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1、2016年职业院校技能大赛中职组酒店服务赛项客房中式铺床项目英语口试参考题库Part one 句子:中译英:1. 如果您希望您的房间过一会儿清扫,请打电话给前台。译:If youd like to have your room cleaned later, please call the front desk.2. 先生,请让我为您介绍一下房间设施。译:Let me introduce the room to you, sir.3. 在房间上网是免费的。译:We offer free internet service in the room.4. 除非有人要求,一般来说,我们总是先打扫走客房。

2、译:We always clean the check-out rooms first, unless there is a request.5. 对不起,先生。您再等20分钟可以吗?译:Im sorry, sir. But could you wait another 20 minutes, please?6. 对不起,请问有没有要洗的衣服?译:Excuse me, do you need laundry service?7. 我们随时为您服务。译:We are always at your service.8. 如果您需要帮助,请拨9到客房中心。译:If you need any help

3、, you may call the Service Center by dialing 9.9. 我们总是尽力按要求尽早打扫房间。译:We always try to have rooms made up early on request.10. 客房电视可以接收中央台和地方电视台节目。译:The TV set in the room can receive the China Central Television and local TV programs.11. 酒店客房均设有个人密码保险箱,用于存放您的贵重物品。译:The guestroom has safety box with p

4、ersonal password to store the valuables.12. 房间里有小冰箱。译:There is a mini-bar in the room.13. 详细情况可以在服务手册中查到。译:For detailed information, please refer to the service directory.14. 酒店为客人提供免费的擦鞋服务。译:The hotel provides free shoe shining service for the guests.15. 我会在5分钟内将电源适配器给您送去。译:I will deliver the adapt

5、er to your room in 5 minutes.16. 离开房间时请记得带房卡。译:Please take the room card with you when you leave the room.17. 您能送一个婴儿床到1215房间来吗?译:Could you send a baby cot to Room 1215?18. 先生,您什么时候比较方便?译:What time would it be convenient for me to come back, sir?19. 您希望我什么时候过来打扫房间?译:When would you like me to clean y

6、our room?20. 这件毛衣要用冷水手洗。译:Id like this sweater washed by hand in cold water, please.21. 你替我要一辆出租车好吗?译:Could you get a taxi for me, please? 22. 您希望什么时候把衣服给您送回来?译:When would you like your laundry back?23. 请让我看一下您的房卡好吗?译:Could you show me your room card, please?24. 这是我们酒店的规定。希望您能理解。译:This is our hotel

7、policy. I hope you can understand.25. 请问您要快洗服务还是普通服务?译:Would you like express service or standard service?26. 我想多要一床毛毯和两只枕头可以吗?译:Can I have one more blanket and two more pillows, please?27. 我们这里有不同种类的服务,如水洗、干洗、烫、染和缝补。译:We have different services here such as laundry, dry-cleaning, ironing, dyeing an

8、d mending.28. 卫生间的香皂用完了,请再给我添一块新的,好吗?译:The soap in the toilet has been used. Will you please give me a new one?29. 把要洗的衣服放在卫生间的塑料袋里就行了。每天早晨整理完床铺后我会把洗衣袋带走的。译:Just put your laundry in the plastic bag in the bathroom. Ill collect it after I make the bed every morning.30. 这是2139房间。请送一个电熨斗。译:This is Room

9、 2139. Can you send me an iron, please?31. 我们饭店提供24小时客房送餐服务。译:Room service is available 24 hours a day.32. 请您填写洗衣单,好吗?译:Could you fill in/out the laundry form, please?33. 我是送餐服务员,这是您的早餐。译:This is Room Service. Ive brought you the breakfast.34. 您能提供一些关于您丢失物品的信息吗?译:Could you give us some information a

10、bout your lost item?35. 水龙头整晚都在漏水。译:The tap has been leaking all night long. 36. 3206房间的电视机坏了,请派人来修理一下。 译:The TV in Room 3206 isnt working. Please send someone to fix/repair it.37. 这里是失物招领处。我们找到了您的手机。译:This is Lost and Found. We have found your cell phone.38. 我会通知维修部和客房服务员。译:I will inform the Mainte

11、nance Department and the Housekeeping.39. 史密斯先生不在房间,您需要留言吗? 译:Im afraid Mr. Smith is not in the room now. Would you like to leave a message?40. 别担心,我会通知夜班人员,他会为您做的。译:Dont worry. Ill inform the overnight staff. Theyll do it for you.英译中:1. We provide our customers with a variety of services such as cu

12、rrency exchange, food and beverage, laundry, mail, etc.译:我们向顾客提供货币兑换、餐饮、洗衣、函件等多项服务。2. Your room number is 3611. Follow me please. 译:您的房号是3611。我带您过去。3. Please contact us if you have any problems, sir. Well do our best to help you.译:先生,有什么问题请与我们联系。我们会尽力给予帮助。4. The room is at the end of the corridor. 译

13、:房间在走廊的尽头。5. The pillowcases are dirty; could you change them for us?译:枕套脏了,请您换一下好吗?6. If a guest wants his room done at some specific time, he can hang the sign outside on the doorknob.译:如果客人要求在特定的时间整理房间,他可以把标记牌挂在门外的把手上。7. The guestrooms are equipped with mini bar to offer you a variety of drinks.

14、Please sign the wine list after you drink.译:酒店客房设有迷你酒吧,为您提供多款饮品,请您饮用后在酒水单上签字。8. When will I have my laundry back?译:我什么时候能取回送洗的衣服?9. Heres your room. May I put your luggage/baggage here?译:这是您的房间。我把您的行李放这里好吗?10. Youve got three pieces of luggage/baggage. Is that right, sir?译:先生,您一共有三件行李,是吗?11. Excuse

15、me, could you return the printer because another guest wants to use it.译:请把打印机还给我们好吗?有一个客人要用。12. Is there a tag attached to the luggage/baggage?译:行李上面有标签吗?13. Theres a 10% discount for a double room.译:大床间可以打九折。14. Ill send them up to your room, just one moment, please. 译:我马上把东西送到您的房间,请稍等。15. I would like to store my laptop in your safety box. 译:我想把我的笔记本电脑存在饭店的保险柜里。16. Could you remove the stain on my skirt, please? 译:您能把我裙子上的污点洗掉吗?17. We will refund the cost of the laundry. You may buy a new sweater and give us the receipt.译:我们可以退还洗衣费。您可以



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