你对这个最新的计划有何看法?What do you _ _ the latest idea?12. (二十世纪八十年代中期), he went to college (十八岁) and graduated (二十刚出头).五:单句改错1. Many foreigner


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